
SOTEC NACIO IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK Atlantic Voice E HOR. AND MRS JESSE ORME: our Gran Oportunidad it Life is not a state of rest, but of incessant operation It is a continual circulation of action and being; compound of worning power, maintained for noe principal Limón. 25th. May 1946 for one erd.
Everything bodily in man is subjected to changes and JOS. THOMAS Editor: Post Box 199 alteration, Everything on which the vital principle exercises; AMONG THE RECEPTION GIVEN IN HONOR OF THE Its action, is in a continual alteration of increase BAPTISTS and decrease Last Friday night the 17th were, His Excellency the GovOf loss and reparation, of growing old, renovation and Passing along the approval of the month in course a re lernor. Don Abel Robles, Colorestoration.
in our own heart, it was rather ception was given by the Ho nel Enrique Esquivel, the Popleasing to had identified some nourable Hilton Wood to his lice Commander, the Captain mariy well known members successor in the persons of the of the Port. Don Rafael EduarWITH THE INTERNATIONAL BALSA from almost every religious Honourable and Mrs. Jesse te the Chief of the Social denonsination in this city in Orme.
Protection, Dr. Oscar Pacheco.
FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR attendance at the Mother The setting was in the resi Don Rogelio Pardo, city EnDay Concert which was given dence on the upper floor of the gine. Don Marino Zúñiga in the Baptist Church on Mon United States of America Con Manager of the National Bank As had been expressed in many previous day night the 13th instant. sulate, situate on 2nd avenue and Don Gilberto Calvo Malectures, the International Balsa Cocpany is There are several persons in our city.
nager of the Bank of Costa considered as a golden asset to the province who hold rather peculiar idea Being of a diplomatic nature Rica, Dr. Jimenez and wife; of Limon and continues to furnish the means to the belief that the number the greetings drew together all also many of the previously whereby food, raiment, shelter and other 13 carries generally ill influen the inembers of our Consular named were accompanied by ce and they indulge in shunn Services, all the ranking Gov their wives.
necesities of life become accessible to thousing it as a festal night, but ernment Officials of Limon as The reception we gather ands throughout the Republic; made so by perhaps of all the other dates well as those of the American was of a distinctive standard honest toil.
on which Mother Day Con Colony.
and has been indelibly imprescert were conducted by Among these distinguished sed on the memory of the Recalling the days of the early life of friends of the Baptists, that participants we glean there guests.
the present preaiseworthy Industry; then in presented on May 13 of the year in course took root into its cradle; we had our wondering thought as fertile human minds and there to the reason for the cutting of the pieces of enriches their growth in popuwood by such accuracy in measurement. lar expressions.
Si usted necesita los servicios competentes Like a flash of lightning we had watched the Chief, Mr. Julian Weston; at times The very lengthy and high Confianza distinguida y con larga experiencia como with perspiration almost bathing his face, tainment that even the most administrador de propiedades en la Provincia de Limón class programme was an enterDIRIJASE: streaming down on his whole body. He had exacting Shylock admitted to the very difficult and painstaking task to had been too much for the enGEORGE LAZARUS train green workmen to use the cross cut trance rate of one colon; saws and see that they not cut themselves was unique in all its aspects.
LET HIM BE ADMITTED instead of the materials; there he was again We observed forward and It is not quite a right thing, fervently admitted into the seeing to the measuraments; instructing oth cagerly looking eyes; feet that moved to a particular goal as done the things we are forbid was avery joyful proposal to ers to read the rule and to calculate the di the trade mark on each parti den not to do and so uncere us and we gleefully solicited to do, but we have so often sacred order of Benedicts; this mensions; next Mr. Weston was seen attend cipant. Among these were cast moniously we entered a meet permission of the presiding of ing to the unloading of the rough balsa wood; of characters whom we then to the loading of the finished materials always glad to see and to feasting of Benedicts as at one time ficer to register our approval, we were active in that fold. and, in consequence our hearing and seeing on their destined for an out port to be utilized in some deliberations.
On entering we gleaned, am now passing our congratulabombing or fighting plane to destroy nazism ong other things on the agen tions to Don Ishmael and his and shintoism.
The trusting and companion da, a motion which was wholly bride, desiring most sincerely carried that ing portrayal was there in the our very good for them a life of bliss and fried and collaborator, Mr. countless years.
The scene is changed: Today, we dialogue entitled Mrs. JoIshmael Murray of Matina be believe that the Limon Plant of the Interna Ines Difficulties. Seven charctional Balsa Company ranks almost unpar ters who stormed the fortress allel with Industries of its kind in any other Ben Escoe as Mr. William Joof good humour, featuring Mr.
part of the world. We venture to say that the nes, a business man and his Company President, Mr. Edward Perazo most extravagant wife was rene and the VicePresident, Mr. Prem Gary presented by Mr. Leonie JackPURCHASING PRICES: who have been recent distinguished visitors son: both caused their listeners to hold their respiration. The to our city must have been, we entertain no doubt, greatly inspired in their inspection of Maybel were represented by two daughters, Daisy and CACAO, per quintal (fermented to days. 44. 00 the clock wise working plant; a movement the Misses Carmen Taylor and WEF CACAO, husked the day before sale. 42. 00 that cannot fail in redowning universal credit Olvie Gourzong, respectively.
to themselves and in turn places an Ostrich Daisy was true, sincere and Shipped to 28 Miles, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, only: feature in the hat of the highly esteemed was in on way a product of the mother plant, but Maybel show COCOANUT PITH, per quintal.
65. 00 Superintendent, Mr. Julian Weston.
every inclination being The International Balsa Company will typical of her wasteful mother; COCOANUT.
30. 00 per hundred.
ever stand as a emly monument to Limon. she saw things through the extravagant eyes of Mrs. Jones. RAUL VELAZQUEZ Mrs. McRae spoke for Miss Trimmer in whose debt Mrs.
General Manager: Jones was also. Mr. Teazer Do Your Shopping at acted for determingly by Mr.
Sydney Stewart as a collector with the heart of flint; he conjecture and coquetry were the greatest evils of the present would not budge until he was sensational.
day: an evil that is wearing given the assurance that Mr. The climax came when Mrs. the life out of more men and DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc. William Jones would settle the William Jones admonished his women than anyone dreams; NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO account, Oh, that servant, Pri wife; charged her to remember she wold not have had cause silla Angelina Brown was a the good old sayin To cut to hide behind window PLEASE YOU feather charmingly decorated your coat according to your tains and to actually hide from the hat of Mrs. Teresa Henry. cloth. Had Mrs. Jones not herself when pressed with unShe acted as the most expos strained to keep up appearance settled bills; Jack Orane, Sucs.
ing and inquisitive house maid as well as to out. shine her Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteta pagighalay pulidhegn, Litre ideessliteadlarignal Keploggerigelybenade. cute doels cogarea of To be continued: are we are Cacao Cooperativa as The People House cur


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