
Saturday 1st June 1946 ATLANTIC VOICE Page to Agradecimiento Clientes y Amigos Industria de Banano International Trading Corp.
Was runner was the AN UNPLEASANT TERMINATION timont drove one over fraigh! care; he earned three Very unsatisfactorily termi Edwards and Evans were dis bases; Joe saved himself nated the Cubs Motive Power missed in the order of First; Miller pegged at First; baseball contest on Sunday the in other words pitcher Hay George Hazel Burnt the gain 26th ultimo. The atomic bomb ling pulled off a great feat; his being runs.
was dropped at the end of first delivery was a hit by Ve.
Inning Motive Power: Motive Power seventh inning: gas, but he died at First. Evans pegged at First. Vinici Let us follow the play: Edwards hit the second deli fried; Sherry got to First; a nuestros The diamond was taken by very and was pegged at First Babb followed and Sherry was the Clubs and with Haying in and Evans was caught by Cope. short lived to Second; the the pit; the catching was ent The pitcher was loudly cheer badge of Cero was worn.
rusted to Miller; the umpire ed for the novelty.
Cubs: Calderon free base; in chief was Gunney Xirinach Cubs: Geroge Hazel was Paul enjoyed the same; Byron anld Bancroft Scott (Big Boy) caught by Vini Calderon fell caught by Vinici; Donney rewas the base umpire. by the way and Hayling pegg ached safely at First; Calderon en la Inning Motive Power: ed at First.
arrived at home; Osmond Bertie Evans was dropped by Inning Motive Power: caught by Evans. run was Cope; Vinici cooked at Paul relieved Hayling. He was scored.
home; George Babb pegged at best by Vinici to First and in Inning George Babb First; Vegas out off at Third; followng on Sherry was nip best the pitcher to First; Dano run. Bertie Evans commen ped to First by a daisy pickniel reached First while Babb ced pitching for his team. By up by Calderon. The base run advanced to Second; PickerLA ron faced him and got safely ner was given out by the base ings was chilled at the plate; Al to First. Donney Hayling gain umpire, but for some reason fonso caught by Calderon; Ve ed the same advantage; Os or the other he quicky reversed gas faced the pitcher; a pass mond Daley caught by George his decision and declared Sher ball and Babb attempted to Babb; a safe hit places Alti ry safe; a conflagration set in; steal hsi way to Third; at this mont to First; on came Cope Mr. Scott relinquished the post; time the umpire in chief and perish; Miller was suc Almanzo Lazarus was rousing. Stanley; his signal was then cessful to First; evoking a grand ly cheered as he left the stadium two strikes and three balls; the ovation George Hazel hit a for the diamond to fill the pitcher effected the delivery three bagger and Calderon was vacancy; in continuation of and before the umpire had stopped by the pitcher. The in the play, Babb caught by Os. given his ruling Babb was nip agradece profundamente su cooperación ning closed for runs for the mond; a wild catch by Joe ped by the catcher between espléndida durante los últimos años y Cubs.
took Daniel; a free base was Third and the Home; the um particularmente para su patronazgo fiel Inning Motive Power: given to Pickings; a two bag pire said he was safe; an ap de recientes semanas. safe arrival to First was gain ger was gained by Alfonso; to peal to every authority on the ed by Daniel but in stealing to first base was a gift to Vegas; ground and it was in the majorChandler Ehrman Second he was destroyed Pic a racket by Edwards was taken ity that the base kings got away to First: into by Byron. The gain for the in caught stealing and was nobGerente.
the comfortable gloves of By ning was runs for Motive bed. It was a matter of conron fell Alfonso Crawford; Power.
troversy; neither side would freed to First was Vegas lot Cubs: Vinici was now pit give in; conflagration rises; the while Clifford Edwards took ching for Motive. Calderon got fire of the unjust blazes; and his medicine at the hands of to First: Donney with a liner in plain every day talk The Wimbledon Lion to Lead the catcher. Motive was again steered his way to First; Os play come.
