
ATLANTIC VOICE Page Saturday lith. May 1946 Banco de Costa Rica ones own RETURNED TO RESPONSIBLE DUTIES Los CENTIMOS de hoy SERAN los colones The lengthered period of we entertain no doubt has por.
del MANANA, si usted sabe AHORRAR Miss Maria Prestinary asso vided for her the manna for ciation with the children of the the children although it has Reelectory Infantil; an institu not fallen visibly as was done COMIENCE HOY. DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS en el tion in this city which provides to the Children of Israel in the a daily meal for the less fortu Wilderness.
nate children not only places Like it was when Moses her as the resposible person, place was filled by Joshua, 30 but like a mother who careth during the absence of Miss Maher own nestlings is the true ria our equally devoted Chris(Sucural en Limón)
recogntion assigned to her. tian citizen, Dona Luz de ChaDue to death in the circle vez mothered the little of her relatives and her own at the Reflectory Infantil; she Realiza Toda Clase de Operación Bancaria impaired health Miss Prestina sought here and there to find ry was absent for the past sev the food for them; she receiveral months. She returned a ed allso aded oil in her cruse LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO few days ago and increased flour to bake The writer is cognizant of more than one pan cake.
the very difficult task which at In. as. much. as these two AN AMENDMENT THE ST. MARK MOTHER times confronted her in her charitable hearts have done it UNION RALLY trials to find the withal for unto these considered least in In conjunction with the report the little ones who are present the flesh, they have done MONDAY NIGHT THE 13TH: it on HOLY WEEK AT THE at the luncheon hour and they unto Him.
CITY CATHEDRAL as puwithout their daily meals. Miss We welcome Miss Maria According to the swinging of ch product is of undeniable va have blished in our issue of April the pendulum a fervent con lue in our economic life and never been returned Prestnary and in the name of the 27th, we insert below other test will be in evidence in in the representatives, respectivePrestinary Christian attribute the children and in our and devotion to HIM who keep name we thank Dona Luz Cha High Mass and names, due to rish on Monday night the 12th ses wide popularity.
participants in the Pontifical the Hall of the St Mark Pa ly, carries charm and posseseth the swallaw in its flight, vez for her GEM.
pressure of time and limitation instant in connection wth the We have not the gift of pro of space were not mentioned Mother Union Rally based on pheey so the winner cannot be in the previous publication: six of the leading products of given by us, but as seeing is Mrs. Lous Gaston Mrs.
ON THE DIAMOND BATAAN IN this country: namely. Abah believing we invite the public BASKETBALL Josephine Hilarion the Misca Banana Cacao Coffee to the great ausement.
ses Majorie Hart. Pearl Gay Cocoanut and Sugar cane. EaThe Balsa Baseball team le Elena Dunn Maria Reid won the contest against the San The honour extended to the Nalda Reid Nalda BlackBON FLIGHT FOR Luis on the 28th ultimo. Ce newly organized Basketball man. Adelina Campbell, Cor cil Williams (Squeeze) the for Team of Bataan having had MISS LILLY ELENA BAILEY: lia Bryant Messrs Joseph the Balsa was as dashing as Mrs. Willie Hug to deliver the Crusa and Bernard Isaac.
On September the 14, 1944, She left again for Over Sea the waves of the ocean, semin first ball as atoken of the gaMiss Lilly Elena Bailey retur last Wednesday, May Ist, 1946.
gly a copious influx by daily game being dedicated to her; ned from her trip abroad due Her sister and esteemed friends seeing the ebbing and flowing this gave rise to a demonstrato the illness of her dearly be gave her bon Sendoff and tides by the Balsa Plant. He tion of high social order. The MOTHER DAY loved mother who departed wished her a safe flight and a out pitched the St. Luis. On a numerical aspect of the exer AND GRAND this world.
happy landing.
whole the boys are improving cise provided added importan in all the technique of the ce to the afternoon of April The 1946 Mother Day anENTERTAINMENTS AT OUR HEELS grand game. We observed so the 28th; the debut being in nversary will be celebrated to The Motive Power Baseball dly Club Third Anniversary me very praiseworthy catches form of a contest between pla morrow, Sunday the 13th in Club which in the past held Ball The Executive Officers, and alert chasing of the ball. yers, representing Good Ho the Baptist Church in this ci prominence in literary enga Mr. Luis McRae, PresidentOn the other hand, Jose Ga pe and under the captaincy of ty, embodied with the forenoon gement and a cosmopolitan na Mr. Osmond Daley. Vice Prerron, the hurdler for the St. Mr. Salvador Mayorgal while Children Prorama and on ture of amusements has been siden. Mr. Clifford Edwards, Luis was off his regular stride; captain Morris and his Monday night the 13th. the revived on the field of sports Secrelary and Mr. Stanley Wahe could scarcely keep his de boys came forward in the na Grand Mother Day Concert and with a view of renewing de, Treasurer, we are sanguine liveries over the plate. me of Bataan.
will be presented. We glean its indoor festivities will stage have already won the goodwill The two exciting innings we Two half time characterized that new talents are listed on a dance tonight, Saturday the and esteem of our socialites re the Seventh and Eighth, res the match Good Hope gai the entertaining agenda and Ilth in the Hall of the Univer and we mention, without dou pectively. San Luis had a me ned 14 points and Bataan six have been holding the fort du sal Negro Improvement Asso bt, that every invitee, outside for runs and in the first half. In the final ring the rehearsals.
ciation. The Riversiders are en of unforseen circumstance will the bases were circled six ti the Good Hope score reached This will serve as medium gaged for the fete.
be in attendance.
mes consecutively by the Balsa 20 and Bataan 13. The former of invitation to the general pu The melodies, anticipatingly, players. At the termination of won the contest.
blic to attend all the services Saturday night, the 18th of will be dished out by the Rithe play the boys who enjoy Agent Correspondent: and the Grand Concert, anti the month in course is set for versiders.
the cool sea air, marched off cipatingly well known Eagle Aces Frientrimphantly with 15 runs a JOSE ACHIONG NG.
gainst 11 for the San Luis. This news, no doubt, was a shock COMERCIANTE to Mr. Rodolph Johnson, the.
DETALLISTA Manager of the defeated team.
He was out town when his boys Licores. Abarrotes. Cristale fell to the canvas. We congra ria. Materiales de Ferretería y tulate the Balsa for the perfor Eléctricos. Todo se encuentra en este Establecimiento very go round SINTONICE TIQ Radio CASINO mance 1220 KILOCICLOS ONDA LARGA La Casa de Los Muebles 50 varas al Oeste de la Panadería de los señores Musmanni PUERTO LIMON LE OFRECE TODO LO QUE USTED NECESITE PARA SU VIVIENDA.
TODO MUY BARATO APARTADO 555 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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