
ocean BE REMOVED The termination of the true to this port, and since these pes eftet hat been the pre bringing and will bring of Wing many wartimeuretty Limon correspondence tretine and in turn brun We believe that it should be re about the restoration of full linijrocal for the Limon Port of few reasons why every Engronomical, scientifical, politieere in many countries tire to make direct connection tish speaking person ought to al and other reviews.
SUBSCRIPTION o the connection we desireh mail destined for parts of read the Atlantic Voice. The Atlantie Voice is BLANK to comment on the matter of all by the outgoing ships In every issue this news organ osed upon any particular Creed o dorrespondence to for There is no doubt in our mind carries the most importanti Racial distinction; honours Please enroll me on your list of subscribers: on which to the best that correspondence sent by Air reial notices so that the un the weak as well as the strong Neme of our knowledge continues to Mail reaches their destinations rumiliar with the Spanish lang Lives deserving regard to the Post Office Address be sent to the San Jose General ach quicker than by Dage will be kept informed and poor as well as to the rich, ser City Residence. Office and then be dispatch nsportation, but it is also true le able to evade many embar es no particular section, but ad from ther, to the places of that the postage rate through ing positions. In every issue the best of interest of all hu Cut the above and mail to: Post Office Box 199 Limon City tination respectively. the carrying medium of the ship through the very good offices of men creatures.
Taking into consideration that is cheaper and at times, safer. Bruce, the Press We give a fair analysis of the Die oceanis berat freed of it new broom sweeps clean, ficer of His Britannie Majesty week happenings; thus keepanger bybelligerent activities at the old one knows the cor Legation in San José, the Busine esteemed readers OIL DESPOSIT DISCOVERED AT PUERTO ondition which permits the ners.
Totins from Britain feed our in Freast of the time. The value Plmption of maritime service trlect with unbiased industrial of these information far excels the small financial sacrifice of venty five cents a copy for the By a radio broadcast we learn region mentioned.
Taper. at large oil deposits have been The realization of this discov.
In this connection we solici. recently discovered at Puerto ry will be without doubt a sil.
the further assistance of our Cabezas, Nicaragua, our sister sc lining which appears behind readers by showing the Subscrip Fcpublic to the North, and that the dark cloud of unemploytion Blank below to any person tis financial foreign interests ent which is now over shadow hi who attempts to borrow a read: have already advanced their de ins many parts of this continent th Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199. thus increasing our list of sub sire to start exploration in the th EAR XI Limon, 16th February 1946 NO 501 wriptions.
Umpleasant Information one Bary o The General Travelling On The good news bears lustily the ear that the Directors of bet the National Bank, accompanied all VALIANT AGE hy the men of the Council of These columns are being graced with the Vhenhall was severely daTraduction and Representatives highly presentable photograph of Lic. don Teodoof the Inter American Business ed by enemy action, priory Yo Picado, His Excellency, the President of Costa Philosophers, a Hornsey so The time limit for the Reno berne in mind that each posses We take this opportunity to emision new Identification Justitute were slated to leave Ric who was mandated on February the 13th, did Club whos, ages ranged wion of Residential Cedulas isis of this document is to cometrect a floating misrepresent Cudula, that is not true; the pre San José, yesterday the 15th for 1944. little over two years ago he became the 62 to 90 carried out their em the month of January to us with the requirements of the ation given at some of the small crit photograph. taking is for Cuacimo to discuss with the culPol repairs March each year and it must be law; failure will result in a very districts in this zone that the such men who had not taken out tivators of corn in that region Chief Magistrade by an overwelming number of wuf When they finished the job, embarrasing position for the presence of the offeial photog the 1937 Cedula and the then in connection with the establish votes by his fellow nationals; and today the nabir building was wrecked a se lien residing in the territories rurher at the Limon Governor buys who have now arrived at ent of a Corn Co operation, tion choice re informed by the Republican Natio had time, but they took even er the Republic effice is in connection with the, the age of manhood.
duc principally to advanced wil nal Party has obtained further support to continue lity philosophically and put the TALKS OF THIRD Tingness of foreign markets. the exercise of his wisdom in the guidance of the In order again This new organization as we destines of the Republic and people; this became rocket finally did more dain en is to be bom under simWORLD WAR eident by the voting for the Congressmen and Sukno than the other two bombs ile lines as the Victoria Co.
flee ogether and the work of a By press report we gleaned seration, that is, under the Naplentes on Sunday the 10th instant.
During the monsoon in Burma centipedes habitually settled in ing at 000 feet. He was wea tional Bank.
The victory gives rise to the implicit confidthe Building has taken that talks of a Third World War of ferably longer brve been mentioned in Washing work had to stop when the rains the many niches which the aero hing gloves, and thougo the We do hope the project will ence and admiration that the greatest majority The Veter repair aqund has ton: the Capital of the great started and the aircraft were cov engines and fuselages offer. Sna snake struck twice it did not come a realization and trust of those entitled to vote have placed in His ExcelW fompletar its self appointed North American Republic. It was led with whatever was availa Les liked to curl up under the penetrate. He killed it and threw it will also serve as an impetus lency; and there are good reasons to believe that for the third time and are stated that the two previous great coulings and cockpits. On test it out.
in the non co operative farmers he also earns an equally warm and loving spot in the heletory celebration wars were outside of the Unite Even when covered pilot found that out when the in other branches of production the hearts of the greatest number of those who beer Terovated building, States of America, but seeming craft suffered from the splashing were not able to vote.