Tennis Hopes Victory Parade?
without run.
mond caught by Evans; AlIn the response the Cubs Lawn Tennis will stage the Plans for the great Victory were also dismissed without most open Wimbledon cham Parade on the eighth of June change in the score. Hayling El Partido de repetición ordenado pionships in June July since in London are being worked la was caught by the catcher; a por carpet sweeper earned the First Directiva de la Liga Limonense fué ganado the Australian. Gerald Patter. but in high political and milison, won the a men singles tary quarters with all the mebase for Byron. The fire of por el Barcelona por tantos a del Júpiter in 1919 at the first meeting ticulous attention to detail of Evans swinged Donney at the held after the First World a day operation. Suggesplate; the final fall was a catch Por la pésima actuación del juegos deben ganarse en la War. Frank Parker (America) tions pour in from an interest, of Osmond sky racket by Vi árbitro Alfonso León, en el mesa, mediante de apelaciones or John Bromwich (Austra led pablic, the latest from a ger nici.
match Barcelona Júpiter, la y otros argumentos de que se lia) is the prospective 1946 tleman in Greater London who Inning Motive Power: Directiva ordenó la repetición valen para obtener buena pun champion, England outstand reared a lion in his garden and Bertie Evans struck a two ba de este match, con gran ven tuación, nada mas honorable ing player is Charle Hare, presented it in 1943 to Mr.
ser; Vinici baked Sherry safe taja para el Júpiter. Se juga que ganar los puntos en el te though Eric Filby is not far be Churchill. Whether the story to First; Cope hit a three bag ría solamente 70 minutos, con rren) y pensamos que en lo hind.
that Mrs. Churchill was heard gain; Daniel cooked at plate. un gual a favor del Júpiter, sucesivo ningún equipo hará to say that two lions in DownPickings safe to First; Alfonso en el sentir general fué un re más vso de ese sistema tan ge Britain meets France in the ing Street were more than she stewed at home. The first two galo del árbitro León y el Bar neralizado, no nos queda más first round of the Davis Cup could manage is apocryphal or runs were chalked up for Mo celona con diez ugadores. remedio que aplaudir la dici in Paris. The England selectors not, the lion, Rota, was passed tive.
Pese a esta gran ventaja pa sión tan justa tomada por la have had a most difficult task on to the London Zoo where In the corresponding inning ra el Júpiter los barcelonenses Liga al ordenar partido after six years of war which it now resides.
Cubs again was decorated with entranron al campo con el de completamente viciado en su stopped all competitive play The suggestion however, is the badge of Nought Al seo de hacer una demostra forma.
in this country. The Wight that Mr. Churchill lion should timond drove a ground liner ción de su juego tan reconoci El partido ha sido uno de man Cup match at Wimbledon lead the Victory parade, thus but was rather slow in running do no solamente en esta can los más reñidos e interesantes ish and American women will demonstrating to the world to First; Cope hit athree bag cha sino en las del país, y fué que hemos apreciado, se jugó promote far more interest since that, although his tail may have ger and an overthrown afford así que supieron sostenerse to un buen fútbol, solamente se England has many more promis been twisted once or twice in ed him a good chance to reach do el tiempo con gran venta lamento dos cosas; la falta de ing young women players than the last few years, he is still home, but in attempting he ja sobre los jupiterianos, que respeto al señor Juez y el gol. men. The last time the match good for a few fell midway and rises only to al terminar el partido les me pe recibido por el extremo iz on June 14 15 between Brit Whitehall which has watched retrace his steps to Third. tieron dos pepinos y Júpiter quierdo del Barcelona que tu was played, in 1939, America the execution of Charles the Miller taken by Vinici and a solamente uno y por pena! vo que abandonar el campo y were the winners.
First and only the other day double play pegged Cope on Gracias a la actuación de su dejar a su equipo con nueve held its breath while two steepa force off.
golero no recibieron una for jugadores, por lo demás me Lawn tennis tournaments le jacks climbed the 1945 feet Inning Motive Power: midable paliza.
recen un aplauso ambos equi have been arranged in England of Nelson column to look for Both sides were defeated with Es bueno que los equipos se pos.
for every week from April to war damage, would certainly out runs: The batsmen, Vegas les quite de la mente que los MIRON. the end of November. welcome the novelty.
un more roars.
Tome Kola Garrón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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