
This New Eating and Refreshing Spxt ct DeWitt Pills quickly relieve JOINT PAINS as five HITHER AND THITHER RAF. BOMBINGS KILL FORTY THOUSAND IN We learns tha the MetroBERLIN CAFE HOLNESS dist Day School will have its Cornier 2nd Avenue ard 7th. Street closing programme on the directly in front the Football Ground.
night of Friday the 17th, ins tant. Very presentable items Further information e huge total of forty thousand, re said to be in preparation: leased regarding the bonn while it is said from 200. 000. is now at the Public Service As a means of aiding hte bordment recently effected to 400, 000 are homeless.
the efforts to prepare a treat by the Air Ferce In their efforts to demi COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD for the children of the school againts Berlin places the nate the fire, which ois AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREME ON OUR BILLBOARD.
a small entrance fee will be number of persons who lost tinued for lengthened pel KU requested.
their lives in the city at theriods after the attacks hrd taken place and cleaf the It has been announced jeet fr the purpose of electCOMPLETES PRIMARY EDUCATION WITH streets of the depris the that a meeting will be held ing the Administrative Perthorities had to resort to in the Teatro Arrasty of this sonnel. All agriculturists of MARKED DISTINCTION the services of a large nam city, tomorrow morning com the zone are requested to be ber of the prisoners of war; mencing at nine o cloock in attendance in order to Master Guillermo Sinclair So terrible has the des sponsored by the leaders of assist in the selection of the Rodriguez reached his thirtruction been ihat we are the Cacao Co operation pro Management.
teenth birth anniversary on tola one may was alung the 29th. of the recently the streets for half an hour passed month, and four days at a time without seeing prior to that commemoratisingle house intact. The disve date, the was numbered tricts most affected by among the students of the raids are without the use of General Tomas Guardia either electricity Cr gas, School of this city who had while the thoroughfares, completed their primary which we are assured can no education. He did so with longer be called streets, were distinctive honours, and adcovered with the failen na ded thereto with a brillant sinry and carbonized wood recitation, based on GoodStrong streams or water also bye to the scholars and it. It is our sincere hope that flow along them as the result School on the occasion of he will rise yet much higher of the broken service pipes Joint pains and backache the closing programme gi as he wends his way through In many places large fissuwarn you that your kidneys ven in the auditorium on the life. He is the grandson of res, some as deep are out of order. They are night of the 26th. ultimo It our much regarded citizens meters, were to be seen getting sluggish and allowwas then publicly mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ro The doomed city suricred ing impurities and poisons that young Guillermo had driguez.
to escape from the bloodHis sixth grade further leavy damages on the stream and lodge in the they actualiy tone up and strengthen effected a somewhat phen teacher was don Antonio night of the 2and instany muscles and joints.
the kidneys. You get evidence of ominal accomplishment in Gutierrez to whom is due a when wore than 1, 000 planes These poisons (especially excess the direct action of De Witt aric acid) may bring on painful Pills within 24 hours of taking the his early scholastic career. great percentage of con again effected a raid.
The rheumatic swellings if they are not first dose. This gives positive proof Guillermo had apparently gratulation for the indi victims were reporten nume.
quiclely cleared ont of the system. that a wonderful internal antiseptic The way to tackle the trouble is to is getting to work at the very root set himself a mark regard vidual as also the collec rous. The attackers lost 30 go at once to the root cause the of your trouble in the kidneys ing his primary education, ſtive accomplishments of the machines accordin, to a Nafinhealthy condition of your kidneys. themselves.
De Witt Pills are specially pre Once your kidneys are restored to he aimed high and reached students of the grade.
zi report pared to correct kidney disorders, healthy activity, those joint pains, That why they have proved such rheumatic twinges and depressing an effective treatment for Joint packaches vanish completely. And CONGRATULATIONS ce adds its quota of congras Pains, Rheumatism and Backache. because the cause of your trouble De Witt Pills not only clear away has been removed you can expect tulations to those already clogging impurities and poisons more than temporary relief.
Among those who have re Hospital, she was highly com tendered her.
cently come among us is mended for her befitting de Under the sponsorship of Miss Amy Rogers, a daughter portment, her quiet and the Young People Missioof our much esteemed and efficient services in the nary Volunteer Society, assowid y known citizens, Mr. wards and operating thea ciated with the local Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, umbago, Joint and Mrs. John Rogres. tre, as we as for all the venth Day Adventist DentPaise and all forms of Kidney Trouble. Of all chemists and storekeepers.
Miss Rogers left Costa Ri virtues she so nobly exhibited mination, a very pleasing ca ten year ago for Jamaica, while there, function toow place in the where she attended the SeOur highly regarded young School Hall das Tuesday PLAN SORTEO EXTRAORDINARIO venth Day Adventist Colle citizen is here on vacation, evening when Miss Rogers 19 DICIEMBRE 1943 ge at Mandeville for a fev but we are hoping she will was extended the personal Emisión de 27, 000 billetes divididos en vigésimos, numerados years in furtherance of her find it possible to give her greetings del 1001 al 28, 000, a 50. 00 el número y 50 cada vigésimo of the Society gene al education. On com homeland the benefit of her personnel and other, under!
Valor en Premios: 850, 550. 00 pleting her studies at of training In the the haders hip of Mrs. Lydia Premio Mayor de 200, 000 00 educacional center she under meantime, The Atlantic Vesi Rogers and Elder Farroll Segundo Premio de 100, 000 00 were course of training at Premio de 25, 000 00 the public General Hospital Premio de 10, 000 10 Premios de 5, 000 00 cada uno 50, 000 00 in tcity of Kingston, where Premios de 2, 000 00 cada uno 12, 000 00 she e cured a Cetificate for 20 Premios de 1, 000 00 cada uno 30, 000 00 Gen. al Nursing and was re31 Premios de 500 00 cada uno 15, 500 00 tained on the Staff of the 83 Premios de 200 00 cada uno 16, 600 00 in ution Still aspiring, Miss All high grade material for Construction 10 Aproximaciones al Premio Mayor de 500. 00 of buildings etc. just received cada uno )5 anteriores y posteriores. subsequently took a 5, 000 00 10 Aproximaciones al segundo premio, de C200. 00 CO3 at the Jubilee or cada uno (5 anteriores y posteriores)
2, 000 00 Large quantities of groove and torgue Ma erity Institute conduc99 Aproximaciones las tres primeras cifras del tely the Government in Laurel Flooring and Sidings Primer Premio, de 100. 00 cada una 9, 900 00 the same city and after Cedar Boards of all dimentions 999 Aproximaciones a las dos primeras cifras del segundo premio, de 100, 00 cada una. 99, 900. 00 su ssful y gassing the pres cred examination was PRICES AMAZINGLY REDUCED 26. Terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del Priremer Premio, de 200, 00 cada una 5, 200 00 gistered as a qualified obs 243 Terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del Pritetve for Island wide service.
GAMEZ LUMBER YARD mer Premio, de 150, 00 cadauna 36, 450 00 2430 Terminaciones a la última cifra del Primer Send off function 4th. Sheet toward Northen Machine Shops de 100. 00 cada una 243, 000 00 gis her by the doctors, disLIMON 3971 Premios Valor. 850, 550 00 pensors and nurses of the DeWitts Pills KIDNEY AND BLADDER that years FLASH. FLASH Ar At a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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