
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 1st June 1946 Merits Of British Broadcasting in its Tienda Hollywood surSalomon Berenzon Acabamos de recibir: to to over hold as of the life of the community multifarious aspects, broadcasting serves both the Orderly and regular radio indirect. They want to trust it education and the entertain transmission started in Britain and are prepared to pay the ment of the citizen.
in 1922 under the direction of necessary price.
Itis, from this point of view, the British Broadcasting Coman instrument for correcting pany, whose managing director Citizen Education and Entar that ime lag in the transmiswas, e tall and angular young tainment sion of knowledge, whether Scotsman named John Reith.
factual or cultural, which is In 1926 the Government of the The argument from popular one of the great problems of de day transformed the company approbation (tempered by the democracy. No one who into a non profit earning pub grumbles and gibes which are veys the wholly unregulated lic service Corporation, under the British citizens birthright) influence of the film on the 11 Charler giving it for ten years would influence any administra mind of nations can help feesole authority to erect and tion. For a Labour Government ling that there is a good deal operate radio transmitters. In it is reinforced by a general to be said for a steady and 1936 an eminent Committee preference for having public coherent effort to put the best enquired into the effects and services run in the interest of available in all fields before as a result the Charter was re the consumer of those services. those who listen. The newed for a further period of Broadcasting has from the start is dedicated to that task.
ten years. As from 1947 it been, in this sense a nationalis un nuevo surtido en género confitillomay be taken as certain that ed industry. Indeed it stands, The Punch Cartoon crespón de algodón peter pan, liso y The Charter will again be re with London transport and floriado scharshkin, etc.
newed. This has little or noth London port and electricity Of course it is criticised at ing to do with the fact that generation, as an example of home as well as abroad. It PARA CABALLEROS Britain today has a Socialist the 20th century notion of, is a national institution and.
Soveinment; no matter what how nationaliastion should be as such, inevitably arouses the kaky, army dril, blanco lino y gabarthe party complexion, the de loperated, healty national inclination cision would be the same.
Control is vested by Govern find iault. Did not Punch dinas capas y paraguas medias de seI ment in an antonomous corpo once print a cartoon in which da para caballeros: What The Public Wants ration whose policy is directa typical clubman, turning ed by a board of persons ap over the pages of the current Los Precios MAS BAJOS To those accustomed to con pointed for a period, not as issue, grunts to a friend: tinual criticism of British broad specialists, still less as inte Punch is not as good as it casting in the British press, this rested parties, but on grounds used to be. No. comes the may seem strange. Broadly, Iof their general and collective reply, it never was.
however, it may be said that competence watch So there are always people the fact that it is one of the and objective as an institution the contrasted broadcasting and promote the wishes of complaining angrily about this marits of broadcasting to re run by human beings can be.
systm of Britain gives the pub consumers, to see that through or that item musical, critical, port the views one does NOT This which gave to its news ser well as those one vice such incomparable value lic what it wants. We are quite impartiality. fair play, a right political. because it does not aware that monopoly involves distribution of programme ti correspondent to their own does, and them as far as pos for Europe during World War a certain risk of dullness and me and an adequate reflection views, serenely unaware of sibl vincoloured by the bias II, remains its major achieverespectability. Not for us the which lurks unsuspected in ment. We in Britain see that one favourite newspaper.
achievement as connected with exciting procession of dramaMuch of the criticism heard the fact that it is run as a public tising commentators, contendof the derives from the service, ing for favour by the capacity fact that it is as non partisan to shock o rdelight their fans.
But if we sacrifice this, we get something, a nd something LUCK DOES NOT TRUST TO LUCK: which we greatly value, ni return. We have confidence in his life.
the detachment, impartiality By Earl Smith am very contented to reand objectivity of what we main from the pleasure of gain hear. Our listeners prefer, by The below is an extract tran in gamble; for me there would and arge, reliability to exciteslated from a publication in be no pleasure; after thinkinment. They like to feel that Spanish in the War Cry of Ha gon those (some more needful broadcasting is wholly clear of than am; some desperate, commercial pressure, direct or Mr. Smith states: have not perhaps) who lost their last ten offered articles of commerce cents and have to face afterIN CONTINUATION OF with premiums; numbers of lot wards a dislodger.
Viene de la página SEIS tery nor insurrance policies. Could a Christian be conAnd loving, serve as best AND have always rejected these of tent with the money of others?
fers although have much that would be the same as to (we can Our sisters and our brothers.
rob a hungry child and to boast have not committed errors of your exploit. Card game is Depicting a mother who rear in which; at no time received a specie of consented or legal ed and educated her boy from any trickery in lotteries or raf robbery and with robbery in her arms until he enters the fles; no horse has attracted me the end. It buys nothing: it wide avenue of the world; then in races; nor have lost any sells nothing nor gains nothing.
rushered some maiden, then money playing cards; Some one None wants to be cheated, but one became his wife; was the may say to me: Then you do the gamblers take the risk of not know the joys to gain by a small loss as that of a rob.
picture in pantomine. Mrs. Eulale Murdock acted as mothers luck. As far as is considered bery of much money in bet.
the happiness of earning pre Frankly, have no interest in of bygone days; the changes from babe in lap were remium by luck; in any form no similar business.
presented at each stage by chil The International Trading Corpodo not want such joy. do not return to the matters that have know for example; the hap luck; luck in studies; luck in dren of distinct sizes; the climax came when as the son ration, Ltd. wishes to extend its sincere piness that can be resultant business; in the marriages, etc.
from such exit or that of a Many times we receive good fonso Taylor and Miss Carmen thanks for your splendid co operation Taylor took the marriage vow deceiver; nor have been given without depending on them, at the hands of Mr. Victor Gour during the past several years and partithe satisfaction to win in a pain without trust in them.
from the sword or from a piszong as the officiating clergyman. Mrs. Leonie Jackson did cularly for your faithful patronage of tol which came from a specie (To be continued)
of loosing card while one plays the announcement during the recent weeks.
acts. Miss Olive Gourzong in a pose of sweet repose perChandler Ehrman SUSCRIBASE sonified the dreaming mother.
The scene was pathetic and the Manager.
participants acted with creditable pathos.
International Trading Corp.
vana, Cuba.
To Our Freinds Customers In The Banana Industry Let us a la VOZ ATLANTICA cas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica

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