
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4TH. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE WANTED RAILS of 15, 18 or 20 pounds Limón Trading Company in good condition PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Advise quantity, price and where may be inspected to Apartado 54 Limón, Dried Ipecac Root RUBBER Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra THIRTY YEARS OF WEDDED LIFE With an apology to Emer, occasion of the celebration son we quote the following. of the Pearl anniversary Well of the marriage of Mr. and the most noble virtue, our joys make double and of our very highly esteemed into halves divide our tro citizens.
ubles. This great truth was Throughout the lengthmuch in evidence during ened period of thirty years the interchange of felicitous they have girded each other expressions on the unique in this checkered life and obviously met all opposing chosen friendshin: Mrs. William Daysley, two REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES TEATRO MODERNO factors with united strength. Lunes Dic. tual understanding, while AQUELLA NOCHE EN walking always in he sight RIO of their Blessed. Master, to Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. ing number, The end of a of appreciation and joy by con Carmen Miranda whom they bowed in grate Messam, Mr. and Mrs. perfect day, brought for the host and hostess. May, Martes de Dic.
fulness and praise in the St. Splatt, Mesdames Gayle, ward the melodies of Mr. their lives be spared to ens EL CISNE NEGRO anniversaA. Heron, Henry, Ed. and Mrs. Gray. Highly win, joy many more Mark Church on the evencon Tyronne Power ing of Thursday the 25th. wards, Shaw. Mc Lean, some were the expressions ries.
Miércoles de die.
Ellen Calder, the Misses ultimo, the commemorative AUN BRILLA EL SOL date. With a touch of real and Calder, Blake and In Cherished Never Fading Memory con Ruddy MoDowall christian fellowship, the Dawkins. Messrs. Cor: The frist sad anniversary came on Thursday Jueves de dic.
Rev. James Evans, the niffe, James, Barton, the 2nd. of the present month when our hearts SECUESTRO Rector, invoked the conti Hall, Earle, Barnett SENSACIONAL were pierced anew ythe lamentable death of nued favour and love of and Lesterence. Beffitting our beloved daughter and sister Viernes 10 de Dic.
God, through Christ, upon eulogies poured from every SECUESTRO Catechist Daysley and his participant in forms of adGWENDOLINE GRANT de PRICE SENSACIONAL wife.
dresses and songs. The clos(December 2nd. 1942)
con Luis Sandrini Sábado 11 de Dic.
In the later evening hours, As she walked before the Lord in the land of the EL CARTERO NO LLEGO the scene was changed to living and Strength, Obedience, Honour and Service were con Richard Travis their attractive residence SE COMPRA HIERRO DE SE her garments, we have the blessed assurance she has found rest in Christ.
Domingo 12 de Dic.
on the knoll, where sey GUNDA mano, con poco uso. EL PENON DE LAS eral hours were passed at Almacén, Tomás Fernández.
Parents Brother Sister ANIMAS the richly spread feast table.
con Jorge Negrete y. The Rev. and Mrs. Evans SAN JOSE Maria Félix were ՊԱՍ among the particiப pants. On assuming his duA VERY UNPOPULAR DEMONSTRATION CABINET AND THE ORIENTAL BARBER UNDERTAK ING SHOP. Specializes in mak ties as Master of Ceremo The First Division Foot lightning Jupiters, they.
SHOP ing and repairing furniture and nies, Mr. Jos Thomas re ball Teams, who are taking nevertheless, came to the every other branch of wood quested the Rector tº solicit part in the present Season front with a tail. end del Motive Power Club in 3rd.
Located in front former work. Coffins always tocked divino grace upon the event. competitive fixtures, came monstration.
Seerus before going elsewhere Avenue is the new parlour Other guests included Mr. in line last. Sunday for the Jupiter had earned two Prices moderate 4th Street, and Mrs. Gray, Mr. and start of the second half of goals during the first half of the only Oriental Barentrance to Games, Lumber Mrs. Brotherton, Mr and the tournament. The stand time against a nil for Mexir ber Shop in this city. All sa Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Manager.
Mrs. Barrett, Mr. anding of the teams at the close co. The tables nitary arrangements. Bar were com: ber with years of practice Lunes Dic: Mrs. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. of the first half were as pletely turned, however, in all classes of the Hair follows Barcelona, four after the much Cutting Art. trial will The kids you see around with the smart looking Hair Cuts matches played all won; greater vigor was visible in convince the most fastidious.
that fit the little scalps, have all been done at Dixon Bar: Jupiter, two matches won Mexico squadron, and in LIONEL MONDOLL ber Shop West of the City Market.
and two lost; Gimnastica the exchange of punches and Limon Junior also won they gained a single.
Proprietor Anoooor two games and lost two other came shortly after, CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING each. Mexico was unfortu when the ball struck the nately, Shut out.
overhead bar before enterEvery man wants to be charming with a guarantee Lenind FRESCARIA that. See Clifford Steele first before purchasing your suit The Jupiters and Mexi ing the reservation. The rehe has a novel 1943 exhibit way, of treating with his present cos were slated to commen feree, Frank Jackson, was and prospective Clients.
MAYO ce the second lap. It would, summoned and after exami.
BEST FIT. BEST MATERIAL. BEST naturally, be expected that ning, the disputed position 25 Miles The Abaca Center WORKMANSHIP Jupiter would make every of the ball, he ruled the Fresh and pure Frescos of all effort to add another point point had been legitimately kinds prepared to meet cold or Meals Sand REASONABLE PRICES to the tyo, already earned; earned. As the decision did warm Season.
We manufacture Caps of all Designs but their opponents, noth not meet the approval of wiches and other Eats cooked withstanding their inferior the Jupiters it produced a with rich flavour, Here the honALL PATRONS ASSURED PLEASANT playing position, were apo mos unpopular display sewives can buy fruits of all sort DEALINGS parently bent on earning when one of their players also a large variety of Excelsior Tailor one for themselves. Though seized the ball and walked vegetables from Cartago CLIFFORD STEELE at the outset, there was no off the playground, thus WATSON. HAPPY GO, Front of British Pharmacy. Limón evidence of their being suf abruptly terminathing the LUCKY WILL ALWAYS ficiently strong to stop the game.
SATISFY YOUR TASTE OQRA recess Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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