
On the nazis record of cruelfies ATLANTIC VOICE NEW DEAL IN THE CARIBBEAN PENSHURST PANDORA LINE TO BE REPAIRED CHRISTMAS MESSAGE of WECM JIKAN DI DUK WORREKJ FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR When Hitler was the Big, 175. 000 were assassinated: GRECE: 35, 000 assasinated: Shot on the European Continent 2, 000. 000 deported to work as 325, 000 reported to work as sla the cruelties of his henchmen slaves: 700. 000 children died as ves and 600. 000 died from star We cling firmly to the truism the industrial machine will only run smoothly when Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 vation and self in some cases are recor the result of hunger.
ded as follows: CHECOESLOVAQUIA: Bet RUSSIA: 000. 000 deported as there is complete mutual understanding and YEAR XI Limon, 5th January, 1946 497 NORWAY: More than 1, 000 ween 50, 000 and 60, 000 assassi slaves.
harmony between Capital and Labour. Experwere executed and tortured to nated: 250, 000 in concentration All these murders were comm ience has proven that whenever there exists a death.
camps and 750, 000 deported to ted by special nazi agents in sol tug of war it is certain that one side will be HOLLAND About 125, 000 works as slaves.
diers of assault but the after drawn across the CANT.
deaths: 565, 000 were deported to math falls on the entire German work as slaves.
The two factors, Capital and Labour are POLAND: 5, 000. 000 civilians Tace because to a real extent BELGIUM Approximately massacred in mass; 2, 000. 000 de they had accepted the National to bear in mind, at all times, that they are Tre French and Dutch. the Governor presiding The agricultural labourers can Social of Nazi They bed dealing with a public world and often times lands have been included in re is an embryo ministerial now vote. Among the respon 20, 000 were assassinated: 60, 000 ported to work as slaves.
YUGOESLAVIA: Civilians in accepted the National Social Par thought of hurting one side or the other bespthe West Indian Regional system and the Governor nesible posts held by West In deported to work as slaves.
FRANCE: Some 80, 000 civi the number of 1, 000. 000 were as typr Nazi Doctrine. They had ells ruin for the public world.
Laboration by the Anglo tains certain reserve powers. dians of African descent has merien Chribbean Commis The Executive Council hasheen that of Chief Justice nf lians were killed during the blitz sassinated and 350, 000 deported not protested to the world Quite true the very scripture declares krieg: between 150, 000 and as slaves.
gainst Hitlerism sion, according to an article worked harmoniously so for Barbados that the labourer is worthy of his hire; as in published in Londen on De. Its bias towards the official the spiritual sense, we believe it is so in the cember 29th. In this coilub side can be counteracted in PROGRESS IN TRINIDAD material; but there also exists a law by which ration the emphasis is on eco the house of Representatives.
the worker cannot get his pound of flesh by nomie reorganization, develop If the elected members of the Trinidad has gradually de.
ment and welfare shedding a drop of the employers blood.
True Council propose a measure veloped partially representaWe are one hundred percent a member of these are obviously most and are outvoted, they can tive institutions after its ac gent. The educational advan present it to the House and quisition by Britain 150 years Com The Northern Railway DOOOO.
the Workers Party. our hope is pinned to ce and economic development if approved there it can be ago. There is an official Exe.
pany thorugh the good offices of the star of labour; when that star shines we have been called by the Brit come law subject to une cutive Council and a partly the Assistant Manager Opera are also iluminated and if it goes dim we are ish Colorul Secretary The year delay by the legislati elected Legislative Council.
tions has issued the work orders in the darkness; but when there arises what Twin pillars upor: which any ve Council, or Upper Huse In 1941 the unofficial memto make the necessary repairs on is called the conflict between the two, the rasound scheme of pulit ca! roe and to the overriding prerro bers were placed in the ma track and bridges between Pen Wen can find a message for come at all the services, ponsibility must be bared gative of the Government jority in the Legislative Coun tionalization of our personal feeling that we effect must be consistent. must be weighed At the same time the poli The constitution, which made cil, in which there is now a Christmas tide and for the com keep in her heart and mind the shurst and Pandora to restore tienlndvance has been going a promising start, will be re parity between the official ing year in St. Luke Gospel, great mercies with which Al steam traffic for medium engi in the scales of right and justice.
on in these British territories viewed after five years work and nominated members on chapter verses 18 and 19. Au migthy God was visiting her; renes at reduced speeds.
We glean according to the inWe need not retrospect very far to find during the war. Though pro ing with a view to granting one hand and the elected, they that heard it wondered at membering every day the great out that Capital is always striving to get the ceeding on lines with which further internal self Govern members on the other. The those things which were told rust laid upon her, and medita structions under date of Decem ber the 19th the work in conBut ing on these things.
lion share, but since Labour has governing the British Empire has long ment. Meanwhile, through Franchise committee in 1944 them by the Shepherds, junction with the renewal laws, they must be respected; Labour accepted been familiar, the present votes and the elective me recommended universal adult Mary kept all these things, and The lesson of all this is that ties, surfacing and ditching sho these Laws. this is the basic fact. the batprogress differs greatly from thods in the House of Repre suffrage and the reduction of pondered them in her heart.
