
THE NATIONAL CONGRESS NEW PRESIDENT Limonenses and friends join with us in Voic tribute to Attorney Francisco Fonseca Chatlantic The Art Furniture Factory YEAR XI Limón, 11th, May 1946 No. 510 77 women ident of the National Congress.
This is, we may decide, a good deal to New British Air be said in behalf of such an elevation. few Attache For months ago by an overwhelming majority Factory situated behind that of Don Lucas Alvarado of votes we returned him to the Congress, Costa Rica in this city of Limon but our ambition was not so firmly hinged OFFERS AT THE LOWEST PRICE AND MOST FINEST FURNITURE that his collegues were marking so minutely, as we are doing during these long years, Lic. Wing Commander UNSURPASSING STYLES Fonseca sympathetic attribute towards Smales, visited San QUALITY GUARANTEED EASY PAYMENT PLAN humanity in conjunction with their individual José in company of the out YOU CAN SEE YOUR FURNITURE IN THE MAKING or collective problems; as he has been res der Devey.
going Tttaché, Ving Comman WITH ENTIRE SATISFACTION pected for his magnificent culture; his unselfishness; his consistently liberal views; his On Tuesday Morning the vision and uncompromising gentility.
OUR WOMEN Central America, Mrs. Angela twinz motored Aro Anson.
Acuña de Chacón, a distinguiThe central situation, however, brought piloted by Wing Commander With each succeeding oppor shed intellectual social worker to our mind the loss of a great visioner and Devey, took tunity the of Cos of our Republic. We heartily champion of the cause of this Province. Our off from the Sabana inn Jo ta Rica are climbing the ladder congratulate her on the appoint humble knowledge on Parliamentary ethics brook Field, Balboa, se with its course set for Al of prominnece. We have now ment; a recognition which we releases to us that as President it will be ne where the English plane made as Director General of the Pan are sure will be an inspira American Round Tables in tion to womanhood.
cessary for him to listen attentively to every a happy landing.
transaction; use the scale of equity and to Wing Commander Devey.
who is he Air ache to the deal impartially on all matters before the Britisni egations in Central Attachés visited Don Ju the Military, Colonel Jess While in San José, the two Renwick Hughes, the Head of Chamber. Whether he reserves the rights to merica and some of the Ca lio Acosta García, the Secre Radnor, his wife and moentroduce new measures in behalf of this pro ribboe countries, was accom:tary of State for Foreign Affa ther. Colonel Daniel Gallegos vince and at such times surrender tempo panied in this flight by Wing irs, to whem they were intro Montealegre, ex Subsecretary rarlly his seat to his Vice President, we are commander Smales, who will duced by Minister of Public Security, Colonel Do not an authority, but our strongest emotion, take over the duties of Air At to Costa Rica. Mr. Frederick nato Iglesias, Head of the Traf at this time is to call upon the other two Re: taché when the former leaves George Coultas, who fic Departament, members of for England shortly.
presentatives for Limon to stand firmly in gave a reception in honour of the British Legation staff and Both officers are veterans the two officers at his residen the Colony resident in San Jo.
defence of our problems to visualize our ne of the Second World and we ce last Monday. The Right Resé attended the party.
cessities and champion convincingly; to see re regular officers in the Royal verend Bishop of Belice and The ATLANTIC VOICE ta that the things destined for the welfare of this Air Force before the conflict Mrs. Douglas Wilson, kes this opportunity to welcozone be forth coming and to see to the preser males will take delivery of his ta Rica, and Mrs. Hallet John to his new started. Wing Commander the Ambassador to Cosme Wing Commander Smales vation of those systems which have already post and wishes established our life line.
own plane in Balboa, and then son, the First Secretary of the Wing Commander Devey God reutrns to Guatemala City whe Embassy and Mrs. Raleigh Speed on his return to the Uni Finally, we hope that the machinery of re he is permanently statio. Gibons, the Military At ted Kingdom, the National Congress will be greased with ned.
taché, Lienut Colonel James human harmony; mutual understanding, charity, equity and love for humanity.
CAMPO PAGADO pel of our Lord and Master GROWERS of the ATLANTIC ZONE SINGS OF THE doth but stop us on our dowTIMES nward flight to hell and offers By Montero: heaven instead. This little book, daresay is chock full of God Indeed if must confess, and holds Jesus Christ as its Signs of the Time one of the beacon light; all its readings many teachings of the gospel are nice. They are of the Emaculate Son of God esho of my thumping heart, that ever interest me, at least can earnestly say it met me in gave fire to the half frozen full and with awaken gladWe have recently ordered the very latest type of spark of true fellowship resi ness impels by love divine ding in my ready heart; it ring move to write of its equipment for the extracting of edible and industrial e lou and clear that old. old chable love of God dripping story of Jesus and His Love, from the ready pen of those li oil from coconuts.
our only theme in glory a lad ve sparks as brothers in Jesus der from earth to heaven it Christ, they tell of His love.
took me upward till methink Throughout the pages of the This will be of great benefit to the coconut producers my ear and soul caught the book that was given to me by heavenly strain, the Gospel of a brother who saw me as pas as extracting the oil in Limon where the plant will be Jesus Christ, the charm it con sed by and he came cut and veys, it is like a mighty mag offered it to me which most located will enable us to pay the growers at least ten net that not only draws, but reluctantly took, with doubt as controls and holds the whole to the value of its contests, colones per hu higher than prevailing prices.
man to divine subjection, from carelessly stucked whichin life nor death can mor pocket: It may also interest the growers to know that shortly tal nan break away. The Gos to be continued: we will commence to purchase caca cao. We are completFor Sale! For Sale?
ing arrangements of transport to market in our own ONE FOUR ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH, TOILET AND KITCHEN vessels thereby effecting some saving of freight to the CENTRALLY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF LIMON growers interest.
Apply to: Jos. Thomas Room International Trading Corp. Ltda.
in front the Cathedral ATTENTION the very unsearit into my Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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