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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY 14th. July 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAINL THE JAPANESE BLUFF SECRET FACTORY AERIAL BLOCKADE TRAVELLING FLOUR, HITLER SLAVES While attacks by American pla. MILLS FOR LIBERATED SENT HOME EUROPE ΑΝΟΧ En ca Infinidad de gión de La nuestras of mala noticia entre Pens moxventra en haciendo ad Mr. Cotna Compala Ba tar los rieles otros de mer que se hizo e cente, facien sible to mala candid mo tampoco urancarle el los puentes a las horas no econo eHace algun ratha de Coc fior President a su Gerente quti, paras diens tran DO a Tokyo broadcasting indicates res on the industrial cities of Ja that the Japanese war lords are pan mount yn intensity another trying to sell their people the idea In the Guy Fawkes vaults un use of air power is achieving re Eight or nine millions of people of resistance en masse to the in derneath the Houses of Parliament suits which may be of equal imcalled Displaced Persons. part vasion and tuicide en masłe if te secret munitions factory has been portance. This is the patral Throughout the war Britain Mi of Hitler legacy to the Alies and of sistance fails. This is implied in vorking during the war, There, waters between Japan and the nistry of Food, in addition to it one of the most complex problems the Domei agency summary of aand ing delicate precision instru mainland by planes based on Oki tremendous task of feeding the nown in history, are wandering plan to place the entire nation un nents, are men over 70 and girls nawa. The work is not yet being British people, has also done an hrough Europe, trying to get ho der the personal command of the nder 17: high Parliamentary of done in sufficient tsrength to be immense amount of work and pian me.
Emperor as armed forces of the Islals, Cabinet Ministers!
wives called a blockade but already has ning in connection with the feed.
UNRRA, the United Nations Reimperial fighting services. These sivil Servants, etc, work side by made the Strait of Tsushima haing of liberated countries. llef and Rehabilitation Administra civilian levies must not Hallow ide. Together they made weapons ardous for enemy merchant ship When the Allies landed in Italy tion, the organisation set up for themselves to be taken prisoners all o repe the flying bomb, among ping.
Cor example, it became oxiou han dling this gigantic problem, ve or die dishonorable deaths other things, and the factory never If the shipping lang between that the retreating Nazis were des has trained teams of workers to go tbviously this is a large order once stopped work even when Japan and the mainland can be croying not only the crops, but the to every part of Europe and help for a nation of more than 72, 000, hose bombs were overhead. controlled from the air the even country food processing plants the se homeless peope. SHAEF 800 people. To the Occidental mind as well. So devastating was Last year one Ministry of Sup. Lual effect will be a staggering the asked UNRRA to provide 450 such The project doesn seem corsi tent. ly factory received from this unblow to Japanese industry. The amage wrought that to re equip teams to work in Germany.
The Japanese started this war in crground workshop for the West Japanese have attempted to many of the more essential plant order to acquire an empire. Theyninster Munitions Unit, as it Recently it has been estimated is develop Japan and the near would have been impossible. Brlthat the total of 4, 500, 000 Di pla.
now seem to be drifting into a stafficially known) over a million. by mainland as tain Ministry of Food, therefore, te of mind in which they don items of a single contract, all as. mie unit and have not attemp approached a leading firm of red Persons in Germany had been reduced by the repatriation even contemplate retaining a poembled, inspected, and dispached. ted to make any part of the area cour milling engineers and consul pulation on the home islands, How The factory originated when a self sufficient. Manchuria, for tants, who de:Igned a star dardized of 1, 700, 000. This reduction, due can a nation without any people number of s peers, and mem xample, has been a granary and a emergency plant of the necessary partly to the transport. by. air hold its own in a world like this. bers of the staff of Parliament mine. It has supplied Japan with capacity, and these were manufac programme, is the result also of the activities of UNRRA teams, We must suppose that the end volunteered to work in nearby fac food and raw materials but tured in large numbers and trans.
has monitions that every Japanese re torjes. As most of the staff already not been a source of finished ported to Europe. Each emergency To day 200 UNRRA teams have come a soldier and every soldier had night duties, such as fire goods milling plant is entirely self con gone into Germany to do their dle contain an element of rhetoric watching, it was decided to bring In recent months there have tained with its own power and work, in addition to others selecRegular Japanese Army troors can the factory to Parliament, been hints of Japanese plans to lighting unit and is supplied with ted on the Continent where recuit be hypnotized into killing themsi Last year a total of 74, 000 man. move factories from their islands enough spare parts for a year of ment has gone well. At the Mobile ves rather than surrender.
