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PAGE 12 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, November 27th. 194 YN BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN SUare and can can of CHURCHILL VOICE NORSE GIRLS TRAIN NEGRO TROOPS RECOGNITION OF REPAIRING GUES ROUND THE IN SCOTS CASTLE POPULAR IN THE FRENCH RAVAGES OF WORLD More than a thousand NorweENGLAND COMMITTEE JAPANESE INVASIO gian women representing every section of Norway national life Ramming Hitler racial The British Government has OF THE SOLOMON When Mr. Churchill come on have escaped to Britain since premacy down his throat on to transacted day to day busiress the air he is also heard live the Germans overran their coun. day front line of action, Negro with the new Committee ever con a worldwide coverage, dr local try. in 1940. They have come troops have completed a year of since its inception; thus recogni. As the Japanese conditions being good, He is overland via neutral states, or shuttling bombs to United Nation gives formal definition and from the Solomon Islands pre broadcast live by the three across the North Sea in small tions Fortresses working formal effect to a situation that tectorate, British Colonial big American companies, and fishing boats or even on British double shifts to level British has already to some extent exis. cials are putting into pra: dater re broadcast in full, at ap. warships. after commando ralds. farmland into bases for more ted in practice. The Prime Minis development plans drawn up propria e times for lister. ers, in All have only one aim to carry bombers. Quartermaster units ter statement of June to fore the war and now amer American, Pacific and Eastern on the fight for the eventual rushing supplies, gasoline and Parliament will be recalled. Then to meet the new situation cre: transmissions.
liberation of their country. Some bombs to air fields on split second he said: The formation of this by the Japanese invasion.
The European Service plugs of them with some particular schedules literally boost the air. Committee with its collective each area is re occupied, the the Prime Minister in translation, training or craft at their finger. craft into the sky and send them responsibility supersedes the sitive communities are being hel to give salient passages a tips fitted easily enough into war off to pulverise war Industries in tuation created by corresponden to reorganize themselves. PI few minutes after he spoke jobs. But many of them were Germany and occupied territo ce between DeGaulle and my are being worked out for them. The Portuguese 1940.
section without any professional training ries. At the same time, engineer self in Our dealings, establishment of native COE sive, a sull translation while the and it was for these women that aviation troops are laying the financial and otherwise, will and for the extension of edy substance of what he said sis the Norwegian Government laun. groundwork for future raids. henceforward be with the Com. tional facilities. An Agriculti plugged in bulletins for the ched a scheme whereby they Thousands of tons of concrete mittee as a whole. British com officer is touring the most ser areas to next twenty four hours.
could get instruction not only in stretch into mile long runways munications are being made inly devastated 11 Germans get four very some particular form of work on what a few months ago was the name of His Majesty Go up the work of replanting tuli sunmaries, and the French which would fit them for service, British wood and farmland. Co. vernment in the United Kingdom efforts are being made to die two.
a alone. The Dominion ver new crops but also, in the English language loured troops are a part, and Govern which in the Protectorat wo separate bulletins in other and in the customs of the country. vital part of our team said Major ments will be making similar grow for which markets are likely languages contain full reports into which they had come to General Ira Eaker, now sta. communications of their own, of the speech, while the Latin work.
tioned in Britain, in a but they, too, may well vary the be available after the war.
American Service, in both Spa From this embryo the Kvinne. recent statement on the outstand wording in order to meet their grave result of the Japanese nish and Portuguese 0! that korps, the Norwegian Women ing service of the coloured special requirements.
vasion was the interruption continent, give the the medical work in the So important, Auxiliary Corps, began to take Quartermaster Corps. Were it There are technical reasons mons. campaign which parts in the next news Sulletins shape, and soon, the great Scot not for the long hours of work why any American communica and follow these with translated tish castle which they had taken and efficiency of these units he tion to the French Committee of promised to bring the most valent disease verbatim extracts in the news over was hardly big enough to went on our bombs would not. yaws. un talks periods. All other foreign house all the activities on which reach our airdromes on time and National Liberation should final control was interrupted. be language broadcasts give siwliar they were engaged. Women have consequently would not be deli. cast in different form. These there have been some fresh condensed translations. Mr. been trained as nurses for Nor. vered in Germany.
arise from the fact that the Brit breaks. Government and Miss Churchill has to be summarisedwegian hospitals and convalescenti The soldiers work in double ish Government recognised the personnel are touring the affec so that transmitters be homes. Courses have been given shifts from o clock in the former French National Commit areas and giving injections; United States authorities are switched over punctually for the in ambulance and truck driving, morning to 11 o clock at night. tee and concluded formal agree: programme. Important as this is office, kitchen mess and canteen When Flying Fortresses passments with it, while the ing great help in supplying It is especially so in the Euro staffs have been trained. These overhead on their way to pound Government did not. The British many drugs as possible.
pean Service, which caters for particular courses have been Germany, men working on run formula has to take account the expectant listeners in enemy supplemented by drill, camoufla. ways and hangars stop work this fact.
and occupied countries, hidden ge, map reading and eventually momentarily. They watch the in cellars and attics with muf. full army training to fit them great craft move through the AIRPOWER BRIDGES TRACKING OF fled radio sets.
