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FUNCTION OF THE YEAR in a form of be prepared more dead thick, and over 20 feet in length LIQUID SPRING 13 to certain insects than any They are to be used in food substance previously tested. It plant and will be subject to se SUSPENSION British scientists have discover. was called Gammexane.
vere high. Irequeney vibrations, new insecticide deadly Gamexane was first tried an among others pest o locusts. weevils, with remarkable re.
Radio instruments in hermeti Britain has produced a revolu sults. Then the ICT scientists in Abril, a synthetic wax disetu ally sealed diecast cases were tionary suspension system likely We now from the Arabian castigated its effect on animals, ered by British scientists, shown working in boiling water to make obsolete existing meth Nights that many centuries ago and it was found that rats coul shortly to go into large scale pro at the Radio Components Exhi ods of springing and shock ab All can be secured at: Arabs held the secret of mixing be fed 30 miligrams of Gammex duction. It will take the place nf bition recently held in Londor sorbing.
This development the liquid herbs into a powder which had one a day without any ill con. natural waxes used for high. This striking demonstration war the power of killing insects. But sequences Nor did it appear that pressure lubrication, textile in one of several emphasising the spring was evolved during the with the page of time this sea solution of Gammexane coula ishing, stamophone records and close attention being paid by war by British experts in aircret was lost to the world an affect the skin. Though these cosmetics, Carbon paper and British manufacturers to the de craft undercarriage production it was only to to B0 years ago Lests are stil in progress, it al printing inks will also benefit sign of aparatus suitable for so to assist the aircraft designer in that chemicals were first used ready seems certain that with from the new discovery Abril vere tropical conditions. Seventy reducing the weight of his mafor the destruction of posts like able care this substance ean be will provide insulation in radio nine firms took part in the ex. chine It is one of the develop of locusts, cockroaches and beetles, freely used.
and emulsion in waterproofinhibition, which contained in ments which enable Britain These chemicals, though mode At the same time, many ot as well as highly polished furni genious war winning technical bombers to carry ever increasately effective, were not at all her tests were made to discover ture. The new product has the developments side by side with ing loads in safety.
atisfactory since they were how effective Gamerene was important advantage of low entirely new devices for peac In peace time it will assist in poisomu, to animal life as well in dealing with insects, and these price compared with natural ve time production. notable fea. dustry and transport by air roat us to insect, and were thus dan results too were highly ratifsc getable waxes.
ture of almost every exhibit was rail and sea. Where the new the Beroun if they came in contactory. It is now known that it remarkable reduction in British spring is used, construe. with any form of food, such as deadly to locuri, crkroaches, United Kingdom manufactur weight and size compared with tion will be simplified, deadfruit body lice, bed bugs, many kinds ers have just produced what are its counter part of a few years eight reduced and efficiency in SALE WILL BE FOR FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY It was abundantly evident that of beetle and weedi, wasps, ants believed to be the largest stain ago creased some new chemical substance Dreas, flies and various types of less steel tubs in the world.
Previously, suspension syDO NOT LOSE THIS OPPORTUNITY should be evolved which could uit include malaria They are 14 inches outside diatems have used metal springs.
kill insects and yet be impotent ying anopol meter, one quart of inch rubber springs or compressed to harm animals. including air. Oil was used as an auxiliary the human race. The production SKULL SURGERY only for shock absorbing or THE GRANDES of such a chemical proved to be Already bone substitutes have damping down movement a difficult problem and for been used in plastic surgery and The new simple system use oil The grand humanitarian serve the deeds of charity that is be.
many years scientists toiled in in bone replacement operations to do the full job, thus obviating ices of the Limón Social Proing especially extended from wain to find a solution. In 1934.
Factory situated behind that of Don Lucas Alvarado Rapid polymerisation, or setting, many complications and the risk tection Committee, we are san day to day to suffering humar In this city of Limon however, a team of scientists em can be achieved with the aid of of failure of rubber by climato. guine is worthy of the general ity.