We the previous development of sentatives and on the Exeru the income qualifications ra: are not told any more we are to wonder and to believe, uld nowbe in progress and the tie must be fought only on the authority of the sell Government in these co tive Council, all sections of quired for membership in the about the shepherds. Did they put not to let the story of Christ actunl bridge work to follow is lonies. survey of the situa the Community are soon as the bridge gang is nval governing Laws; dislike or any other evil deassum Legislative Council.
remember that day in alter life? nas Day pass from our minds in tion in each colony demorsing the responsibility for the signs cannot take the place of the Rules and The Leewerd Islands form Possibly the younger shepherds fo wdays time. There is some lable. In the meantime the co Rgulations which links the two factors.
trates two of the main cha. Government.
a Federation composed of became folloyers of our Lord hing for us to keep in our hearts promises to give the best posCasey racteristics of British rule.
four unist, namely, Antigun, Jesus Christ in later years. It an to ponder and consider all sible service with the Starting on Friday the 21st of December One is that any community ANCIENT CONSTITUTION St. Cristophers, Nevis, Mont would be interesting to know through the coming year. We Jones until the next Friday the 28 th every activity The release of the proposed however smally, can have a serrat and the British Virgin Many other people Wondered know hoy the Moly Child is who in the entire Atlantic Zone as far as the Nort say in managing its own af The Barbados Assentbly is Islands. They are governed by When Jesus was born. Perhaps is born on Christmas Day. He is repairs to that line is highly ple doubt hern Railway Company is concerned was pafairs. The other is that the even older than the Jamai an Executive Council nomina they just wondered and no mo the son of God; Emmanuel, God asing, and will, without ralized. general strike was declared. a tiedegree of autonomy depends can, having been established ted by the Crown and a Le re. Perhaps they soon forget all with us; our Saviour and Redee smooth out much of the transup of operation that was flawlessly organizon the personal and economic in the Reign of King Charles gislative Council with equal about it. But Mary kept all the mer. We know the purpose of portation difficulties which now our capacity of the territory. I, twelve years after the ori numbers of official and unot se things and pondered them in His coming. On Christmas tho confronts that section of ed; to the unit; only such men who were perginal English occupation. The ficial members. The latter her heart We can picture the ughts, if we really ponder these agricultural activities.
forming work of mercy had permission from We hail this measure as ano THE NEGROES PROGRESS re are the elective House of are elected by the unofficial Virgin Mother not wondering things, will be mingled with an the leaders of the strikers to carry on their Assembly and the Legislative members of the local partia only, but adorings purposing to ticipations of Good Friday and ther demonstration of the ef functions. It was observed that the pickets seDuring the seventeenth and Council. The Governor haslly elected Legislative Com Eastor and Ascension Day. For for of the management of the Northern Railway Company to lected from the ranks and file of the Federaeighteenth centuries the pheno power to authorize meas cils of thre of the component us the Holy Foast of the Nativi accommodate the travelling rul tion of Labour were true to their trust. apnomenal prosperity was deures not previously approved units, the fourth, the Virgin ty marks the beginning of our blic.
companied by very wide pow by both Houses, but as in all Islands, havingg an ExecutiAMONG THE Lord wonderful work for us.
parently there was an imprint of betterment ers of self Govermment for Colonies, his assent is requive but no Legislative CounBe came to bring for giviness and must surely see that it is only on the countenances of the men who walkedBAPTISTS European settlers only. The red before a bill becomes cil. Political franchise was in the promise of an intimate spi in and through the Incarnate out. some without even understanding of steep economic decline of the law. The Executive Power troduced in the legislatures Tomorrow, Sunday the 6th of ritual union with God, and a Lord Whose birthday we are ke what was really in the air. The slogan was nineteenth century resulted rests with the Governor an of the three larger units ten the current month the city Bap thousand other blessings; and it eping that this troubled world No worker shall break this strike. Vigorous in nearly all West Indian Co the Council assisted by an years ago.
tist Church will celebrate its was on Christmas Day that He of today can find healing and and determined was the scene, but for an inlonies losing their self Go Executive Committee drawn Each four of the Windward Harvest Festival services with came. That was the greatest joy and contentment and peace.
vernment. Now another rise from both Houses. The Con Islands, Granada, St. Vin divine worship at the creasing number of persons outside of those eleven event in the World history. Let us keep with us the true spi towards self Government in mittee advises the Governocent, St, Lucia, and Domini o clock forenon hour; a Young who struck life was deprived of its purpose; Here then is the message, By rit of Christmas all through the taking place, but this time on measures to be brought ca, has its owh political ins People Programme at three all means let us make Christmas year that lies ahead.