for the Norske Kvinnekorps, the clouds, then return to their tasks The Prime AIRCRAFT Minister broad. Women Auxiliary Corps which with renewed vigour. All ATLANTIC casts are given at certain pre. forms part of the Royal Norwe eager to bring closer the day arranged places, to which wires gian Army, for the Marinens when similar craft will take off The Royal Observer Corps are ready laid, and the micro Kvinnekorps, which serves with on their airdrome. In actions as Four years ago when the war been called the eyes and ears phones, two of them. are the Royal Norwegian Navy and well as looks these troops have broke out the Atlantic crossing the and this is brought along at the last moment for the newly formed Norske brought credit to their uniform was still sensational news. For literally true than a mere cat At least two land lines are used, Kvinnekorps Flygevàapnet, which When a quartermaster unit was all practical purposes the only phrase. There seems to be a wi as a safeguard against bombing serves with the Royal Norwegian moved recently from one English means of communication between spread idea or accident, and usually that radiolocat three Air Force.
community, many residents Great Britain and the recordings are made in separate wrote letters to the commanding American continent was stul by but this is sheer nonsense. Be North has deprived the corps of Its u places. one on film and two EUROPE MARCHES officer expressing regrets that ship across three thousand miles re the advent of modern app: on discs. Posterity will be able the soldiers would no longer be of ocean.
to hear what Mr. Churchill said with them. Everyone says the tus the depended e It was small wonder that Hit rely upon Royal Observer Co in the war against Nazism. Danish Journalist writing in same one resident wrote they re ter counted on boat warfare information, by eye and ear, the Swedish paper Lektyr, gives sorry the boys have gone. We to break most vital life line in the approach of hostile airer a description of the miss them very way in much.
They the world. But he did not foresee Since radiolocation arrived SAYINGS which the fifth column in Den kept the area clean and they that the British Commonwealth chinery and the human senses mark communicate with the Al. were always cheerful and smil. would survive the worst boat observers form two o lies and sabotage the war effort ing. We miss them singing in attacks, to string across the wide plementary parts of a vital whe can imagine now the many of the German occupying power: the evening. Others wrote They Atlantie another lifeline air working in the closest harmo Scotsmen fighting so very gal The Royal Air Force. he wri were a quiet, civil, well behaved power. recent Admiralty and senior officer on lantly abroad who are thinking tes, is to a great extent kept in body of men, especially loved by Air Ministry communique told staff of the busiest fighter grc perhaps longingly, of the fami formed by secret radio transmis the children to whom they were how a valuable convoy had cros. during the Battle of Britain 14 liar breakfasts at home, which sions of Danish deliveries of more than generous. We were sed the Atlantic without interfe. enthusiastically declared consisted of a good bowl of por goods ito Germany, of movements indeed sorry when they went. rence from powerful forces of that epic was won on O, ridge. Let us all eat more excel of German troops in Denmark, boats: Close air was information alone. and thou lent home products. and German fortifications along THE COMMON AIM provided during the initial stage this is probably stretching Queen.
the coast and inlets. The fol.
of the passage by Hudson, Venpoint, he was not so far wide We pledge to our allies great lowing is a typical example of From now onwards our capa. tura, Liberator and Catalina air: the mark as might be imagine and small, our confidence and efficient secret service work in city to exploit favourable situa craft of the Royal Canadian Air our good faith. We ask nothing Denmark.
tions and secure the fullest pos.
Force Eastern Air Command, Throughout the length better than to work with them At the beginning of 1943 asible aid from our Allies inside and during the final stage by breadth of the kingdom the to rid the world of the scourge German steamer with a cargo of Nazi Europe will become in.
Liberator, Sunderland and Hall. are 500 carefully sited obser that has torn and tortured two about 1, 000 head of cattle desti creasingly important. They cons fax aircraft of the Royal Air posts, each manned every mi generations in our own time, so ned for a port on the German titute vital factors in the consi. Force Coastal Command. The mid te of the 24 hours by two hig!
that freedom, tolerance and Baltíc coast slipped out of the deration of what operations the Atlantic air gap between the ex. trained observers, whose charity can live again. Mr. harbour at dusk. Two hours la Anglo American armies treme escorting ranges of these ficiency is kept at a constan Anthony Eden.
ter the sirens sounded their plain and should undertake during the shore based aircraft was bridged high level by periodical tes The first two years after the tive warning just over the coming months.
by Swordfish and Martlet air. Their recognition both by war are bound to be a time of house where we lived in Copen British and American leaders craft from the escort carrier and ear has come to be astoni: great stringency on the food hagen, and detonations were are as anxious as the Russians ARCHER.
ingly accurate; for they have front. British agriculture will heard in the far distance. Spit to bring the European struggle plenty of practice since tho have to remain fully mobilised fires with the help of flares had to an end at the earliest possible tions in the days ahead are to early days of the war, when after hostilities have ceased for located the steamer, which was moment. They have a better idea go forward with all possible ex Me 109 on the table in the cent a period likely to be counted in bombed while still in the Sound. than our Russian Allies of the pedition and the hour of Germa. occasionally became a crow as years. Minister of Agricul. We heard later that it sank im problems and delays involved inny surrender is not to be need result of subsequent investig ture.
mediately with all hands. amphibian operations. Our opera. lessly postponed: sion.
ODNOST are cover could Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Fifth ColumnGermanyHitlerInvasionNational LiberationNazism

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