Every child who is born owes OFFERS AT THE LOWEST PRICE AND MOST FINEST ployed by the great British com high frequency short wave ap and leakage of compressed air community acceptation and From contact we are able to claim to one of the 12 months bine Imperial Chemical IndusFURNITURE paratus, the whole process tak The principle applied is the praise; fountain of praise in affirm that there is scarcely a of the year, and a Rally base tries concentrated on the task, UNSURPASSING STYLES. QUALITY GUARANTEED ing only ten minutes, compression of liquids under which they should be perfum denial to any deserving card accordingly, we believe the sur and during the next eight years EASY PAYMENT PLAN An important new develop high presures.
This was once and from which fragrance however difficuit may be the porters should be unparal eyen th tested many thousands of cher ment in the surgery of the skull believed to be contrary to phys. would, undobutedly be waſted circumstance: YOU CAN SEE YOUR FURNITURE IN THE MAKING Under the auspices of leals to ascertain their worth WITH ENTIRE SATISFACTION has been made posible. Unplasical principles and therefore in to other lands shadow of a doubt, the character District Grand Lodge No.
insecticides. At last, early in ticised fully polymerised Pers possible, and later was consider The requisitionists to the ofistie benevolence of the office the Independent Order 1942 they tested chemical pex sheet is heated on a hoi ed impracticable on a commer tice of our highly esteemed Mr. prevails Samaritans and Daughter which seemed promising. This plate to about 130 degrees cen cial scale. Wartime research. Alfonso Sole, the moving spirit According to our gleaning, the Samaria, and with the pa pa was a substance discovered over tigrade, to make it workable. It however, proved that all liquids and Accountant who is faced following statistic for the year tion of the subordinate Lodges a century ago by the eminent is then hand pressed on a neg can be compressed and that li with the multiplicity of solicita. 1945 merits the undivided atten. Guiding Star No. of Limus: LOVE NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN British scientist Faraday, and ative mould which has Ouc been quid springs can be produced tions. We opine, have not the tion and appreciation of Bethel No. of Siquirres; Mount can be called 666 for short. In fond and never fading memory of our beloved Mother built up from a Zelex impres superior in resiliency and durab slightest idea of the vastness of public: Calvary of Estrada No. and the chemical formula being MRS. ELLEN SMITH sion, which can be speedily ob ility to those previously avail. Hospitalization, Costa Rica Banana Company 1052 Loyal Vesper No. of this city C6H6C16.
able to the engineer, Services at the Dispensary of 91 The Rally will be staged in Paraffin, subjected to a pres United Medical and Sanitary MORE DEADLY FORM who departed this life on April 21, 1943: 10 the Hall of the Limon Lodge on The moulded Perspex can now sure of 11, 000 pounds to a. Number of treatments by the the same Company.
During the summer of 1942.
We shall sleep, but not forever, Department. Dispensary. 4603 the Grand United Order of 066 was tried on a number of There will be a glorious dawn be fitted at the original opera inch, can be reduced in volume tion. Another rapid method is by per cent; under pressure XRay Examinations on Lungs School Physician and Nurs Director, Official Doctor, When we shall meet to part, no more; never Felows, opposite the local Salve insect pests but the 6854 lion Army Hall. The whole town results On the Resurrection Morn.
to combine the acrylic with a of 50. 000 pounds to a squune inch Patients sent to Asylum.
though eneouraging, wer not ETHELIRD. FLORENCE. ALFONSO. FRANCIS and Radiography 506 is talking about this entert setting agent which accelerates the reduction is 15 per cent.
consistent Further experimchts Number of Railroad passes exte 6pment and all are cordially AND JOSE the hardening, rapidly and harm Further research in war time Dental Patients Treated Freely nded as of December 1944 208 vited: were then carried out and var.
Sons and Daughters lessly. After exposure to the Britain led to the production of ious possibilities were investigat Dead Bodies Transferred to the 30 Programme starts at seve polymerisinb effects of an ultra a special light mineral oil which ed, to find the cause of this in.
violet lamp the finished shape could be compressed by over 17 Coffins Supplied Freely Cemetery 43 clock in the evening of Sur consistency. Within a few months Charitable Burials 144 May 7th, 1946.
