
Page ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 24th. March 1945 RO FOR SALE Limón Trading Company TWO VALUABLE CACAO FARMS AT PIUTA, LIMON PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR in production and with other fruit trees.
Located at Piuta. One measures, approxi.
mately, twelve hectareas and is duly inscribed in the Registry of Properties. The other measures about two hectareas.
For further information consult Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER ATTORNEY CARLOS SILVA 98 30 MISUR in his office opposite the Girls School.
For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele The People Tailor REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES LOS DOLORES DE CINTUKA DESAPARECEN THE PEOPLES HOUSE NO REASON FOR FEAR matter of business took ment. While there, one of us on Tuesday of the week in the coloured women verders course to the office of in the market, who had been Sergio Vindos, the Chief of summoned with respect to our city Sanitary Depart. information laid by one of the inspectors regarding the sale of an item of vegetocle cons.
dered unfit for human con farrption, was observed ascen DO YOUR SHOPPING AT ding the steps leading to the Doctor office in a rather frightened condition. She was assured by the Medico that none should experience any DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
fear, when called to his oftice, NOVELTIES AT FRICES TO PLEASE on ony watter of investiga.
YOU fon for the preservation and protection of Public Haalth Our popular Sanitary Chief further stated that his depart.
LIMON ment is being operated on the strictest principles of equity and service for all, regardless of cour, race, or other traits of projudice, and that he will be exceedingly pleased of all large circle of our you tand, highly enthused as a would willingly co operate and ger people are, we underscongequence of the cularid their minds of fear or lion, by Messi tiniicity.
Walters and Roel Rohnson, In this connection, we desire two of our esteemed and policy that the United Media pular young Limonense, oilasi ond Sanitary Department their classically design and of this city is functioning en o THOMPSON SUPPLY thrillingly worded invitation broad humanitarian platiem, for their Easter Dance on with the entire staff reody to AND WORKSHOP Saturday night. Apr: Toh. extend the greatest courtesy Everything in the mechani Pasa a la pág. DIEZ Lot all times to op.
cal line cane be made, re paired or supplied Assort. วแอudinba In อsn แอq37 Building cuando los riñones vuelver a la normalidad Si usted padece frecuentes dolores de cintura, es muy probable que sus dinones no funcionan bien.
Entre los órganos más atarea dos del organismo, están los rinones Action como filtros, encargados de eliminar de la sangre Las impurezas y venedos Los riñones de biles e inactivos no pueden realizar esta tarea en debida forma. Mientras do sean activados usted no podrá aliviar sus dolores sordos o agudos.
He aqui por que las Pidoras De Witt para los Riñones y la Vejiga son claboradas especialmente para que obren directamente sobre los riones. Por este motivo alivian los dolores de cintura desde las primeras dosis. Dentro de las 24 horas de haber empezado a tomarlas, la orina se tornar azulada. Esto demuestra que el ex na notable antiséptico libra los riñocelente antivéptico que contienen las nes de las impurezas y venenos que Pildoras De Witt ejerce su acción en los obstruyen. Pronto los riñones la propia raíz del mal: en los riñones vuelven a la formalidad. Los veTan pronto como llegan a los rito nenos e impurezas son eliminados de nes, los ingredientes medicinales de la sangre. Sus dolores en la cintura las Pildoras De Witt ejer en su o coyunturas desaparecerán.
Acción benéfica, aliviando la inflama Si usted padece dolores de cintora, ción, descongestionando y restable debe tratarlos en forma Combata ciendo el buen foncorraiento de directamente la causa verdadera del dichos órganos. Al mismo tiempo, mal, con lasJACK ORANE, SUCS.
los RIMCNES VASIGA DeWitt Especialmente recomendadas para Reumatismo Lumbago, Dolores en las WEEKLY SAILINGS Charges Reasonable. Precios Médicos NOTICE From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARBOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward the Municipal Bath. 14 ments of Beds, Springs and GRANT AND CRAWFORD NEW HARLEM BAR AND RESTUARANT Address all your Engineer ing Requirements to Para todos sus trabajos de ingeniería dirijase a ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT For particulars, see or cominunicate with BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents Post Office Box 144 or at their office on the lower floor of Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON ROIG Opens Day and Nigth. Clean and Cozy Reservation. Good Native and Foreign Liquore and experienced Mixers NI. Building, BOX 923 TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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