
ON THE HIGH SEAS There come to our site in the Capitan Atlantic VOICE.
The People House was upon 18 in our city, The Art Furniture Factory was FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Limón, 18th. May 1946 JOS. THOMAS Editor: Post Box 199 last by the men associated with the transportation IN ANGLICAN section of the Costa Rica Federation of DIOCESE Workers. The marchers carried many strikDo Your Shopping at ingly worded banners, but there was no deGladness and Joy evidently monstration of any alarming numerical commanded not only the souls of anglicans, but we daresay strength. They wended their way to the Leof every citizen who resides in gislative Building where their spokesmen the universe of Christianity, DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
vehemently delivered speeches in form of when on Thursday, the 9th of NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO solicitude to the Chamber of Deputies for the the month in course, the grace PLEASE YOU granting of a measure of Reformation to and blessing of God brought Clause (C) of Article 369 of the Labour Law; to this city His Lordship. Doua section which emphatically states that slas Wilson Bishop of BritJack Orane, Sucs.
ish Honduras and Central strikes are illegal in transport companies.
America, accompanied by his We are not endowed with that special esteemed wife and the distin edifice was taxed to its cap The way leading to the orGod given gift to read the hearts of men, guished visitor, His Lordship, acity and the sermon of Bishop ations was rosily paved by the Lord however, we have the assurance that men in Gooden, Lord Bishop Wilson had been undoubtedly chorus. Great is the well rendered by the choiristers.
such high places as the National Congress of the North American Diocese drawn from God own of the Republic of Panama spring. We believe like the In attendance was the conare men of great understanding and wisdom and the Canal Zone.
precious dew which descended gregation and quite natural and cannot be easily swayed by an avalanThese visitors were extend upon the Mountain of Zion, their spokesman was highly che of expressions. We believe that their ed a right hearty welcome in the Holy Spirit was there to required; a duty that looking into the mirror of the workmen; it the Hall of the St. Mark Pa give the blessing.
spicily performed by Mr. William Daysley, the catechist of would be compatible to view also the reflec rish. Prior to this tribute, Bistion.
hop Douglas Wilson had The programme of welcome the Church. The Vestry ComWe opine that the suspension of the solemnized the Sacrament of was rarely illuminating; given mittee tribute was sent throConfirmation persons in spirit and in truth. The Rev. ugh the medium of Mr. Jos.
erial and rail transportation, the two most fourteen females and four ma erend Wrigley, the Brotherton. For the choir spoke yportant means of communication system le; these have accepted Christ officiating Rector at St. Mark Miss Gaynor. Her address ould be a grevious mistake and the people under the banner of the St. presided over the deliberations was nicely buttered. The greetthis zone would be the grestest sufferers, Marks Church. The sacred of welcome.
ing of the Servers came forward by Alfred Wade. The Sun ot only economically, but in general.
day School was represented by The requirements to effectively take Winston Gray. Tuning for the are of the sick is very inadequate in our city, Boy Scouts and Girls Guide thus our sick at the greatest sacrifice conMr. Sigismund Collins stantly seeks medical and surgical treatments Factory situated behind that of Don Lucas Alvarado (Jack Flag Stop. In the name in this city of Limon at Cartago. San Jose and Turrialba. Countuf the Girls Guild Miss Maggie OFFERS AT THE LOWEST PRICE AND MOST FINEST Ansign less times the very local physicians have ord.
spoke interestingly.
ered the transfer of certain cases to higher FURNITURE Mrs. Washington Lucas waxed warmly the Mother sick institutions in the interior.
UNSURPASSING STYLES Union. The Philharmonic It might be said that rail transportation QUALITY GUARANTEED EASY PAYMENT PLAN Choir address by Miss Marhas been often suspended due to slides in YOU CAN SEE YOUR FURNITURE IN THE MAKING garet Dawkins. The Women times of rain flood or other interruptions; we Life Problem was the accompWITH ENTIRE SATISFACTION lishment of Miss Alfreda Soagree, but we ought to remember also that bers. Responding illustriously, the planes had freedom of movements; they Their Lordships, Wilson and brought us food, correspondence, medicine CARLOS ZAMORA MONGE KILLED BY Gooden held the impulse of and other necessities; whereas, if the repeal FALLEN ELECTRIC WIRE their audience in a calm revbe effected to legalize strikes in such departelation: watered the tender ments, automatically there would be includ On Sunday morning the burnt fallen upon his shoulder whi buds of hope for a life to come ed the employes in air transport companies body of amn whose name was le he was walking along the and to be dwellers in that Now let us reason together: The real given as Carlos Zamora Mon, street at a liffle distance from Jerusalem which the Immortal ge of Turrialba was conveyed the St. Mark Church. Apostle John visioned.
ubrden of the crisis lies with the existing cost the United Medicical and Sa Much sympathy was expres On Friday morning, by the of living and not so much with the earning nitary Departament of this sed on all sides fate harsh bounty of the Northern Railpower of the workermen and it is our opinion city.
dealing with the man. Inter way Company the Confirmathat strikes will not untie the knot. re We glean that the very un ment was effected in tre late tion special train was at the trospective view will disclose the cause for fortunat man lost his precious after the arrival of his parents disposal of Bishop Wilson and our paying exhorbitant prices for some of our life by being electrocated by anl relatives from his native his party. They left for Estraan electric wire said to had city da; then to Zent and there every day necessities of life. Strikes both at confirmed believers. Pastoral home and abroad is the responsible measure.
were effected at Rio In our own Republic strikes long in advance Hondo Germania Pocoro of Organized Labour have only served to fill and La Africa. On the return the saving boxes of certain proprietors of to Siguirres Confirmation servSi usted necesita los servicios competentes ice was conducted; the blescommerce; for instance the strikers get an sed Sacrament was bestowed increase of a few colones in their earnings Confianza distinguida y con larga experiencia como and the establishment which they struck administrador de propiedades en la Provincia de Limón upon females and males.
DIRIJASE: The sermon was propounded against effect an increase of a hundred fold; by the Lord Bishop Gooden Who pays? John Doe and Sarah Strokes GEORGE LAZARUS of Panama and the Canal Public.
The Atlantic Voice adds its We sincerely believe in justice for all sincurest congratulations and express an opinion that the Powers that honour and whose general attribute is above His Lordship Douglas Wilbe should name a Commission on Grievance; questioning. No doubt a fund could be creat son, a well known distinguishmen free from politics; men free from the ed by a taxation imposed on the Labour ed spiritual personage and extends the same cordiality ank of the manual workers; men free from Union and such transport companies.
the seat of the capitalist or any other connecIn conclusion we beseech that nothing who will no doubt be drawn His Lordship. Gooden tions which would obviously biase their du be done which would give an opening to bring closer to this Diocese.
ties; let these be men of integrity menisconhardship on thevgeneral publiexura y se for visits Gran Oportunidad to to Kura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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