
EC ong PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR MRS. ELIZABETH WILLIAMS The Death of Pastors. Limón Trading Company KrzerandH. Larrabee.
Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Remember we pay The Best Prices THEODORA SAUNDERS MONTE CARLO IN FOND AND CHERISHED REMEMBRANCE DUNCAN MCDONALD THE JAMAICA BURIAL SCHEME SOCIETY atarenas APPROACHING RALLY. MOTHERS UNION an CASABLANCA LAITIL Vilk Mon, Saturday ev. pn1770 Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele Campo Pagado The People Tailor LETTER TO THE EDITOR. FROM BATAAN Bataan, 25 Miles any other than one answer; to April 1946 chose of us who believe in the IN MEMORIAN Christian faith. The greatest After having enjoyed the glorious blessing of a life of 92 The Editor, Atlantic Voice, truth that ever has been in the trans our beloved Mother Port Limun, Costa Rica. world By my Faith. is the Dear Sir: truth of the Resurrection of our left us five years ago, but memory of her Is ever tresh: Lord Jesus Christ. of which TL She rises from these earthly sorrows Permit me a little space in living to memory at this time.
On piings of faith and love your paper for some Easter On that this truth should be To her Maker who lives and provides thoughts: doubled among men: to love For the faithful who believes and trust in Him.
In the tragic accident which ENOS. CHARLES. BARTON. ZENDREEN The Easter Season refreshen their Redeemer: with all the ocurred Monday afternoon when ALVIN AND OTHERS our memory to the incident to hearts and with all their hearts the ANACC 1401 crashed in La the Redemption of the world band with all their soul and thy Libertad Nicaragua, the Central Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus neighbour as thyself. When ex American Union Mission of 7th.
Christ: nearly two thousand isting discriminations will be day Adventists lost two of their IN MEMORIAN years ago, yet it is within us as put to destruction and that men most valuable and experienced yesterday Redemption as we tru will learn war no more. In Loving Memory of Our Daughter and Grand Daughter work of our grganizaly know, is the deliverance of must get back to the Cross to Lion here in Central America.
mankind from the curse and pe know its Blood Baptism; it is The loss of these noble men and who departed this life on April 26, 1915 nalty of sins through the sacri only there that the heart finds beloved leaders came as a ter.
It is just one sad year that pass away since fice made by our Redeemer and the conscience cleansed: STE Our Darling was laid to rest: rible shock to many fellowin whom we have redemption cer there ever was a time when workers and thousands of Ad.
It is not the tears of the moment shed That tells how our hearts are torn through His blood; the forgive men need the restoration of entists believers in the six But unseen tears in after years Dess of sins. Jesus Christ the peace, it is now Fountries of the Central AmeriThose who are dead only pass away Eternal Son of God, who became War clouds are still hanging From a world of grief and pain So we all look forward to that happy day man and so was and continues over Europe and Asia: the small can Union and to other thous.
to be God and man; in two dis nations are saying they are were known before laboring in ands in the Americas where they When we all shall meet again.
MOTHER. GRANDMOTHERS tinct natures and One Person strong. the working class dis Central America. Pastor Kinzer iantly in these same countries, SISTER UNCLE forever St. John Chapter agrees with existing conditions has served twenty years in for beginning in Guatemala eightIV verse reads In the begin. the world over. Give us then, eign service, tifteen years in een years ago doing despensary ning was the word and the word Oh Lord, that peace of which Porto Rico and Colombia bfors work in several of the indian was with God, and the word was we were once told PEACE coming to God. The word was made fles ON EARTH. GOODWILL Towhere he has so loyally and the Larrabee family came Central America villages of that country. In 1936 to Pleasant Homey Atmosphere and dwelth am us. His glony, MEN the glory of the Only Begotten know that my redeemer lives faithfully served as superinten. costa Rica where Pastor Lar Deliciously Prepared Eats Last Monday the 22nd instant breathe anew the sad partof the Father: full of grace and He has burst His three days prident of all the Adventist activ rabee served as professor in our The Spot to Bring your family or friend truth.