have had to repair the the new dragon will head direc of the heavy rain. Nothing could him walls the fittings and y at the nntion as its objective afford protection from the water According to the figures obtained at this ed niture, to say nothing or However, the bitter lesson by hi and vapor steaming up from the writing the Government and friendly party was sequ in the windows said her and Mussolini as well as Fysodden ground. The ground The information is to hand It has been also gleaned tha the proposed manufacturing a the recipient of 54. 746 votes and the Combined lor Blake, the 74. Tojo has been wen coupevnen crews had to move warily when it the world wheat supply India, on of the front line ric sava and other local product Opposition 39. 562; giving San Jose a total conbom gecretary ded and the nation has in hunds lifting the cowlings and stripis now swinging on defective producing countries has had it help along our daily dietry tribution of 14. 558; Opposition 14. 321; Vanguarmata News (London) the necessary forces.
ping the aircraft. Scorpions and hinges with a threatened short spt back as a consequence of We can punch new holes in dia Popular 565; Republican 866 and Dr. Villais in ose of approximately five mil. torrential rains and other ab. ur belts and begin to train the lon 381.
lion tons during the first six rnrmal conditions. this rice ppetite with the expectation of ut runths of the year in course, shortage will eventually place a In line with the Congressional election; twelve ing faced with other defiThis is due to the fact that the leaviest strain on whent supply. pney due to the devastation belong to the National Republican Party and four for wheat growing countries have the shortage on these itemsrought upon the cereal and oth Suplentes; the Combined Opposition deputies right gli eady exported almost all their of food should be given serious food stuffs in Asia and Eu and suplentes; Vanguardia Popular Congress1945 production and in conse Unught, particularly the wheat. Impe: not until those countries men and Suplente. Among these elected we are wheat in It is not too early to commence pain their high productive po highly pleased with the excercise of sound apprecrowth will not come to matur to economize on the of sitions before the clouds of de IM ity before the early months of whenten flour and in the mean feit will disappear.
ciation and good judgment by Limonenses in havtime try to bring into realization ing returned the Honourable Francisco Fonseca Chamier to the Legislature; a sláfesman who has vatio blazed a trail for the people and province. In fact thom Maro we have recorded gleaming services that Lic. Fonbotni seca has rendered our people wherever they conSOTO Ileading the list of those en the Director of this Weekly.
front him in the Capital in times of difficulties and with gaged in secretarial duties in variee of our journalistic asso Free of any freak of partial this city, quite naturally, is the views, the writer believes that cution we had viewed with ad law as we so amicably call him Don Paco is always miration his great executive ca emba Secretary to our beloved Gov Don Enrique merits the confid.
ready and willing to seek the cure for the ills of er nor, don Abel Robles.
pibilities as the then Chief of cnce reposed and the honour con those appealing to him. We extend also the same of the We write these lines in full lerred upon him and we enterthe city Sanitary work, before, high appreciation for the Honourable Daniel Zelegratefulness to the and after, jointly with our ex.
We Governor tuin no doubt that he will prove don who has been serving faithfully for many and others concerned in having himself worthy Congressman, Dr. Francisco terms in the Chamber of Deputies.
Enroured Don Enrique Arrazola, tion Long years ago much in ad Carlos Umaña Cordero It is safe to say that Limon has not only conThe foundation laid down in RECENTLY ADDED TO ITS FLEET thiet branch of the city syztom tributed to the election of President Teodoro Pipreset wes a debt to those earlier of cado, but has also sent and keep to support him pher BANANA CARRIERS NEW FAST YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE ricers; a foundation which out with a tower of energy and wisdom in his Conoffice weidly we have not seen any emisi gress in the person of the Honourable Francisco VESSEL OF 500 TONS The Management of this indispensible news organ has BURDEN been under a heavy financial strain during the year of Hurrdinating improvement Cedul Fonseca Chemier and his Suplente. ore power to war, due to the very high cost exacted by our San Jose these latter days.
PASSENGERS WILL BE ACCEPTED printers. Hope was centered that with the termination of Mr. Arrazola occupancy such the conflict the burden of printing would have been light the Administrador office of the the ened, but instead its weight has been almost doubled: a BETWEEN baye condition which has forced us to appeal to our esteemed unicipal Market has left his GROCERY AND CANTINA BATAAN advertisers and readers to help us to carry the load by an imprint along executive lines. Corner Sth Avenue and 5th Street. LIMON PORT LIMON AND TAMPA FLORIDA increase in the advertising rates as well as an increase in in comparison to the cleanliness the subscription rate from seventy five cents to one colon and general up to the eye conIt is the high quality of our liquors and other drinks per month with the understanding that a single copy of the otions the Limon market takes why our friends of BATAAN THIS CITY ATLANTIC VOICE will now be sold at twenty five cents. irst place among others in the SOASTNLAND OTHER LINE TOWNS have The new rates will in no way be adequate to balance the public and we trust his young chosen INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORPORATION. Ltd.
our establishment as their meeting center: cool of production, but we dare not able you to pay higher ressor will follow in his not en we dare not deny you the valuable service of the news.
Parc THE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR CHANDLERWEHRMAN, Manager CROCERY COTTER: The Menannt will have to donice Puthor and Snrique service in We are full of confidence that es to manufacturs bricks from stres the Experience taught them that our loodetufto reWe sincerely solicit your continuous co operation and Gobernacion will be the means THE BEST suppor.
adding more time to be Corbett THE MANAGEMENT Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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    MussoliniPartido Vanguardia Popular (PVP)World War

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