The hours were worked, and now the to the mainland but it seems doubt continuous work.
sation Centre in France, the worsupply of suicide pilots has not factory is going full steam ahead ful that much actually has been kers are given inoculation shots, run out. Civilians. even Jupanese for the Japanese war.
accomplished in this direction. The al e equipped and uniformid.
civilians, are different. And even interdependence of Japan and its AID TO MALTA Then they move to their assembly the Domei broadcast contains conquests on the mainland stil centres where they receive the significant phrare about distur to overrate it. After the main ci exists. American control of the con In the last five years British Displaced Persons of every na.
bances that may be created by sub tie: have been destroyed, factories necting sea routes would be equil taxpayers have contributed more tonality.
Wersive element. These ele burned and lines of transportation valent to the destruction of a con than twenty. four million dollars ments might be Koreans or other cut, even the Japanese cannot considerable fraction of Japanese in by way of grants. in. aid to Mato be ted, cathed and sheltered, These Displaced Persons have slave laborers. They might be Japa Juct a modern war. They cannot dustry. While the day to day re. ta to maye up for the Island ex nese, too. few Japanese are now set for by enlisting old men, wo sults of attacks on Japanese ship. cess expenditure atlhough the shelter may mean a surrendering. very few captu men and little boys, or by sticking ping are less revenue. canvas, a derelict factory or school spectacular than From official figures, the highest Tho e among their ranks who have red by the Chinese, have broadcast daggers into their wanatomies. 29 raids on enemy cities grant was during the siege in 1942 qualification are used as interpre surrender appeals to their former what they are trying to do at pre end effect is the same.
1943, totalling 9, 000, 000. special ters, cooks and guides.
comrades. The Japanese nation can sent is to win a compromise peace extra grant of 43, 800. was also not be unanimous to the last drop by presenting a picture of such made for the construction of rock UNRRA task with Displaces of blood. If the invasion succeeds zorror that the humane Occidental shelters. In addition, annual sub Persons constantly devolps new it might turn up quite a number emperament cannot endure it.
sidies for essential commodi. ies, problems, but these are being met who would swear that they never They overdo the effort, Japan will took much stock in the imperial urrender when she has to. She The American Second Air Divi. since the outbreak of war tolal swiftly in this period of chaos and divinity and its farreaching aspira has a remarkable number of suicision has chosen the new public, led 4, 816, 000. Some 74. per ent confusion which the Nazis boasted tions Le fighters the Kamizazes library in Norwich (the Country of the band war expenditure they would leave as a heritage it Alt would be foolish to underrate but when they are gone the light Seat of Norfolk) as the place best came by way of Imperial grants. they were defeated, the kind of resistance our troops of season, may dawn on sur. fitted to contain a memorial to will meet. It would also be foolish vivors. por all the men of the Division who lost their lives in the great bombing expeditions which went out to Bermany from Norfolk. The offi.
cers and enligted men of the Divi sion have subscribed 80, 000 for his purpose.
Part of the money will be used to contruct and maintain an entrance hall to commemorate the achievements and sacrifices of the 25 Liberator bombardment Eroups, and volumes containing the story of these achievements will be kept there beside the Roll of Honor recording the names of al who lost their lives.
American Rooms will be added to form a living part of the library. They will contain American Aerial view of Budapest, Hugarigi Capital occupied by books, music and examples of BERCHTESGADEN, the Bavarian village where Adolf Biler the Red Army in February American art has his hide out.
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VILELE LLE Por resolu todo el seño dan Manis del edifici mo Niehaus setenta y siete Este edifi do por el Pod derindolo de para la la ctn de der igual suma Canta Rica, Oficinas y de y desarrollo pomeriles de peritos Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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