ities in all the Central Ameri. Central American Training Col.
ing from this world of my good Friend son Food. Good Liquor Dispensors It would be easy, no doubt He is risen. He is risen can countries in the two hun lege for five years. While at the MR. WELLARD ALLEN rinks. Music to Keep you Amused to get many different answers to Death is conquered, man is free aired trips that he has made out college he was a favorite among his through the countries of Central the students and due to died in the flower of his manhood on April 22, 1945; fate While Drinking or Eating: this question What is the Christ has won the victory.
was unkind to him: greatest truth in the world? But Faithfully yours America he has won to himself many contacts with the people When all foundation else will fail do not see how there can be Those built on affection and love JOHN BURKE thousands of friends of those of the neighborhood and the city with whom he has made contact. he has many friends and acwith heart contrite and pure within Pastor Larrabee in the Shall stand forever on the ground of memory.
same quaintances. During the last five FRONT THE TEATRO MODERNO. LIMON Campo Paga do way has served long and val. years he has been one of our MARIE FISHER Friend most able secretaries in the cen their families and a large num.
The Port Limon Branch of the ister Mrs. Adora Brown who tral office looking after the in ber of friends and workers acJamaica Burial Scheme Society was made a member of the The Mothers Union of the St. Mark Church will terests of the young people and companied them to the air port மரபர ப ய ய ய ய ய ய யம ய ய is most honourable and most Branch, and couple days after rise anew her magnificent entertaining curtain in the Hall the school work in the Central where they boarded the airworthy of one acceptation he was gone; leaving much food of the Parish commencing at the seven o clock evening American Union. Besides the plane for Nicaragua. Little did Coming up from the past to this for thought. Members as we are hour onscores of primary schools he has they realize that just one week our most trying present we can of this Society we hear upon us MONDAY THE 3 TH OF MAL. taken a very active part in the from that morning they would (The former Atlantic Bar)
not but agree that this organized the sign of death as one set On the occasion of the approaching Rally based on building up of the college in come to their end in the sad ac.
body stands for our last moment apart against the day; it be six of the most important products of our beloved Costa Tres Rios and academies in Pacident that so cruelly tore them here on this God given earth hoves us to bear in mind always Rica: These are: ABACA which helped to attack the ene nama, Honduras, and Guatemal away from all earthly associaHERE WE OFFER: when winging our flight by that each day the sentence is mies BANANA, the life of this zone, and goes mell wi. la.
tions. Al Monday afternoon of which we hope to meet our God passed upon us and are we get th cod fish SUGAR CANE, sweet stricks as called by Pastors Kinzer and Larrabee the 22nd of April the families face to face. These, of course, ting ready for the day? But be certain Westies COCOANUT that gives the kick to had just returned from Panama were waiting their husbands The Des! of Liquors The Nicest Short are our last meetings here and fore the most tragic hour we rice and beans COFFEE, for me is a headache without where they had been called to and fathers until the news, caine Order. Real Good Services comas we so register each meeting want to see our brethren, if not it and CACAO small farmers best friend.
give help in the building of our of the terrible tragedy we should be aware that we are in whole, in part, do good to Here is the function that everyone is free to talk a. large training school in Panama Tuesday afternoon the bodies foricble and Cozy Private Rooms!
nearing home; yes, a home be cheer us on our way through bout: tell each other until it reachs the market.
They were just a few days here arrived at the air port in San yond the grave to which are the dark shadow of death Six of the most charming members of the Mothers in the city with their families THERE IS ALWAYS WELCOME FOR ALL!
assigned and readily do not real meet our God.
