
31 the NORTHERN RAILWAY bu Bus tuisd eid 134 of them rambiranch No chips: there will be men tol länk 16 the gun.
vas DOT RU 03 ortibi Spa olid banio Поі Do so SU Page 10. ATLANTIC VOICE ote Saturday 1st June 1946 THE BIG TWELVE VOLTAMINTVATATUVU VIA bsmiss yd :9100 Sigist The night of the gala con known to the reader what was amid bulbasd aiborova bas bawb indolosluiscano ToV night. It will be he 10 Monday night the 17th instant The can make chip din lledband when the Big Twelve will vie talk. but believe me dear for supremacy at the rally of reader it won not be talking avioMdoimoto Tomislio COMPANY bno in bosgorban erit in Buygou av de bibe Tugainn dinova owo SVOM Burial and tell us things which we had of 10 P110d2 bolib broase si sidabrowba sley or wollola Scheme Society.
not heard before; silver tons de bar Es de mucho interés tanto para los Remitentes como Wagers are already voicing gue orators will battle for fame.
bross of videodoranguis en on Tot diw bnadolari opinion on the outcome para sus clientes, notificar con anticipación a los consignaanticipatingly. Several persons is worthy of his spur. One vilovodyt 101 LEM have assured us that the pitch from the lines is said to have tarios de los embarques que les van a remitir. Tal aviso les of the contest will rest on the ordered three extra coaches to Ιππο most handsome of the repre be attached to the passenger hará recordar presentarse a la llegada del tren en estaciosentatives; if that so we know train on Monday the 17th to ones de bandera o a pedir su mercadería en las estaciones reof a sure winner, but we do not convey his supporters. ListenPT bagoli attivat silso think so for it is truely said Uncle Churchill; watch out for gulares de agencia el mismo día o el siguiente. that it is not the model the The other night 598005 Triaal it byta till os idint did bouge dead agon: smod gun which makes the shot ef whilst eve dropping we heard lol radit ad send a wala ao swollo: bud 11. do anga Vai fective, but is the man behind one of the townie in his repliclw menit badest loin asiq yeinbt ved at of boats anvil sidson hearsal Mr. Chairman, brood o bronsvha nurgad odt notableave a vamaid 10 guidane bo madams and sirs; passing the lq adi seballido enw entisend odi yot na VIN ZIT Volua tog brusmid based 1993 Talking about the proposed floor of his drawing room oble vd dess banal nenet amon rol madaming gevuld yomrod lol oration we recall the story of Here am masticating this tabiiy adi bous ens basavot vaipat sodio mo Osinab omnia adi bo the Itacious and charming amollas del ben lid te boreliab bn noir beson vd uduna val a brom suprised when a request writ tacious platform. Order bidr of you lol lol 150 moterynaroda Aula id sises :ddd ten on a piece of chip made says the chairman.
ide sis Shippers will find it very much to their own and their odw Istrate in Od customers interests to notify consignees in advance of Hotel CALIFORNIA shipments to be made in their name me. Such advice will reBrigam ns19g003 02 991 Sbouton mind them to be on hand upon the arrival of the train at vlons Avenida Center Facing Botica Primavera 93 et To Be o boaltin Tell ogss:100 yards South Atlantic Railway Station flag stations or to call for the goods the same or the followas San José estesiser ab ing day if destined to a regular agency station.
ViloM Conveniently situated Confortable Rooms Ho rodius vions OMOGO Oanolla theo lavha. Sand Cold Water Baths Excellent Sanitary Service pdi ni aw ti bra bara angol o sand tennut saisi maud Binad vel by Homelike environment New furniture and con sed od trdi vi ta asv abunwball ved lod GREEN bound dot equipment Varied and wholessome Food bus gailesta itzung. art vol ning all or ve Manager Respetability and Courtesy.
mi szaw il bod svoM 101 am Ewin và 16 avonsidstvo ods Bhd biz anion VRTAVOU wollebrolo Troy Washing and ironing equipment for service of guests mokyolgon TO SV anw Reasonable Prices The Death and Burial and although he has ripened in John and Stanley Parker: Mrs.
