
cceed VIGILANCE IS REQUIRED FOR THE PROTECRuum Tun High Kluge who committed suc de trap was set whitch shouia Court Nurember is said to impede his execution; Mar effected in the Summer of TION OF PUBLIC HEALTH that most of the high military shal Erwin Rommel Marshal last year. Ostier facilitated the nazi officers were opposed to Alexander Klakenhousen, Go means of communication neThe good health of a community, we believe Adolf Hitler regime and at vernor named by the nazis for cessary by which the arrangis a very sacred thing and one that merits every Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 fected three times to assassi. Belgium and the North of ement in connection with Hipossible precautionary mesaure. No peaple or YEAR XI Limon, 15th December 1945. NO 495 nate the Fihrer. The intent France General Ernest Stuelp tler assasination would be nation can rise greater than its prevailing health is said to had been frustrated nakel, Commander in chief of realized. To bring this plot conditions; if in an unsatisfactory state the evil MEN OF THE VOLUNTEER FIRE BRIGADE OBSERVED RELIGI on the twentieth of July last the Paris zone. This intertiai into execution Colonel Conde consequences will rest not only with the present year a fai. lure whish motiva led because the bomb fuse fai Klaus von Stanfenberg was generation, but will penetrate and pass on even OUS WORSHIP ted the most bloodiest purge led in spite of its having tes selected; a man with one arm to the third and fourth generations.
The last Sunday the 9th of Father Rojas touched high the lives of people and pro in the history of nazism. The ted repeatedly. When Schla and who was agent of guard first attempt to get Hitler out brendorf had proof that Hi betweenthe General Head It is generally understood that good health, the month in course; such a water marks with his very perty.
At the termination of the the way as we gather was on tler would be saved in time, quarters of Hitler and the Re conditions is the foundation on whitch the higest cul day as it dawns and adorns minent discourse on the histo itself with its coat of rain rial background of Sanda Bár religious celebration the festi July 3, 1942 and ibat was not he marched hurriedly to the cruiting Depots and Replace tural structure must be built. The vitality of the were effected in the discovered neither by him airfield and succeeded to recement of Troops. falling continuously up to bara, the patron Saint of the vities parent stock must be up to certain standard if the the appointed eight o clock Fire Brigade; an institution very airy and accomodating nor the gestapo; and was in ver the bomb which came hid It was convenient for Staut offsprings are to come abave the state of weawl hour for the Mass at which that may safely be counted dining hall of the Pension Cog the struggling days of Gerden in the form of a secret fenberd to gain easy access to ings. No child lackin early vitality can asquire the men of the volunteer Fire upon as permanent for our cita Rica under efficient Manag many at the battle of Stalin parcel post. The package was Hitler residence but in the knowledge to any satisfactory degree.
Brigade participated in wo: vilization and protection. The ement of Captain and Mrs. Al grad. Lieut. Von Schlabren found and sent to ats corres different military circulars there started the information ship. In their full uniform brilliant phase of the volunt berto Mutis. Intelligently con dorf was in charge to execute ponding center for delivery.
The most up to date citizen may at some time The second trial against Hi that a plot was in process to they had occupied the fronteer Fire Bridge is that it conceived and expertly arranged the plot and a time bomb was have cause to secure food or drinks at some caterline of the sacred altar. sists of men who have dedica was the setting of the refres. placed unde the seat in the aitler, life in mentioned to have kill the High Chancellor and ing place and when the rules of health and geneted their lives to the service hment service lily white table roplane that had been used taken place in July 1944 when Captain Sidney Hessen of the ral sanitary requirements are neglected he is liable The Reverend Father Rojas of humanity; pledged to bra cloths and costly and beaut: for Hitler inspection of the he proposed to examine a Navy was named as the more to be the recipient of germs and will in turn transwas the Celebrant and other ve the greatest danger wit ful china and glasswares and Eastern front. Among those group of soldiers with a new ing hand. He communicated complicated in the plot were model uniform. Those compli the information to Stauffenfer them to come members of his family, if not all than the solemn and penetra hout any monetary recompen silverware.
Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, cated in the plot had planned berg who immediately resol.
in other words when coffee shops, restaurants, etc. ting spiritual impressiveness sation; in fact they are aposThe Reverend Father Rojas, Chief of the German Espiona to put a time bomb into the lved and marched to Hitler of the service, the Reverend Itles of mercy destined to save Doctors Ruano Telemaco Bispi ge Dr. Carl Goesneler, Alcal, soldier knapsack, calculated Cuartel and took are not supplied with a constant water service adenach, other noble citizens as de of Leipzig, General Ostrier, in a form to cause an explo consigned, but he wanted the service, we are then on the even of danger to hethe bomb quately to properly wash with socap the dishes in BRAZILIAN MILLIONAIRE OFFERS LARGE honoarry members of the Fire Chief of Staff Marshal Von sion at the moment in which bomb to effect both Hitler and (Continued on page 5)
the parade would pas in front Himmler, that not being pos ralth. We go further to say that such public places Rio Janeiro reports that the Brazil. This engagment is multi millionaire, The King announced for July 1946 be 000. e of him. It is stated that Ossible he returned to his place should have also some hot water means of killing trier submitted the necessary vithout placing the bomb. It any germ that might escape the of Sports has offered the fa tween Joe Louis, the present soap wash.
