
BLUE LINE ISABEL FACEY HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVER IN REMEMBRANCE CARD OF THANKS WILIAM a distinctive place with all con. nesday the 26th ultimo Avery DON SALVADOR HERRERA IS WIDOWER DOÑA BERTHA GONZALEZ DE HERRERA came some Page ATLANTIC VOICE Limon, Saturday 9th March 1946 FROM THE MAIL BOX Part of the price paid by Rus.
sia as resultant from the German IN MEMORIAM invasion is released to be asf WEEKLY SERVICE FOR FREIGHT AND PASSENGERS Hows.
BETWEEN One thousand cities and towns LIMON BOCAS DEL TORO. CRISTOBAL AND COLON destroyed; forty thousand hospiThe span of yeas since you have left us FOF INFC RMATION: tals; eighty four thousand schoHas not, and will never dry our tears and spring of ADDRESS OR CALL AT THE LIMON AND THE SAN JOSE OFFICES ols razed; six million homes des remembrance OF FELIPE ALVARADO Cia. Sucs troyed and twenty four million Thou art resting beyond this world of care and toll persons were homeless.
And when Christ Kingdom cometh you will abide with Him, AGENTS: In comparison with Russia it is We shall ever follow in the footprints which you have left us So that on that Day wew shall all meet ever more to part JOHN CARTER Colón, Rep. of Panama said Germany loss has been in SASSO BROS.
Balboa, Canal Zone significant; in other words WIDOWER. CHILDREN AND STAN HAMILTON many has been slightly bruised Cristobal, GRANDCHILDREN lucky couple in the Island Post Office Box 1816.
of Jamaica on the day of their marriage the recent Sweepstaka Drawing was pulled and it drummed them a fortune of Two Thousand Pounds Sterling The Saturday, eight days ago the marriage setting was in the St.
The fleeting wings of time shall never put to fight our fresh fastly flying years brougth in its Andrew Parish Church at Halt.
remembrance of our dear and loving Husband and Father: flight another birth anniversary way Tree for winsome Miss Elsa Zamor REDGUARD Mr Salvador Herrera adopts this medium to one of our highly young and es.
teemed citizens AT HOME March 5, 1941 sincerely thank his friends sympathizers Miss Zamora is a very resOn the Resurrection morning soul and body will reunite The residence of our highly There will be no more sorrow no more weeping no more pain ponsible employee of the Inter appreciated citizens, Don Victor and the general public of Limon who have we believe that thou art waiting in that holy stilness.
national Balsa Company. We are and Doña Isabel de Arraya and Wrapped in sleep WIDOW told free of cant that her de their very attractive daughtera expressed their condolence by means of AND SON porment and ability has won her was in glee on the night of Wed.
Cards, Letters Telegrams, Floral wreaths was celebrated and other tokens as well as their attendance It is obvious that she lives in one in which there were seve Comparatively brief is the preoccupied residence on the Ame a sphere that is bounded on the ral distinguished participants; riod since our community gai. rican Colony, but fate has sadly at the funeral of his dear departed wife. North by CHARITY. on the These included Dr. Telemaco Es ned the very valuable addition rented his heart and pronounced South by CULTURE on the pinach; Miss Elsa Zamora who of Mr. Salvador Herrera Chiet him a widower Don Herrera at.
East by ENDEARMENT and on played a very important role, Clerk of the Maintenance and tended the funeral of Miss Camthe West by RESPECTABILI. Don Luis Blanco and Doña Yo Supply Department of the Costa on the previous afternoon and TY.
Limon March 2, 1946.
landa de Blanco; Miss Nelly Tre Rica Banana Company. In com in less than twenty four hours We bespeak for her many mo jos; Messrs. Vernon Taylor: Ma pany with his beloved wife they the sting of death struck Dons re birth anniversaries; those nuel Ulloa and other. Wetoo Bertha Gonzalez de Herrera an ture days to be laden with heal shared, the hospitality of the host out strip any mediocre band.
effect that has profoundly pierBRITANIS FIRST NEGRO BALLET th; happiness and prosperity. and hostess My. Victor Arraya is the pre ced his very soul.
