
FROM PANAMA IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK LIC. DON LEON CORTES CASTRO ENTERS ETERNITY It has been reported from Pa of the building utilized as a Post nama that on Tuesday afternoon Office and at a time when hunwhile thousands thronged the dreds of men, women and chil At the early morning hours of sudden streets of the city in observance dren were underneath. The last Sunday the very sad news In his passing Costa Rica hits of the grand Carnival procession is said to have wounded an al was circulated that Lic. Don suffered the loss of another emi there appeared in the Caledonin arming quantity of those on Leon Cortes Castro, ex President nent and worthy son; one who section a piercing catastrophe lookers. We are sorry, indeed, of this Republic enters Eternity has served his nation both in his with the collapse of the balcony His call was sharp and very private and public capacities.
It is said that teeming thousands paid their last respects to the ex President whose life ca reer is ended, but his spirit ves The Atlantic Voice tenders its sincere condolence to his heart wounded relatives and prays that Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 Him the Giver of life will com Year XI Limón, 9th. March 1946 Número 504 fort and stre them to bear the irreparable loss.
The man who spends his vears on earth in (shallow enjoy imeni Living careless of the world sorrow and indiffe(rent to its sin Blind to its finest beauty and most thrilling fra(gedies Moved by no great love, acluated by no great ho(pe Stirred byno holy enthusiasm, he is ignorant of ail (true life.
He only lives whose interest goes beneath the (surface Whose heart does not throb in unison with humanity ATLANTIC VOICE EDITORIAL follo cry.
ASSOCIATION On Monday the fourth ins thus adding fuel o fire.
Mr. Raul Velazquez leadership in conjunc tant; te Siquitres township bert Pile had arrived in this tion with the Cacao Cooperativa established in this If anyone possess the opinio into a Co operative group was again panie stricken city only a comparative few that the Atlantie Banana Gro Without Imalice to any we men when the mournful cry of Fi minutes before the sad news city comparatively but yesterday, it is compatible wers Association had a STILL Lion that with the Banana Grore is said to had sounded wi became circulated that his re with justice to reconize and correcty appraise his BIRTH that would be very wers Association added to the dely and thrilling. The confla sidence with all his belongsound and effective contribution to the cacao farmuch in error. The period of si Cacao Cooperative, the two ma gration we learn had its start ings as well as the large stock mers and now we are presented with graler mealece, publicy, hnd in its stead a jor products of the Atlantic Zone and its will while men and of literature in conjunction sures of his sipirit intensity in the general econ vor energetic and consistent en are now to the front line. women stood with gasping with the Jehovah Witnesomico benefi, to the province with the installation dervour to have had the Asso We desire to mention that the breath of sympathy for the ses were burnt, but in him of a modern COPRA Industry jointly with the cistno in its proper place of Re Jamaica All Island Banana Gro rather unfort natı victims, there seems to be a spirit Fabrica de Aceites LA ASUNCION. Limitedan cognition by the Government and wers Association which is an No wate: no water is said much stronger than that of with pride and gratefulness to asset to the cultivators have es to had been the additional Job of immortal memory. In Industry whose managers, Messrs Ramon Aguilar His Excellency, Lic. Teodoro Pitablished branches in the unmoved faith Mr. Pile said Castro and Jose Nessinn Simana in whose debt we cado, our Attorney at Law Daniel wing localities of that Colony The two buildings destro. As a pioneer in the Com are for the linking of their intellect and finance Zeledon and others concerned Port Antonio. Bog Walk, Monte yed are given as belonging to pany of Jehovahs Witnesses to so gran da reality.
the Association is now registered to Bay, Bath, Frankield, Green Messrs. Albert Pile and Da came to this city on JehoBy the addition of this plant Limon achieves within the laws of the Republic. Island, St. Ann Bay, Highgate, vid Ward, respectively. vah business; that is; to re another step in its onward march. The suppliers We are hoping that our bana Christiana, Lucea, Port Maria It is mentioned that the lease from the customs addina growers will now be inspired and Gayle.
fire gained its kiek off as tional literature of cocoanut will no longer have to wait on the for by this knowledge and fully rea The time is now mellowed that the result of a stupid action work; that being God work sun rays to dry the pulp; the new layout is filize the necessity to affiliate the local tted with an oven to effect hydraulic process on growers can stretch by a woman residing on an He comes first of all things themselves with the Association across their hands to their Cari adjoining building and in the and after that duty has been the cocoanuts; that is, extracting by a regulaled which is the only means wherebbean brothers and be beneficial act of lighting her cook ing accomplished, then and only heat temperature the hydrate.
by they can demand a better one to the other Istove wish a bottle of gas oli then, shall return to Siqui. Specially built trays counted on trams convey ment in some of the existing con The membres of the Limundin her hand and after pour rres and see the ruins.
the dried nuts to a spot where they are hoisted ditions surroundig their interest. Association as well as those culti ing some on te wood fire she The Atlantie Voice tenders and transferred into an electrically operated choEnch planter should take stock vators who have not indentified drew a match; ignition sets its deep sympathy to all the of the fact that the age is fully themselves with Ahe movement in and in her fright she to sufferers many are its very pper and after this process the chops are bagged co, perative and any such en are hereby summoned to attensed the bottle to the floor: good friends.
for rail transportation to the Oil Factory at Heredenvour that is outside the circle a special meeting which will be On the same day, Mr. Aidia.
the battle is lost before the fight held in the office of the SecreThe capacity of the oven is given as 24. 000 begins tary, Room Nº 8, building in in two batches daily.