per cent, at 50, 000 pounds and the answer was found, and a Perspex can be used for the by 20 per cent at 60, 000 pounds In addition to the year marvшошісініnашнішнімаарагонісаl JOSE BRIDE external splinting of limbs. Un a square inch. Even greater comelous accomplishments as brieflike plaster, it is transparent, pressions by using pressures of light and allows the passage or the order of 100, 000 pounds are that by the untiring zeal of the ly stated above we learn further On Saturday, the th of the Jltra violet radiotions. Experi likely to be obtained with new Committee, we can now look month in course we had the very Situated 450 Yards South of AND RESTAURANT happy gleaning of the magnili absorbent filler in the acrylic, ments are being made using an oils.
forward with assurance for the SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Maternity Ward in conjunction A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE cent setting in the Church Car which will allow for the remoOFFERS: men of San Jose in preparawith the functioning of the val of perspiration, thus giving San José The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons. tion for the marriage of our most all the advantages of plaster of eral substitute for all materials: Department of this city; an asy.
Perspex plastic is not a gen United Medical and Sanitary attractive citizen Miss Marla Roparis together with greater ease its potentialities lie in NO ADULTERATION. THE PUREST IN FOREIGN bles Fernandez, the daughter of AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
LADIES AND GENTS SUITS lum for the birth and care of of removal The new method an existing job more effecively, the expectant our esteemed Don Abel Robles, will be clean in use and will and in enabling valuable jobs baby is among the less fortunmother whose the Governor of this Province a void water being brought to be done for the first time.
and Dona Nini Fernandez de Ro ate.
against the skin surface.
British scientists and manu.
bies, to Mx. Manuel Emilio Jose The wide variety of uses for facturers are cooperating over Ventura Soriano, a gentleman We, in all sincerity close this NOTICE the new material puts it aan enormous and varied fiel.
whose high culture and personal class with steel In fact, weight and are discovering how best to chapter and call upon our citi.
attributes is widespread and Address all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos de for weight, it has alreost the make Perspex useful and widely zenry to join us in giving the who occupies an outstanding pla same strength, though it is struc available in the service of man HIP HIP WELL DONE to the Ing Bequirements to perla dirijare a ce in San Jose society. We can turally much more bulky kind.
last year Managing Commit.
say unhesitating ly that he is the tee: RE ROIG recipient of one of the human President, Mr. Fulgencio Cam GEMS of Limon for his wite, pos Segura Charges Reasonable. Precios Médicos Secretary Mr. Antonio Cana. P. BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25. The decorative effect of the lias Morella sacred editice was blmost of un 1st Vocal, Mr. Gonzalo Cordero parallel beauty and in semblance of nature most exquisite flo2nd Vocal, Mr. Moisés Kader Filossoft.
ral garden 3rd Vocal, Mr. Marco MalIt is an overwhelming joy and DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIEs, Etc.
donado Ceballos. E token of great honour to insert NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO 1st Suplento. Mr. Leopoldo Greenwood Pommels.
Commerce Avenue, Next to the British in these columns the age PLEASE YOU 2nd Suplente, Mr. Victor Ma.
these two young distinguished nuel Aguirre Rueda.
Vice Consulate and Airplane Booking Office To Members of Cacao Cooperation persons and we desire for them Delegate to the General Dirction of the Social Protection the richest blessings of a happy Our Prices for the following Products ar LIMON Mr. Abel Cruz Castrillo and the urion officer in charge, Mr. Alfonso Sole Lippa.
CACAO, per quintal 50. 00 Colones (Mixta)
Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back (Corner Sth Avenue and 5th Street. LIMON de los primeros 10 dias de cada ines receipt which reads: COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones It is the high quality of our liquors and other drinks why our friends of BATAAN. THIS CITY COCOANUTS, per hundred 30. 00 Colones This bill must be paid at our office before COASTALAND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen Le tugamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnos ta penn the 10th of the month: our establishment as their meeting center: de tener que cortar su servicio All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense Be so good as to comply with this request and do dol THE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR of the Cacao Co operation Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso oblige us to suspend our service, a step which CROCERY COUNTER: de su recibo que dice: wo would much regret to take Experience taught them that our faodaiuffs are RAUL VELAZQUEZ THE BEST Corbetto es MISS MARTA ROBLES FERNANDEZ SAN is ready for titting gum.
GROCERY AND CANTINA BATAAN COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura Costa Rica


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