The refreshment feature of sent Chief Clerk in the office Many eyes were moistened at BALLET DANCERS WILL USE WEST Cities Technicolor. Med the party was of very tasteful of the Sanitary Section of the the last scene; a kind heart that wo Worlds, in the near ruture. Land plenteous formula; it was United Medical and Sanitary De had given her sympathy until it INDIAN COSTUMES Since he to England optional to the guests to extend partament in this city: he has hurts; said to had been a neighfrom his native West Indies at will the appetite previously served in several res bour to the one who preceedet By Jamaican dancer, Berto Pasuka years ago, Pasuka has ETHEL FISHER, and a handful of young Eu dreamed of presenting London tripped with merriment. Don The light fantastic art was ponsible positions for his nation her in death and she being in a The AT CHOME was promul delicate state of health she had a journalist who hộs specializer who believe that art is interna with a negro dance in writing on the theatre and tional and should know neither Successful in his own country sic with his guitar that would long be remembered.
theatre. Luis Blanco made enough mugated on a principle that will given more than was consistent with her frame. At this writing films.
race nor creed.
he realised the need for disci.
the seed she hore is yet alive.
London is to have its first ne Pasuka, incidentally, is one of plining his own native art. And Don Herrera has won a fergro ballet. courageous venture the four specialist negro dancer so he decided to study classical HERE IS YOUR CHANCE vent place in the safe repository headed by a talented young who will be seen in the Two ballet in Britain. The fact that If you have taste. if you want to be admired at Wedding. of those whom he has contacted he started in late does not mat.
Funerals and Special Lodge Functions then call at our office and there was no wonder that THE NEW DAY NIGHT SPOT ter; the negro has a supple body, in the darkest hour of his life, and secure at bargain dancing is in his blood.
the funeral procession of his de.
Cantina. Cafetería. Refrescos INSPIRATION IN A New And Well Tailored Dress Suit parted wife had the accompani.
And Restaurant TEA SHOP ment of hundreds of persons ma consisting of: Pasuka studied with Verishka de up from almost every rung cont, swallowtall and it was after a not very suc.
of our great human ladder. Ma cessful class that he got the idea pair of pants ny and beautiful were the gifts of a negro ballet for Britain. He vest of flowers and other tokens ni Ideally situated at the Corner of Fourth Avenue rushed away from that class, shirt with linke and studs sympathy and Sixth Street (Facin the Teatro Moderno)
The Atlantic Voice tenders it.
very angry with himself and his All Made From The Finest English teacher, but in a tea shop he most profund Condolence to its BERESFORD DUNCAN cooled off and found himselt and Materials: very good friend, Mr. Herrer jotting down ideas on the back and desire to assure him that the Mc. DONALD Giver of life will not leave him of his bill. It was not until the Its clean and modern accomodations comfortless next morning that he rememTops All Others bered what he had done, rushed COME AND ASSIST US TO GROW back and suceeded in retrieving those precious notes.
THE TANK IS BORN ght home prisoners and captu The idea, Pasuka tells me, From Page red guns. They used to take wit is not to emulate classical bal.
RAC armoured cars move in a them their iron rations, of cour let but to develop our own ne reconnaissance screen a hundred se, but often they had to rely on gro dance with its own techmiles ahead of the tank masses, the country to keep them going nique. We need to discipline the and the Long Range Desert and they had indeed to kes primitive.
Groups penetrate a thousand mi. going to skim much sustenan The Ballets Negroes will les deep into the heart of the elce off that barren land.
present for a short season four nemy land. These LRD group This was the battlefied on whi ballets on native West Indian reconnoltre, and report by wire ch the Royal Armoured Corp fables or characters. They have less; they fought the Axis patrol was first called.
taken the re decorated Tweneived the Axis desert forts, brou To be continued tieth Century Theatre at West bourne Grove, Bayswater, London and are to open at the end of April.
Associated with Pasuka Leonard Salzedo, talented young musician who has com: posed the music. Salzedo has toured as leader of the Ballet DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIEs, Etc.
Guild and composed the music NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO for Andree Howard ballet The PLEASE YOU Fugitive for the Ballet Rambert. Patricia Cliver, a go ahead young artiste, will not only dance one or two of the few LIMON white roles, but is acting 98 Contd. on Page 1 MONTE CARLO Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR DO YOUR SHOPPING AT are a The People House Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Remember we pay The Best Prices JACK ORANE, SUCS.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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