the splendid Christmas Season of Goodwill the political respousibility is before the Legislature and is titutions, but they unite for o clock forenoon hour; a young a season of rejoicing and gladG. Wrigley lost its significance; the farmers and others being assumed by the popu. responsible for initiating the certain purposes. The Gover evening service at seven. ness, but let us think wwhat St. Mark who had gathered their all and sundry to come lation more than four fifths money votes in the Assembly nor is represented by an Ad The Church congregation and means December 20th. 1945, Port Liof whom are descendants of and preparing the estimates ministrator in each Island. friends are assured a hearty well to town were obliged to look at the fruitlessIf we ponder these things we món. Costa Rica.
original African Negroes bro During the war the electo Each has its Legislative Coun ness of their labour; hope of the traditional ught over as slaves and freed rate was expanded by the pacil, partly elected partly noChristmas celebration was blithed; the merin the British Colonies in ductions of the property qua. minated. Dominica has ar chants who had eleven months of leany busi1833 lification and giving the vo unoficial majority in the Leness had their hope fostered on a change of the te to women. The majority of gislative Council sice 1936 lean for fat at least during the days of the 21st JAMAICA LEARNS TO GO VERN nove. 000 Poooooooooooooo onward; they were sadly disappointed Estimatingly two million colones were hindered from circulation; the entire Republic The most singnificant poli has borne the blunt; The powers that be, detical advance in the Caribbean since the war began is clared that the Strike was illegal; that proclathe new Jamaican Constitu mation was intelligently clear; leaving no letion which came into force It has been reported that of the North American Health gitimate ground to shilly shally. Every honest in 1944 Jamaica is typica more than two million people and Sanitary Corp considered as minded person breathed a sigh of relief when of many British Colonies. It Berlin, Germany have been re the most gigantic Immunization the engines re rolled on the early morning of governed itself from the time cently vacinated against typhoid in mass in their experience.
Friday the 28th. Our market was empty; pocof the British conquest in the ever which the functioneries middle of the seventeenth cen kets were full of holes and there is no knowing tury until the emancipation if the present arrangements will ever counterof the slaves brought balance the state of affairs we have mentioned about chaotic situation herein.
which led to a legislative council consinting of officials Josef Kramer, known as the centation camp at Belen 000000 and nominated members be Beast of Belen and ten other said to have been executed a THE NEW ZENT PILFERING ing set up. Seventeen years nazis who were condemned for week aga HAS RECENTLY ADDED TO ITS FLEET atrocities committed in the conlater, however, at the request Our attention has been invitBAND ed to make it known that several of the people, nine electet.
OF BANANA CARRIERS NEW FAST traders in the Cultivation. Ma members were added to the PORT LIMON BRANCH OF THE JAMAICA The occasion of the school en nila areas are being made victims Council and later increase to fourteen. These were able VESSEL OF 500 TONS BURDEN tertainment held at Zent on the by the pilfering of bread. bun BURIAL SCHEEME SOCIETY 19th of the recently passed af biscuit. other items of con to veto any measure. The go Cernor retained the right to The night of December they. Miss Rhods Henry Mrs PASSENGERS WILL BE ACCEPTED forded the debut of Zent new fectionery and bottled beverages 13th was override them but very rathe eleventh com Evelyn Murdock Miss band These budding musicians which are May consigned to them rely used it.
memorative anniversary or the Erskine. Messrs. Stephen provided contingus joy for those through the medium of rollway Ro BETWEEN Under the present constt. Port Limon Branch Nº 134 of bottom and Peter Muir who attended the school fune transportatiom Past tution lower house is the Jamaica Burial Sehene So Chairmen of the Branch tion whol PORT LIMON AND TAMPA FLORIDA It has been reported that the ly elected by universa! sur ciety. The J3 of the an Me Weekes, Trustee. The The personnel is as fellows: shipments are being effected frage. At the election in De niversary was interwoven with speech in behalf of the Foun Me. Colla (coolie) clarinet. with every accuracy by the con cember 1944 Labour soci. red the reneral meeting on even da ders Organizers of Thompson and Walters, ignors, but can never reach in 22 seats out of thirty two. The te Branch with added solicitude THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, Ltd.
guitarrista. Foster, banjo tact to the consignees. a conprincipal instrument of poli The presiding officer Mrs. Ev for their kindness to Foster, gazoo and Calvin dition which leaves no doubt in ey is the Ejecutive Counci! Spence preluded the entertaining functions toward the welfere ot drum one mind that pilfering is tak conta ning half official and rentures of the evening: this was the Society The efforts of these younmening place while en route Este documento es propiedad de la Biblipteca Nacional Migu. CHAA Zaho Farsi HemidioraMeAbatedetan agisterio de Cultura y Juventud, Opsta Rica.
sted members and halt followed with speeches and so name of the ceneral member is indeed a lively asset to the Wer her to call the of the Tombouse to the contributors belt To The General Traveling Vaccination Against Typhoid Public EXECUTION THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION, LTD. are and and continue ZE

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