
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 27th October 1945 CITY NEW BALM FOR THE SICK IS NOW OPEN The Medical Consulting Office of DR. FERNANDEZ SEGURA MEDICO AND SURGEON situate on the Lower Floor of Hotel Hispano America, next door to the Dental Parlour of Dr. Jose Pacheco Hours of Consultation: to pm.
Concession to administer the Penshurst Hong Creek Tramway System, which will henceforth be known as the PENSHURST CAHUITA AND EASTERN RAILWAY REDUCED TARIFF RATES CONTRIBUTIONS TO MRS. WINSTON in further demonstration of its interest in the general agriculCHURCHILL FUND tural activities of the Republic particularly those of the Atlantic Zone, has on its own ini Through the very good office of the British Vice Consul vernment the tiative secured from the Goin this city, we are, in the highest spirit of commendation to the contributors, assigning the required space in these columns to make public the contributions to Mrs. Winston Churchill Fund; an appeal which was recently effected to local British Nationals, particularly in collective measures.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Scoltock 50. 00 Mr. and Mrs. John Vose, Estrada 50. 00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston 35. 35 Immediate improvements have been commenced, and the traMr. and Mrs. John Kernick 30. 00 velling public, moreso the agriculturists of those regions, are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scoltock 30. 00 assured an up to date and efficient medium of transportation New Hope Lorge, Ancient Order of Shepherds.
Unity 30. 00 Court Galead Lodge, Ancient Order of Foresters 30. 00 Loyal Phoenix Lodge Nº I. Order of Mechanics 28. 00 Scotch Lily Lodge Nº 59, o. of Scottish Mechanic 25. 00 Every one can look forward to equitable dealings and all that Concordia Lodge Nº I. Order of Mechanics. 25. 00 Bethfield Lodge Nº 3, Modern Order of Bethany 25. 06 is necessary for the mutual benefit of all concerned.
Loyal Hope Lodge Nº 9, LU. Order of Mechanics. 25. 00 THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, Ltd.
Rose of Ardath Lodge, British Order of Free Gardeners.
25. 00 CHANDLER EHRMAN, Manager Britannia Lodge N9 18, British Order of Good Samaria.
25. 00 Pearl of Limon Lodge, Order of Druids.
25. 00 Court Mizpah Lodge Nº 8969 Ancient Order of AN EXPLANATION Names of NOTES FROM OLD Foresters.
25. 00 From. Page From. Page Eureka Lodge N9 16Galilean Fishermen 20. 00 been advised by our San Jose King Solomon Lodge British Order of Good Sa Representative that postage promulgation of hatred to every HARBOUR maritans.
17. 56 was effected at his enda other nation of the universe.
Port Limon Branch Nº 134 Jamaica Burial Scheme 25. 00 Again we express our pro These principal leaders who The Old Harbour Division Seventh Day Adventist Church 25. 00 found regret and on the other were associated with the demon of the Universal Negro ImPenticostal Church 25. 00 hand thanking you for the regime of Herr Hitler are men provement Association Weslean Methodist Mission 64. 00 interested: enquiry, effected tioned as Hermann Goering, Ru ceived news which injected Baptist Denomination.
236. 40 regarding the non receipt of doph Hess, Joachim von Ribben new life on Sunday the 16th.
Churces: Guacimo, collected by Mr. Felix Daniels the news organ: trop, Robert Ley. Wilhelm Kei of September when in com 31. 00. Matina, collected by Mr. Ishmael Murray, tel, Ernst Kaltenbrumer, Alfred pliance with the President 54. 00 Limon: Collected by Mr. Oscar Me Rae Hans Frank General Appeal to initiaWiland the following contributors of 25. 00 each JOSE ACHIONG NG. helm Frick, Julius Streicer. war te a membership drive, so collected by Mr. Stephen Williams of Penshurst ter Funk, Hjalmer Schacht, Gused and in addition mombers far eight persons were enroll Messrs. Charles Wilson, Philip Bennett, Joseph Comerciante detallista tav Krup, Von Boblen, Und. Hal who had given faifthful and Hender, William Malcolm and himself.
back, Karl Doenitz, Eric Motive Power Sport Club LICORES, ABARROTES, CRIS.
sincere services to the Univer 61. 00 TALERIA, MATERIALES DE Raeder, Baldur von Schmirach, sal Negro Improvement Asso Sundry contributions 117. 75 TODO, TODO SE ENCUENTRA Fritz Sauckel, Alfred Jodi, Mar ciation and had from variens EN ESTE ESTABLECIMIENTO tin Bormann, Frank von Papen, causes been out of the DiviTOTAL. 100. 00 FERRETERIA ELECTRICOS Arturo Seyssinkuart, Albert sion have re instated with a Speer. Constantine von Neurth firm determination to surinou and Hans Fritsche.
all obstacles that stand in the From Page way of Peace and Comeurd.
De Gaulle the newly elected SALOMON CHIN perfect revival is anticipaAvenida Central. Facing Botica Primavera President of the Fourth Reted in this as the members public of France, being pla. Estrada cherish fond recollection of 100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station ced on the leading page of LA IBERIA the organization of days long San José this section of our Weekly long ago: days that were is tangible evidence of our New Report on Conveniently situated. Confortable Rooms Hot merry and bright.
and Cold Water Baths. Eycellent Sanitary Service expression of congratulations From. Page to this great hero who has outside the Third German Reich, lin; requesting before death the. Homelike environment. New furniture and Huone so much for his natioa and that Hitler and Eva Braun cremation of their bodies to preequipment Varied and wholessome Food and civilization on a whole. died in the Chancillery in the vent falling into the hands of the Respectability and Courtesy.
He is most worthy of the ho latest hour of the battle of Ber Russians.
Washing and ironing equipment for service of guests nour conferred on him and Reasonable Prices the interest reposed to lead!
SYDNEY COX. Manager resurrected France, and his For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele people The People Tailor reHOTEL CALIFORNIA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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