
1. N: THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE Editor: JOS THOMAS YEAR LIMON, MARCH 24th. 1945 Truth is not often welcomed for its own sake.
It is generally unpleasing, because of being conP. BOX 199 trary to our desires; and as our attention naturally follows our intersts, we are unwilling to hear what NO 460 we are afraid to know.
scene On ALLIED ARMIES EFFECT BRILLIANT VICTORIES ON ALL THE WEEK OF SACRED COMMEMORATION DOHA ATLANSKOSA BATTLE FRONTS ZAGREB The advices reaching us, in the region SW of the Oder Throughout almost all Christendom there is a at this time, from the battle Biesenhower to launch his at and only fifty kilonieters of looking forward to the Week of Sacred Commezones of the Worlci wara tack against the Valley of Berlin.
Europe, disclose more and the Rhur. Germany si at Ludwigshafen, Germany moration. which commences on Monday next the greater victories by the for industrial center. great war production cen26th, instant and during which our minds will be ces of the Allied Nations or The hour for the final was entered last Wednesday refreshed in connection with sufferings and death all the fronts.
sault against Berlin alde fast by troops of General Pattor of Him who died on the Cross of Calvary, nearly The Third Nortin American approaches, as the troops vij army, who have since the two thousand years ago Army, under comand of Ge Marshal Zhukov having sti: 13th. instant captured a to No Christian can, during this commemorative neral Pattoon have definitely ed Altdamm which was the tal of 275 towns and disperiod, reasonably divorce his or her thoughts destroyed the German dar exterior defence of the poru From early last Wednesdey from the Five Libations associated with the sacred ence systems and virtually of Stettin, and those of Maruntil the following moring, dominate, it is said the stru shal Vassilevsky the importe 7000 Allied planes scattered History, particularly the Fifth, which recalls the tegic and fortified aren bet ant position of Braunsber:destruction over Germany ignominious death of the Son of Man, His burial ween the Rhine, the Moselle the final assault against Stet and seriously castigated the and descent into the place of the departed spirits, and the Saar, and are expret in proceeds and this beaten Nazis on their flight and His eventual friumph over the Grave, on Eased to shortly establish con capture, the offensiva from the battle of the Rhine, ter Morn.
tact with the Seventh my, gainst Berlin will proceed. where a late advice declare None can also fully contemplate the who are attacking in the Russian troops are said to they suffered casualties to a Saar territory. Both armies have increased their activity total of nearly 100. 000 men.
of the God man journey to Calvary without thinkhave captured an unusually ing of the Fourth Libation, which repre ents Simon large number of imourtant JAPAN DEALT ONE OF THE WAR of Cyrene, who assisted with the carrying of the places.
Cross an dfell a martyr to his faith.
In a more northerl, direc HEAVIEST BLOWS If never before, bay we, during this solemn tion the forces under GeneOn Monday of the present ral Hodges have greatly in leaves Japon wit season, appreciate to the full our Blesed Redeeproved their position in the week, Jopan was dealt ore of airplane carrier for defence mer earthly pilgrimage which came to a close an region of the Rhine and are the heaviest blows of the war, purposes.
that greatest of all Fridays. We, too, are passing supposed to have carried os on that day units of the The final occupation of Mon through life pilgrimage, weary and almo ready their advance to the rear vi famed 58th Squadron cf the delay, Burma second city of to faint by the way, but anxiously looking forward cinity of Bonn.
North American fleet iaflict. importance, by the British to that osylum where we shall find perfect rest The last section of tre Seig led a further and more devas. troops, is officially announced from all our labours. May we all, during this comfreid Line, west of the Rinc, oring blow on the remnants The conquest of the Island of ing Holy Week. be strengthened to succes fully is stated to have beer brok of her once powerful navy. Iwo Jima by the North Ame.
en in six distinet points a few Penetrating Japan territorican troops, is also stated.
face life warfare, with its vanities and deceits, days ago. The battle of the rial waters of the inner sea Forces under the command its trials and tribulations and be possessed of that Rhine has cost the Germa: s, between the Islands of Hons of General Mc Arthur have faith which will lead us safely over the stygian it is stated, seventy thoushu, Kyushu and Shikoku, also effected a landing on the region of Death to the peaceful abode of the and casualties, including the the North American Units strategic Island of Ponay, in Blessed.
killed and prisoners taken: koku, the North American the Philippines.
the remainder of the two ar niand of Admiral Spruance, mies, who flee in disorder, blocked the entrance of the The serial attacks on the BERLIN THREATENED WITH EPIDEMICS AND are being heavily castigated waters and gave battle, which industridl centers of lapan by large squadrons of Allied resulted in the sinking of from proceed with devasting results.
FOOD SHORTAGE air units.
15 to 17 of their ships of war British submarines are reThese outstanding succes on well as the destruction of ported to have sunk a total of Lost Sunday derial attack exceedingly critical, and this ses have opened the way, it neordly five hundred war plaz 274 Japanesse ships during the on Berlin is said to have caus has become worse by the pre.
is understood, for General nes. It is believed that this last eight months.
ed the deaths of 25, 000 persent hot weather.
sons and to have left more The searcity of food stuff than 50, 000 homeless. is also said to have reached a IGW The city, meantime, is sta criticdl degree. The absence ted to be threatened with se. lol electricity has compelled Change to rous epidemics as the result the authorities to provide en of the continuous bombard, ormous public kitchens, each nients. Thousands of the do capable of supplying ford for dies of the victims are still three thousand persons. Many lying inthe ruined buildings of these kitchens were destroy end las decomposition has set ed during the recent cir atto in the situation is regarded as Icks. 1 TE RAMESES BLENDED CIGARETTES MESES RAMESES NOTICE STEPHANO BROTHERS scientifically Blended CIGARETTE You ll Like it!
eos ON SALE EVERYWHER Lost at the Railway Station, Siquirres, on Tuesday the 13th. instant, a hand Bag which contained a bottle of medi cine, of much value.
PANTES Reward of FIFTY COLONES will be given the party who delivers the Bag and Medicine at the Agencia Principal de Policia, Moin.
MIGUEL GONZALEZ RIVAS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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