José where they were carried at Union have already taken the field and we are confident and in the office when they hur.
ize how we are taking these sol.
once to the Adventist Church While we gathgr from time that no person of honour and taste will refuse their ap riea away on Monday the 15th here in the city. large numPRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET emn meetings, then, to be sure to time; believe there is great peal for financial support: remembering that the Union of April to meet an appointment of it all may ask by brethren reed for us to do on a whole ber of believers and friends gatakes care of the sick. succour the orphan and widow of a large meeting at Bluefields as to whether we are conscious to better ourselves in the mate and budy the dead.
thered to mourn with the fam.
Nicaragua On that morning CLARENCE FATTERSON (Chicklets. Proprietor of the end in view? are we misrial as well as in the spiritual ilies and show their respect to led by sportive thoughts? are sense. In the name of our race the ones they had learned to TERRITORIAL DRESSED OUD We walking from the highwavlet us try to help ourselves: love and appreciate. Words of of truth, veracity and reality? cease to depend on the other comfort from the Scripture were This is evidence that WAR IS OVER Are we conscious of the fact that fellow all along. Let us remem spoken for the benefit of the we are joined together as Christ ber that we are all great creafamilies and the large congreBecause there is ians to shake with each other tures of God endowed with his gation that gathered in the the cold hands of death, and to esteemable gifts. The mean re.
which Pastors Minsinger of bear cach other withness just marks which are the Costa Rica mission, from every andbefore the last spark of life hand passed upon us, particular Montgomery of the College, from each one of us takes its ly our women is heart rending, Cone and Steeves of flight and we are departed som. Let our the Central office all took part.
young women stop where to awit the Eternal shout straightening Pastor Kinzer leaves to mourn out their little of the Angelic Host of God, a curls: God has made them in here in the city his wife Vivian Now available to make that long wished for circumstance which will trans their original form and to alter and son Robert, 13 years old, Change of Menu This is a wonderful combination with fresh FISH.
form us from the dead back to His plan is sinful; cease to be Besides he leaves his aged parGet your shop keeper to order Salt Salmon and life in Christ meeting then in ents and an older brother in the mere imitators; learn to create: Mackerel from Holy Oneness amidst the dazz. come to the front and be masters!
stae of Arkansas, Pastor Lar. ling hosts of God, there the and abandon the role of servrabee leaves his wife Bernice ACUNA MIRABELLI shout of God, and the wakening ants.
and three children Ellen Louis, WHOLESALERS. SAN JOSE dead moving to know its own Lillian May, and Lorenzo. He from the sin sown by Adam We want to have members of also leaves his parents, a brother As we take to account our late our race around us doctors, nur and a sister in the state of Ida.
ho. Not alone the above mention ses; native to our kit and kin in ed loved ones but thousands of whom we can confide and know friends in all the countries of that the departing brother or sister has been well attended to: Central America and other parts help each member to die peace.
mourn the passing of these beloved and able spiritual leaders.
fully; as a people we need a hospital for our own: coloured The Atlantic Voice tenders the doctors: nurses and in fact all its profound condolence to the professons and then with bereaved relatives of these two The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao our hearse we can convey cur christian representatives dead to the final resting place LP Let us organize ourselves in dif ferent groups of arts and crafts making fields for our youngsters and not for them to be left at the mercy of the age in which they have no SAY or Pay; only so can we as negroes protect For Best Fit. What?
We are Agents for our women and our children OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE children. May God help us to Go to Clifford Steele think aright. MONTERO.
The People Tailor Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
to e GROWERS OF THE ATLANTIC ZONE SALT SALMON ATTENTION SALT MACKEREL We have recently ordered the very latest type of equipment for the extracting of edible and in dustrial oil from coconuts.
This will be of great benefit to the coconut producers as extracting the oil in Limón where the plant will be located will enable us to pay the growers at least ten colones per hundred higher than prevailing prices.
It may also interest the growers to know that shortly we will commence to purchase cacao. We are completing arrangements of transport to market in our own vessels thereby effecting Caribbean Packing Co.

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