
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 18th May 1946 a DE MUESTRA KING EMMANUEL AND QUEEN ELENA OF ITALY ARE NOW IN EGYPT narch; the time came and fortnight ago King Vittorio With the established fascist Emmanuel abbicated the regime in Italy during the days throne and accompanied by of Benito Mussolini certain his Queen left for Egypt.
section of the people of Italy In accordance with the mohad expressed their disappro narchial from of Government val in regard to the apparent the Parlaiment summoned the aceptance of fascism by King Crown Prince to the throne of Emmanuel and from the early his father, but guarantee of his period there was much agita permanent reign has been givtion for his abdication. The en; this being aptional to the fate of the nation at the cul people to choose between that mination of the war increases and a Republican form of Gov.
the wish for the dethronement ernment.
of theunpopular Italian Mo. de de su LAURA Buen Gusto CIGARRILES Pocoro Easter Meeting Tomorrow Night, Friends: Ticos fumando no Ticos was ווט On Sunday the 5th of May JOY WILL SING: the anglicans of Pocoro staged their Easter Programme; it There is joy in the soul when was held on that date in order we devole a few hours in lendto have had the Siquirresing support to any worthy friends of St. Mary Church cause, and there can be The trip was made by auto greater than helping one which bus.
is destined to keep or replace The chairman Mr. Morgan oil in the lamp of Salvation.
opened the meeting by an Singing the harmony in this nouncing hymn No. 77 sung tune is the May Queen Voting lustily by the two choirs and and Coronation listed for the congregation participating. Monday night the 20th of the Mrs. Rose Lindsay presided at month in course in the Hall of the organ. The Siquirres choir the Salvation Army.
isters did more than their We attempted to scale the share, The Misses Gordon and walls to see the designs of the Charles in a duet; also a solo gowns which are to bedeck and Chorus left an impression the princesses and the throne ON THE TOMAS GUARDIA WITH THE which will linger long. Mrs. decoration. but deservingly COURTYARD METHODIST Vinella Pennant of the Sisters we got a bad fall, thereby, unof Bethany was at the zenith abling us to advance even a The Municipal Band was in boys in white earned 19 points The yearly Mother Day of her ambition in her sulogy mental picture. In view of our joyous strains above the heads made up of 18 baskets and one celebration interwoven on Bernard Shaw and the Old misfortune, friends, the only of the throng of spectators; by penalty; Harry Jackson was with the religious services cor.
Rugged Cross with the added solution to the matter is to at the almost deafening cheers of the lightning flash; he get of ducted in the city Methodist impressiveness by the singing tend the function on Monday the youngsters; the colourful the number of cagings. The Church at the forenoon and of the hynm associated with night.
uniforms of the participants; champions of 1942. 19431evening established hours the narrative. Too much con You mischievous fellow, blue resting on dark pants; emerged with only baskets. Sunday the 12th instant.
gratulations cannot be extend promise me not to let known distinguished ohe team and After the regulate rest time, ed to the anglicans and friends the happenings to any Limc white topping light battle ship the boys in blue sprinted out: With a willingness to accomof Pocora for the zeal in con nense who did not attend grey marked the 1944 1945 their supporters rented the atmodate the members of the junction with their new church; said the gallant Major.
champions; such was the pic mosphere as treir favourites Limon Lodge and the Mount seecing that the former house As an obedient soldier and turesque scene on the General caged six baskets consecutiv Herman, Househald of Ruth of worship fell to a great gale on my oath of honour, your Tomas Guardia Courtyard on ely. The Whites renewed of the Grand United Order of again been placed under con orders as an officer shall be the early afternoon of Sunday aggressiveness; points; Odd. Fellows on the occasion of wivel sometimes ago has obeyed. said the 28th ultimo.
penalty were added; the play of their Thanks giving service, struction. The main spring of The combinatoon was under rises in thrills as the score board the Young People afternoon the movement is Mr. Morgan. wishes are rightfully due of the the auspices of the Boys School kept up a registration of seven entertaining programme gave The young ladies of that vicin children of the Sunday School and had as the officials of the in the lead at each stage in fav way to that worship. However, ity did their best to make the for their contributions in reci play: Mr. Walter Cambronero our of the 1944. 1945 cham a few reciting and singing items occasion a total success. We tations. Tree cheers for Poas referee; Mr. Rogelio Cha pions; the end came with a seasoned the glorious sermon tender to them our very best cora.
scorer and Mr. Hernan total of 30 points for the delivered by the Reverend wishes. The same hearty good Special Correspondent: Solano as timekeeper. WHITES against 23 for the Holmes, the Minister of the During the first time thel BLUES.
Methodist Circuit in Costa FROM THE MAIL BOX Rica.
The Saunders Roe Limited Kair Doenitz the ex GerPORT LIMON BRANCH OF THE The components of the fraof man Admiral of the Navy is JAMAICA BURIAL SCHEME SOCIETY ternity as well as the general airoplane manufacturers England is said to have design said to have confessed congregation should not readed a giant flying boat with the of his unbecoming acts and It is mentioned to be a Rally Teodoro Picado. His Majesty ily forget the sacredness of the capacity of conveying a hun those of the men under his but from what we gather the King George VI. the late Pre moment and the propellant dred passengers and capable command on the high seas dur proceedings will be of a higher sident Franklin Roosevelt. lesson on fraternity. May the to effect a non. stop flight ing the war. The Admiral is grade for it intends to bring Emperor Chiang Kai Shek, occasion serve to refreshen the from tingland to New York, a mentioned to have told the on the oratory platform many Emperor Haile Selasie. Pri tenots o their teachings on distance of approximately International Tribunal at Nur new talents; distinguished mer mier Jose Stalin. ex Primier Odd Fellowship.
3759 miles or 5760 kilome emberg that in a secret confe who have not before embark Lord Winston Churchill. Gentres; a velocity of 309 miles rence celebrated in German: ed on euch an amusing craft. erals Dwight Eisenhower or 500 kilometres per hour. in 1944 he had recommended Each will champion the cause Bernard Montgomery. Chas.
The hydroplane is to be equip to Hitler that Germany should in representation of some of De Gaulle. Douglas Mac The night. Monday June ped with Rolls Royoe engine officially announce that the the greatest men of our age. Arthur and Simon Timoshen 17th of the current year: of more than 3000 horse pow nazi would observe all the In Among these are President ko. Then these are not all: er in each of its six motors and ternational agreements on met Hitler will be personally rep The place. St. Mark Pain addition a propulsion of. hods of warfare, only to juspresented; showing for the first rish Hall.
1000 pounds for residue gas tify the world while on the also s iprosal to Hitler to time how he came into power escape. This flying ship may other hand Germany would! military occupy Spain thus af and how he started his war of Free entrance to all and be added to the British Air commit all the violence which fording wider submarine nerves.
sundry: Lines in 1948.
woaldoconbonsiderde necessat imampaignano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud. Costa Rica.
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