mous Fight Promoter, Miklitle holder and Billy Conn, JUGUETES explosives. But was frustrated is stated that after this the JUGUETES Then the greater precaution in to see taht Jacobs a guarantee of thre the chalenger. It has been es when Hitſer inopportunely de arrest of Goerdeler and Mar those handling things for human consumption are cided not to have the inspec shal Witzleben was ordered; million dollars to have the ani timated that the contest if in a fit state of health; free from all contagieus tion proaching boxing contest for held in Brazil would diow ap GRAN VARIEDAD LOS PRECIOS Kor the thired time a new known. Hitler had planned to by the attempt was made complaints. The Public Health Authorities should the heavyweight champion proximately one hundred thou not over look this great responsibility. It is more ship of the World staged in sand spectators.
MAS BAJOS LE OFRECE celebrate generally the councillors of his Reich in a refuge profitable to lose the good word of a few and save of cement and iron, but same a nation and generations yet unborn.
EUROPE IN REVOLUTION FOOD FOR day by an unforseen accident; The purpose of this lecture is to urge the imhis life was again saved; the provement of our water supply and to exercise vibomb exploted in the subte By Professor Vincent Harlow THOUGHT gilance over the things mentioned above; these are rranean hide out but Hitler visible without the aid of any artificial divice.
Sucursal Limón was not there.
Europe is a continent in the throes of multiform revolution. What happens there will be the principal perhaps The greatest sin: Fear the crucial factor in determining whether the world will Frente al Café La Victoria The best day: Today.
move towards cohesion and peace or towards self destrucThe biggest fool: The boy who tion. The European revolution has not yet taken the form will not go to school.
of civil wars only because the victorious Allies have been ARTICULOS DE SPORT The best town: Where you sucontrolling enemy territories with overwhelming military power and because the liberated countries have been in a ACCESORIOS PARA BICICLETAS The most agreeable companion: state of prostration. As the Allies relax their control and One who would not have you any CACAO as life in the devastated countries begins to revive, rival different from what you are.
Próximamente Bicicletas RALEIGH theories and interests within each nation state are emerging The great bore: One who will to renew their struggle. This conflict has been temporarily The Cacao Farmer Friend EN CLUBS SEMANALES not come to the point.
WE ALWAYS buy Cacao suppressed by the tyranny of the Nazi and Fascist dictaA still greater bore: One who torships and then submerged by the avalanche of yar.
keeps on talking after he RAICILLA. IPECACUANA We cannot avoid using the political labels of left, right COROSO. made his point and center, but their use tends to induce over simplification The great deceiver: One who STREPTOMYCIN NEW MIRACLE DRUG IN deceives himself.
of the issues. The forcing of the greater part of Europe into RUBBER the totalitarian mould, then the utter destruction of the The greatest invention of the HEAVY DEMAND German system which carried it out has produced a state devil: WAR of flux unknown since the fall of the Roman Empire.
We are Agents for Washington new miracle and cannot The greatest secret of producWhat is now happening is a series of seismic convulenough for its drug, streptomycin, sister to pe own needs.
tion: Saving waste.
THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENTCORP. OF THE GOVT sions; and he would be a rash man who dared to forecast nicillin, is now being used in 30 The best work: What you like.
the future configuration. The masses are at war with priviOne gram, or 000. 000 units, is OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE general Army lege, social and industrial; and this much is clear many hospitals in the the standard daily dose adminisThe best play: Work would like to combine economic socialism with political United States, the War Depart tered in three injections over a ledge that you have done your easiest thing to do: Finding fault.
The greatest comfort: The know teacher: ment has disclosed.
One liberty. The indications are, however, that in most, if not 24 hour period. Production is However, it is so difficult to limited because the drug is obwork well.
all, the countries concerned they will not run the risk of maker: makes you want to learn.
The greatest trouble The greatest puzzle: Life.
sacrificing the former for the sake of the latter. If the wes.
obtain that the total output of tained from The greatest mistake: Giving One who talks too much The meanest feeling of which The greatest mystery: Death.
natural fungus tern Allies wish to see liberty as they understand it survi. the four companies now making found in the soil and must be The greatest stumbling block: any human being is capable: Fee The greatest thought: God.
it has been ve, they must, by means of UNRRA and other methods, only 14 crunces a grown under carefully controlled ling bad at another success.
The most expensive indulgen Egotism.
