
PAGINA LA VOZ ATLANTICA Sábado de Junio de 1946 Champion Jockey Do Your Shopping at The People House British Sporting journalist on the NewsChronicle (London)
In the year 1904 at the lit DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
tle townlet of Oakengates in NOVELTIES AT PRICES TO Shropshire, England, was born PLEASE YOU a sturdy youth named Gordon Richards, destined to break every record hitherto set up Jack Orane, Sucs.
by a jockey on the English Turf. Now, at 42 years of age, he is pre eminent in the racing Working Partnership With It is extraordinary the strength world.
Hi, Mount he packs into his small frame Richards whole career is a and never is that power so romance. He began his work As to the secret of Gordon much in evidence as when he ing life as a clerk in an office; outstanding jockeyship, would is apparantly lifting a relucbut that was not good enough say tirst and foremost that he tant animal past the post.
Gordon was ambitious, and rides so many winners because Richards has many interests when one day he read that he rides so few bad races. Gif outside racing. He farms a conMartin Hartigan, a well known ted with a perfect sense of ba siderable area around his home racehorse trainer, was in need lance and a happy tempera and he has built up a famous of likely stable boys, Gordon ment, a love of his craft and loft of racing pigeons in which answered the advertisement considerable patience, he beagn he takes a keen and justifiable and was engaged. That was with assets which are denied to pride. He is a director of the the start of a job which has most young horsemen. Yet Swindon Town football club, brought him increasing fame there is still one more very im a sport at which, in his youneach succeeding season.
portant factor which contri ger days, he was very good.
It was in 1921 that he rode butes to his racing triumphs. Usually he spends his winter his first winner, a horse named he has he ability to achieve holidays in Switzerland and on Gay Lord. In 1924 he had 61 what perhaps best described those occasions has developed winning mounts, and in 1925 as a working partnership with much skill at curling, a game he became champion jockey his muunts. And never is this like bowls played on the ice.
for the first time. Since then more valuable than when be But perhaps his biggest inGordon Richards has headed has to deal with highly strung, terest of all is his family. He the list of successful flat ra or difficult aniamls.
has three children: two boys cing jockeys every year with This year Gordon has high and a girl. He has hopes that but two exceptions. in 1926 hopes of at last winning the the youngest boy may follow (he had chest trouble and did one big Turf prize which has in father footsteps. but at not ride after the opening so far eluded him. the famous 14 the lad is growing rapidly, DUNLOP RUBBER COMPANY, LTD. week) and in 1930, when the Epson Derby.
BLO His mount is so we shall have to wait and BIRMINGHAM, INGLATERRA late Freddie Fox beat him into likely to be Edward Tudor, see Marca do Fábrica second place in the race for brother horse to Owen Tudor, There, in brief, a profile the jockeys championship. the Derby winner of 1941. of a grand little sportsman In 1933 Richards rode no To look at this famous lit whose honesty of purpose and fewe: than 259 winners, and tle man is not a particularly im outstanding ability in his chothus broke the long standing pressive figure. He is just un sen profession have made the record of another famous joc der five feet in height and most popular English jockey key, Fred Archer, who had weights about eight stone, and riding today.
Si usted necesita los servicios competentes held the record of 246 in a has screwd and twinkling eyes.
season. In 1943 he passed ArConfianza distinguida y con larga experiencia como cher aggregate of total wins, administrador de propiedades en la Provincia de Limón and in November, 1945, Ri IN CONTINUATION OF DIRIJASE: chards rode his 000th win AMONG THE BAPTISTS: emphatic proof, indeed GEORGE LAZARUS of his genius in the saddle. The In continuation of our report trio. Mothers of Men. by champion has a few more on the Mother Day Concert Messrs. Alfonso Taylor. Osyear riding ahead of him to by our rfiends of the Baptists car McRae and Ben Escoe! Miss Iris Williams as Mrs. Ran, the question. We gained the add to his long list of succes we arrive now at the singing another demonstration of crea some Miss Carmen Taylor moral of the composition when ses before he retires to set up items; Her we present the trio tive genius. Then in a compa as Miss Matilda. Mr. Alfon Mr. William Ransome became as a trainer which under Lord teach me to pray. rative high standard a duet was so Taylor as Mr. Bertie Ran gravely ill; his wife and chilstand he intends to do. In the rendition of this item, contributed by Mesdames Eve some Miss Olive Gourzong, dren were lacking, the renderIn the autumn of 1933 Gor we conclude, at the out set that lyn Murdock and Stewart: Birtie wife. Mr. Ben Escoe, ing. of First Aid, but the undon rode twelve consecutive Messrs. Alfonso Taylor, Oscar On with the humourous dialo John the Gardener. Mr. Joh popular daughter in law, in winners, a feat unequalled in McRae and Mrs. Stewart gue: Bertie wife, featuring nny Humphreys as Dr. Curem. the sight of Mrs. Ransome was the history of horse racing. He have indeed asked God to a mother in law who got on The role of servant was a the medium of great assistance rode the last winner of the day teach them to sing; the evi the fence when told that her treasure as was personified until the arrival of Dr. Curem.
at Nottingham, and fellowed dence was presented that God son had contracted a strange by Miss Vera Gillings. That Mrs. Bertie Ransome closed up by taking all six races at has answered their prayers; marriage; the flare she display was the steaming point of hu the dialogue with the followanother meeting, Chepstow, on they stood on a visible stage ed gave rise to the thought mour; particularly when she ing lines: the following day. On the con but their voices were attuned that a calamity of events had tila lee with John, the Garcluding day of the Chepstow to the music of another realm. taken place and that nothing, dener for lack of pluck in his Tis love that makes the meeting he was on the winners The congregation was again could make amendfor the ac state of almost chronic bache(world goes round of the first five races.
led into enchanting sphere with tion of her son.
lorhood while she had been And keeps it bright and sunny; the captivative singing of the The playet was portrayed by yearning for some one to pop Tis love that make life a (joy And not as some think We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina of recept which reads. money.
dentro de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Tis love that makes us good This bill must be paid at our office before (to do the 10th of the month Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso And service high to render Be so good as to comply with this request and do not de su recibo que dice: And makes us kind, and true oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena (and good, we would much regret to take de tener que cortar su servicio Forgiving, gentle, tender.
Then let us ever cultivate Tis Grace above all others; Pasa a la página OCHO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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