Sabin 1705 cobaldini of Mr. Frank Parker years, never the less his passing Lillian Parker de Hart who is Manager into the Great Beyond is deep abroad and Mrs. Miriam ParComo vsia 20 God in His divine blessing ly felt. The funeral service was ker de Fernández of this city.
Yol PERSONALI constant at his bedside.
had bestowed a life of eighty conducted by Mr. Theophilos To these greatly bereaved The Brown.
al fons five (85) years on Mr. Frank o loved ones we pour out our sick is a brother of our most Parker who had resided at Cebeen productive of many seeds, sincere condolence. May the blow Mrs Leriel Brown de Gra energetic and sincere ilin biri agent, dar Creek district on the Zent. His marriage to Mrs. Flo soul of the departed find rest ham, teacher of the Old Har Mr. George Hart of Bataan Line. Those brittle thread, how rence Parker, his widow has eternal. dewa to me bour English Private School 25 Miles. We trust Mr. Hart ever. gaveļ waycon Saturday, Among these are Messrs. Cecil. 97 story out and her little son Maurice are will soon be well.
blod eight days ago.
in the Capital. The youth has Mr. Richard George the Republic of Panama. He undergone surgical treatment Mrs Jane Poyser, a very pro Mr. Parker had the proud It was not a trip pleasure, but returned on Monday aerial at the San Juan de Dios Hos minent fraternal and social per distinction to have had his birth one that was based on a most transportation, accompanied pital. We received pleasingly sonage is on the sick list; conon the land of his fathers in praiseworthy cause; that of vi by his mother and daughter.
bat THE ATLANTIC VOICE the information that Maurice fined to her bed and under the the city of Liberia in Africa: siting the bedside of a loving is obviously, out of immediate media of her nearly a half century ago. The unturned until the objective of friend George, his mother and.
He had come to this Republic mother; then leaving no stone extends a hearty welcome to Yola is receiving the warmth. owodur ont owladi vse 01 host of fraternal associates, dwellers in his village as well returning with her to the fa little daughter and do hope the recuperation.
friends and well wishers. as all other persons who had mily residence; such has been richness of our climate will exer syor 13W 1932 an ad is known the deceased have ad the accomplishment of Mr. Ri cise its influence on the sick io lodge vanced testimony in conjunc Ichard George who had left our in common with the efficiency bon that our good friend Mr. Edemand AT tion with his good life career city nearly two months ago forl of our medical practitioners.
The glad news is to hand prayer.
otor die Hart of Estrada Siquirres.
Mr. and Mrs. Bent 28 Miles shot Blaui ma noia 5l sistnov more sine Basbro onlakit nolaidol yoziqlanti gibnoqeriods who, unfortunately is a patient were early week visitors to this bripiv stamstolatos sb ja noo ogmea la comandantia bolerogab esir dinge adus in the San Juan de Dios hos city. It was rather pleasing to oth TO pital is progressing satisfac have seen them and to say obie oil ohitrag 13. OROSmoty a vorb bromi blow tory. Mrs. Hart as we learn is hello. de quo Staten Isramow HmA Isus du code in zobinet ska sol 115) sie 15 lnemloa ett ob ni wole woday anw lud avad Talin air tiguodingais testimi svom tohoto mercell bup being løbe our added ni bsteini osod alertorq srom varm and bral He RW Ency galla S ES 90l 1019 Isole u 2018istiqui aol sydos sin nitqmis and mort bodo doid Douw tid foowoda per lo noa abidi un 1220 KILOCICLOS ban cawbie Bar os o toltuagxa bokha soloud lab obisine 12 o ibini yd oluliM quan Elw doordat bloed oqiup 2015 1sjabu bogyoq vila alduob Da budusita iloni Tailor an awal ob o 109, obiavi 101 su novidbar on orolog lo stot to Emulos non ad totutoryacus od svE de oauslas mutat svilsg aldcbim 1509 svito vlacis uw oma tool ngA mori ison vibro Lon or movon bois ПОЯІМ E won bu SYDNEY COX Man BATI ET midt 2033 18 Dilw no recovery Cift to bol u vid mo i75 57 ETI SINTONICE TIQ Radio CASINO SASTRERIA x Excelsior bol o astobiando mup ov la ONDA LARGA TO PUERTO LIMONdoa Commerce Avenue, Next to the British Vice Consulate blo APARTADO 555 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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