The greatest thing, bar none, month The most ridiculous asset: Pri The greatest need: enable the peoples, of Europe to live in the future at a decent Common in all the world: LOVE, laboratory conditions which canlevel. Otherwise they will turn to authoritarianism. In Major Genera! Norman The cheapest, stupidest and de.
not be hurried some countries the form adopted would be authoritarian Surgeon Penicillin Communism; in others, neo Fascism in a democratic disThe worst bankrupt: The soul was pushed to big Army, said the Army is receiving production guise; and in others a more traditional form of imposed the pressure of of soldiers with severed spinal that has lost its enthusiasm authority based on religious concepts. Authoritarianism many requests for the drug for wartime needs. With the war en cords The cleverest man: who developed urinary always does what he thinks is COSTARRICANS IN PANAMA ENTERTAINED use in treatment of urinary and ded and priorities likewise at an tract infections because of a loss quenches the freedom of the individual spirit irrespective of whether its label happens to be right handed or leftother infections caused by gram end, streptomycin does not have of bladder function. It also uses right.
negative bacteria which do not the advantage of being developed it to some extent in treating sodangerous person: The democracies must not go down to posterity respond to penicillin, but these under those conditions.
me cases of meningitis and other The liar.
FROM VENEZUELA supposing there is any as nations who, when asked. requests cannot be met since the The Army principal needs for infections which do not respond The most disagreeable person. By Leonard Dobson)
for bread and the means to win it in sufficient quantities. Army does not control the supply streptomycin are for treatment readily to penicillin therapy.
confined themselves to talking loftily of the vote.
The complainer.
Under tha auspices of a one hundred Costarricans atd Against this background of confused struggle for ecoCommittee comprising Messes their friends. Mr. Lloyd Pritnomie security which is interlocked with a simultaneous CANADA DRY BOTTLING CO. OF Myrie Collins, Sawyers chard was the chairman. The contest between rival political instruments, it may be COSTA RICA Noel Da Costa, Evans, start of the function was efuseful to attempt a round up of the present situation in Dolores Joseph and Leonard fected with the singing of the some of the countries concerned.
REBAJA. Dobson a reception was held National Anthems of Panama in honour of the Costarrican and Costa Rica. Miss Wabaseball players on their re terman president at the piano Plan para el Sorteo del 23 de Dic. de 1945 Los precios de sus productos, a los comerciantes minoristas de la ciudad de Limón. turning from Venezuela. while the singing was done by La emisión consta de 26. 000 billetes divididos en vigésimos, AGUA MINERAL DE 14 60 cl 24 u. sin envases The setting was in the city Miss María Charles, Mrs le numerados del 1001 al 27. 000, a C60. 00 cada billete AGUA MINERAL DE 2 14. 00 24 u. sin envases of Panama and was graced resa Brathwaithe, Mrs. Cias y 00 cada vigésimo.
AGUA MINERAL DE 1 14. 00 12 u. sin envase!
with the presence of many tenia Lawrence and Mrs.
VALOR EN PREMIOS: 982. 900. 00 COLONÉS distinguished guests. Amors Rogers. The opening remarks GINGER ALE 14 60 с! 24 u. sin envases these were Don Rodolfo Cas of Mr. Pritchard, the Master Premio Mayor de 250. 000 00 GINGER ALE 2 14. 00 24 u. sin envases tro, Consul General in Pana of Ceremonies was of a very 100. 000. 00 40. 000. 00 GOLDEN 4 60 Ci 24 u. sin envases má of the Republic of Costa brilliant formula. He said in 20. 000 10 5. 000 TONICO QUININA Rica, Don Manuel Diaz, Presi part although the boys had 50. 000. 00 44 60 cl 24 u. sin envases 000 20. 000. 00 REFRESCOS 14 60 24 u. sin envases dent of the Panama Baseball won only one game, never the 000 50. 000. 00 500 Federation and another repre less they were bound to be the 50. 000 00 REFRESCOS 2 00 24 u. sin envases 200.
sentative of the said League. recipients of valuable expe10 Aproximaciones al Premio Mayor (5 anteriores y ENVASES 44 y 12 04. 00 docena Señor Gordon of El Nactor rience and hoping they will posteriores) de 1000 cada una 10. 000. 00 10 Aproximaciones al Segundo Premio (5 anterres ENVASES 1 00 docena Mr. Philip Malcolm, Sprint es cover themselves with grzy y posteriores) de 500 cada una 000. 00 of Panama. The President of when the Ninth Series hall be 25 Terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del PriCAJAS DE CARTON 00 u.
mer Premio, de 500 cada una.
the Costa Rica Federation of played. The Consul responded 12. 500 00 234 Terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del PriSports, Representative of El in a very gratifying manier mer Premio, de 200 cada una 46. 800. 00 2340 Terminaciones a la última cifra del Primer PreDiario de Costa Rica the Ma and was extended warm che mio, de 120. 00 cada una 280. 800. 00 LIMON, nager of the honourees, the ers at the close of his addres Coach and the players. There The President of the Panama 3032 Premios Valor 982. 900. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
was in evidence more than (Continued on page 5)
has get The best who sense up, ce. Hate. General of the Kirke, One who The most 1 10 60 100 239 47. 800. 00 SUS PEDIDOS AL ALMACEN FELIX DEL BARCO


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