It is only a month ago since front of the city Cathedral THE TANK IS BORN Then mait a minute; that is not all what the the cultivators of corn in the Gua the night of March the 16th plant will do for us; it will dry our cacao as well as cimo region had been organized commencing at eight o clock (Continued from last issue into a real salt lake, refusing other products an by the advanced willingness of to believe until too late that the Messrs. Ramon Aguilar Castro and Jose Nessim That night another officer re was water there. Flies are the off. He was dog tired, but Simana much of our other products will come in blackest curse; the scorpions in PASSPORTS AND VISAS MAY BE ELIMINAT drove deads taight on his com the bedding are, by comparison for utilization with accruing financial benefits.
pass bearing to the dump. He almost allies. Bruises and scrat On the upper gallery of Beneficence we deED FOR INTER AMERICAN TRAVEL got the stuff this time, and start ches breaking out into desert so sire to add the names of don Raul Velazquez and ed for his squadron. Again heres are not seriuos, though they the members of the Cacao Cooperativa also thoIncreased travel facilities and will not be possible for many kept his compass bearing accur. must be counted as afflictions se of Messrs. Ramon Aguilar Castro and Jose Neservices for tourists to the is years, we are thinking specially ately. But after driving for hali Gippy tummy is the cillin ssinn Simana and the Oil Factory Asuncion. Ltd.
land resorts of the Caribbean about seeing our Western He an hour in the thiek darkness he the stomach which catches you felt himself lost and wisely pul if you are late in putting on The Inauguration of this magnificent asset Sea and Central American misphere countries this Spring are indi Mr. Hernández noted said: The led up. He woke up at daybreak you jumper when the sun drops to the cily of Limon is set for Sunday the 17th ins tant.
cated in report from United importance of encouraging tra; about half a mile from the dump suddenly at dusk behind the skyStates steamship and airerati vel is fully appreciated today He had driven into a bog of soft line.
This is the ordinary life in the companies. Travel agencies in by all of the American govern sand, and his wheels had bemu round and round, Desert, before you even start. New York expect the other merits, according to the Pan churning Americas to bulk large in the merican Union. Reports from the while his truck hardly moved. ghting. The sun beats down, th ATOMIC RESEARCH GIVES INDUSTRY 5000 south wind they call the Khampeacetime tourist trade becausne neighboring republics indicateſ hundred yards.
Even in daylight sometimes the sin blows like a blast of flame of the unsettled and disrupted that the governments are giving conditions in war torn Europe serious consideration to means convoys move through a brown very ocassionally the rain falls, blizzard of and, which and then you churn nearly hul!
New York, The Wall Street, llions or an inch) has never be and Asia.
of simplyfying the myriad reg.
The Chief of the Travel Divulations that have impeded tra swirl up into the sky in vast spi deep through mud. The Arab Journal Reports That, approvi fore been used on a commercial ision of the Pan American Union vel in the past Mr. Hernández solid curtain. Sometimes the con. knows it. the Desert is a fortress procedures are now available to laboratorytool. At Oak Ridg.
rals or rushes towards you in a proverb says, To the man who mately. 5000 new produts and scale and prior to 1943 was only Mr. Francisco Hernández, re believes on the basis of the re voys grope their way through To him who does not, it is a gr American industry as tre resut it was used to isolate uranium cently expressed the opinion ports received that eventually, the thunderous cloud of their ve.
of research on gaseous diffusion 235 from natural uranium, that postwar foreign travel will passports and visas can be eliown dust. This stinging plague In the Desert our men lived incidental to the atomic bomb de which it occurs in the proportion he largely channeled to the minated for inter American tra other Americas. Certainly, vara vel, and simply tourist cards sceps into the guns, the engines for months on end on bully bees, velopment at Oak Didge, Temn of about one part in 140.
the turret traverse, and even the biscuits and ten (interminably tion travel looms up as one of like those already used by Mex wireless. The men in the Desert they brew tea. and occasional log Co. which through a subsily new industry of gaseous diffu survey by the Ke In the creation on the enterethe most alluring prospects of a lico, Cuba and Guatemala, will are never finished with cleaning porridge and tinned fruit The fodfary Kellex Comp. suprvised sion practically overninght, th peace time world. he said, and be all that any American traytheir machines and weapons. od didn always come up, tho the constrution of the 600 acre, Kellogg survey since travel to Europe and Asiseler needs.
mentions non In the noonday haze or as the ugh the Royal Army Servires 500 millons plant, said that coolants piping, heat exchangers sun fades the mirage rises, wo Corps worked wonders Said a while a few of the new develop lubricants, pumpo, packing seats bbling and mocking, to bemuse South African Negro soldier, We nents must remain secret for the valves, and precision instruments you. Onooming tanks appear to gets exactly the same rations sime baing many can be utilized which were developed to satis have stilts, and look rather like the Base except we don per unmediately on application to the ty the strngent requirements of tall watereistenrs on an English petually get em. Troops in the War Department or directly to 235 production AND RESTAURANT farm. scrubby bush assumes field were allotted a half pint the companies involved in the Procesing companies will he the shape and size of a monster can of beer once a week: they project A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE van. Lakes of crystal shimmer received it only if they were luthe principal beneficiaries, with OFFERS: Gaseous diffusion, the pumping applications readily apparent for on your horizons When you dricky enough to be in touch with The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
ve your parched engines towara supply echelon or a dump: of huge volumes of gas triugh the petroleum refining, chemical thousands of barries ds the water it is sand. An RAC perforated electronics, refrigeration, high vo NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN Plainly, it wasn always posAND NATIVE LIQUORS.
squadron leader, so often decei sible to keep in touch, when the with billions of holes smaller cuum, and gas processing indusved, drove his tanks at 30 mp. Contd. on Page than 01 micron (abut two mi tries NEW PRODUCTS SURVEY SHOWS NEW HARLEM CANTINA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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