
SATURDAY 14th. July 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Pagina 11 or but a serie 01 sent Sa EXCELSIOR TAILOP sus bar erala men Wita sitio do VERY DISAPPOINTING SPECTACLE CONTINUATION OF ENGLISH PRIVATE SCHOCUS OFFICIALLY With a view, no doubt, of The third ond last engageAUTHORIZED providing one of those chon ment was sponsored by our gas which help to a good friends Messrs.
break Philip Many of our well known English, Evelyn Carnegie, Directress of th We learn that a similar authority monotonous existence, several Clarke and Chino Al yorodo private school teachers. affiliate St. Alban School, St. Mark xtended Major Lynch of the Tvation Army at an earlier date.
widely known and esteemed Their Hall was outstondingly with the National Educational Asso ciation, were, since the latter months citizens engaged during the decorated with enticing past month, the famed Cu rangements for the refreshing the past year, requested to fill baro orchestra of San Jose phose. The orchestra, which quest onaires WELL DRESSED MA NOFFERS sixteen to come to this city and serve consisted of instru: from the Minister of Public Education CHARM at three respective dances. mentalists ond the Salvadorehrongh the office of don Carlos Mo The first of these functions no at the metrophone, a Barrantes, the Inspector of Priva was DERE IS YOUR MOST UP TO THE MINUTE TAILORING was held in the Hall of the tops. The room rong with Colleges and Schools. The ESTABLISHMENT AND CAP DESIGNING AND FURNISHING HOUSE St. Mark Parish Rain, unfor charming music from the arly if the serie was submitted on the tunately, fell from early eve hour of seven until ofter ton, fourth of the recently passed month THE WELL KNOWN, WELL ESTABLISHED, and we sincerely congratulate the WELL EXPERIENCED ALL RELIABTE ning, and as the hours passed but not even a couple graced bere come the water came down in for the donce floor rincipals of the six educational ters wito have been authorized to con rena until beyond the mid While giving due considera inue their valuable work for the night hour. The fell, in consequence far be economic situation, it would intellectual and general adver. com CLIFFORD STEELE of our young people. We also tende low the numerical expectation scem as if there were other of the promoters.
motives underlying the ur heartfelt gratitude to do very nan Zamora Elizondo, the MinisteNew eituated in an improved and convenient building.
The second danee was at dissappointing spectacle In going to take the train and in coming from the train the Miramar Club, on the fol which, apart from the heavy Educaction, as well as to do am in your way lowing night; and having te financial loss to the promo Carlos Mora Barrantes, for the ve COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITISH gard to the popularity of that ters, must have provoked y effective interest they splass in the matter.
VCF. CONSTLATE AND AIRPLANE BOOKING OFFICE pleasure spot, and the impro much discomfort for the musi ved weather conditions, the cians who had been invited to The following is taken from thi promoters anticipated a very, our city. All should ever beor, Executive Decree released in bfficial Gazette.
successful out tur. Fote was in mind the golden rule do The President of the Republic On the morning of Mate knowledge of the official however again most unpropiunto others as you would hatious dame language augmented the ve them do to you.
ving seen the documents and day the 9th. instant hation presented to the Secretary ci joutune granted us the plea cordiality. He was also a НЕ Educacion, accompanied with the res sure of adding to our fie acorded a pleasing reception ASTS Here are your up to the minuthe musicians rect ve requests, has authorized the deeply appreciates personal in the Hall of the General íunstioning in the city of Limon, Card that of Dr Fredric Tomas Guardia School by The Johnny Steele Orchestra the personnel named below, whose Rex, the Chief of the In the principals, teachers and Our Orchestra has cancelled its contract with the pro.
schools will be dedicated to teacher American Ed on other ranking personages, prietors of the Limon Municipal Bath House and our up to.
the English Language.
Foundation, Inc scholars of the upper grades the minute services are now at the disposal of the general Tuesday Monseñor Joan Odendahl, Sup.
Our distinguished ristor od others during the forepublie. As a means of augmenting our efficiency, we have and 18 rintendent of the Sacred Heart of who was seen in the noon of the same day. In imported, at a cost of approximately one thousand colones, a new drum outfit and fifteen new orchestra arrangements.
Jesus School Señor Joseph Tho appreciative golime of day the afternoon, a basketball tion is mas, Director of the Progressive Konzalo Cordero, Our es match was played in his hothe Dewa For real Dance music secure the School, Kingdom Hall Scor Cyrit teemed Inspector of Schools our by two teams of the or ffe, Director of the Excelsior vas sincerely welcomed on school.
SM School A. Señor Janies every hand, and his intin: do Burke DavidsonDrector of the LIMON Alpha Cottage School Señora Jessie the pole Pitt de Wright, Directress of the For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele Monbye Wesleyan Methodist School Señora The People Tailor Vitt lores DISTINGUISHED VISITOR Meals JOHNNY STEELE ORCHESTRA on Sub THE ST. MARTHA SEWING CLUB ENTERTAINMENT THE TS Limón Trading Company ated for at PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR On the night of Monday, assured a safe landing at en the 16th. instant, the enter joyment airport, as the protaining Young People of the gramme will be featured by Catholic Parish will add, we artistes who have already ear fully anticipate, another mart ned encores after encores for to their 1945 season, with their superb singing and the variety Concert sponso hits on the local stages. red by the St. Martha Se recently discovered Song wing Club Star will, it has been hinted, Judging from the talk a grace the occasion.
round town, it will be a night Let all take our timely hint of a flight into sensational and be on time to secure senegions, though those who ating accommodation.
will be in attendance will be sab full of Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER WEEKLY SAILINGS ble for From LIMON to CAHUITA OLD HARBOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA fort ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT For particulars, see or communicate with BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents Post Office Box 144 or at their office on the lower floor of Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON.
REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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