
IN THE BASGET OF THE WEEK COTECA ON 180 wylew into et beste wenk Atlantic Voic No mind, no intellect is powerful or great enough To attract wealth while the mental attitude is turned from it; Facing in a contrary direction. There are no triumphs lived (without their trials.
the full extent of life.
ES No. 513 YEAR XI Limon, Ist June 1946 JOS. THOMAS Editor: Post Box 199 parents, guargramme the THE PERMANENCE OF THE CHURCH THE EAGLE ACES FRIENDLY Children day at City FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR: CLUB EARNED DISTINCTION: Baptist Church In felicitious spring time na were in our circle; that is apThe year festival dedicatThere are people who seem to imagine ture there was seen the most proaching on borrowed time of ed to Children of the city Bap that the days of the Church and her atten imposing human meadow in life.
the Hall of the Universal Netist Church is set for Sunday dance are past; that the Church and ChrisThe Management extended the 9th. instant.
gro Improvement Association tianity has served their purposes; that they presented so by the attractive, see to their every need; the the Children are expectant, to special attention to the invitees; As in previous anniversaries have exhausted their mandate; that it was fashionable and colorful gowns worms could not reasonably receive the whole hearted supalright to convert our ancestors during their of the ladies, the new style atcomplained of any inadequate port of their days of slavery, but the greater majority of tire of the men, and like beauliquid supply whether extre dians; friends and well wishers, tiful white snow drops just men today, believing themselves to be free mely hot or chilly. The crown and have promised in return springing was the appearance men from the service of God since they enjoy of the shell coat anchored on ing glee was the absence of the to cheerily entertain those who slightest dischordant note.
freedom in materialism; that Christianity will be in attendance.
grey shade pants, the uniform was all very well to give men a solace and which distinguished the mem EASTER PROGRAMME AT hope in the state of poverty, but now they are bers of the Eagle Aces FriendST. JOHN CHURCH. ZENT prosperous and they have no further use for ly Club who were sponsors for the impellant pleasure on which the Church.
The Anglicans associated Goutrey; West; Gay.
swings the Club Third An with the St. John Church at le: Cope; Morgan; You go to the Churches practically niversary Dance on the night Zent celebrated an Easter Pro Malcolm: Foster: Peterin every location in this city and you will find of Saturday the 18th of the on Sunday, April kin; Scarlett; White; Mas that all the congregations in the majority are recently passed month.
ters Peterkin; Brown, women. hardly any men there at all. The Joyfully tuning our harps we The remarks of welcome to Green and others. The mewomen true to their old and noble traditions played in high in the read the members and friends were lodious voices of the Misses of the past, still linger around the Cross when Eagle Aces have risen higher sramme of reciting and sing bourne. Merlyn Dunn, Messrs.
lization that our friends of the struck in the summit; the pro Malcolm, Foster, Thormen have left it. But the men have gone; and in the celebration of the 1946 ing items were of compensa Scott and Patterson were it is largely attributable to the fact that they anniversary.
tive value for whatexer had heard in duets and solos, res have gained considerable wealth; become The spacious hall and its been the sacrifice effected by pectivley. The contributions of prosperous and their hearts have waxed ampel accomodations were fear those who were in attendance the choiristers were tastefully to the gross with such temporary success.
The reciters included the rendered.
splendour of the fetsival.
Missees and Whitehorn; VISITOR.
We must not be deceived; no nation or The Riversiders had keenly people have ever done that without paying studied the different tastes of the price. There is a growing tendency to the dancers and the assorted WE ARE LIVING IN HOPE treat Christianity as it were but a stage in the recipes were served accordingThe small cultivators of this the very needful farmers would march of humnanity towards a higher mode ly; some of the dance numbers were served with pickle pep. zone were seemingly jubilant have received some measure of of living. only as a stage along which huper supreme while others were over the creation of the Li financial assistance from manity must pass, but which it must, in spite the rock abye baby in the mon Rural Committee under Bank, but as we gather the of the beauty and grandeur of its scenery, cradle or hold me closer; this the jurisdiction of the National very desireable Rural Commitleave behind it if it means to reach a more latter was our personal relish Bank of Costa Rica; hopes, tee, with all sincerity to help guests who were entertained that ere this their fellows have been faced exhalted destiny. This should not be the at as well as those with many problems. It was titude of men, especially when it is quite visimentioned that these gentleble that humanity is marching through the men were invited to attend a dreary and parched, arid plains which are meeting of the Board of Direcstretched between one hemisphere to the tors of the Institution on May other; men hearts failing them in every pla6, with the view of dealing on ce; that which awaits at the end of the jourone of the principal embarrass PURCHASING PRICES: ment; that of surevying the culney, cannot be prophesied.
tivated non titled lands The uncertainity of life represents a long CACAO, per quintal (fermented to days. 44. 00 which many farmers are in the tramp through a desort, ere it is reached, footdesignation of squatters. issore and weary, the fertile oasis is the grace sued the necessary document WET CACAO, husked the day before sale 42. 00 of God through His Only Begotten Son.
to enable the cultivator to the Bank financial The Church is designated as the sacred Shipped to 28 Miles, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, only: help. Whether the meeting was place of worship in the same light as the TaCOCOANUT PITH, per quintal.
65. 00 convened we have no knowbernacle was given to the Children of Israel ledge, but we continue to be in the Wilderness. We might claim that it COCOANUT, per hundred.
30. 00 optimistic concerning the fiwas the long ramble through the wilderness nancial assistance promised to our small planters.
that had brought pressure on the Israelites RAUL VELAZQUEZ At this writing we glean that to worship God in the Tabernacle; but to the the Directors are disposed to General Manager: contrary. We may not be persued by Paroah exercise every possible means hosts, but we have our perils as well as our to intensify the cultivation of joys nd it is a fatal mistake for anyone of cacao in this zone; the new this age to think that modernism aims at inprogramme in its entirety has augurating a new model of Christianity; or system that can light up the valley of the not been made known to us, such is a fallacy; nothing of the kind; no new shadows, and will swallow death in victory but we do hope such will be idea can shell off the true worship of God; as the religion of Christ, such has been done a realization. Our cacao is urgently many of the services to Him through divine worship in in the experience of untold myriads who put South American Republics the House designed in His name.
their trust in Him, then we the simple creaWe firmly believe that when men who tures of His creation will in the end give up from the altitude of their self. sufficiency the building of chapels. of churches and of La IBERIA shun the churches; they are leaving behind temples, but until that new ideal is revealed the most effective agency to guide them we should go on finding a new pride and a DE through the dangerous paths of life, for new pleasure in attending the churches, thus SALOMON CHIN strengthening their hearts to hear the inev. clinging to the old cause that saved our ESTRADA itable sorrows of life; there is no other idea fathers.
Cacao Cooperativa on secure Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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