
Saturday 1st June 1946 ATLANTIC VOICE PACATECA ON Limon Trading Company Dried Ipecac, Root Cocod, Coconuts and Copra, RUBBER Remember we pay the best prices Grocery and Cantina Bataan MacArthur team running tailenders in present championship Douglas Mac Arthur phy, they must win the rest of running bad in the present 14 games left to complete the base ball champuonship. dis schedule and in which they puting the ESSO Standard Oil will have to play all doubleCup.
headers, or otherwise, they will Pay the best prices for The boys from Limon fai be tail enders for the present led to shop up to complete the season. Fan feel they cannot team for the scheduled game understand the slack playing as of May 12th in which they of the boys of the Mac Arwere to meet both Escuelas thur aggregation, and also Internacionales and Canada believes that they are not Dry teams in a double header, showing that enthusiastm they and the Nacional Baseball Fe displayed during last years run deration declared both games for the Cup. We hope that the fortited. They lost also to the boys, realizing that they are the Coca Cola team on sunday only coloned ball team in the morning 19th. ult, to 3, and running, and too, because realnow have lost a total of four ly, they are the best running games for only two gon with aggregation, they should get their win over the Costa Rica, down to business and see that to last sunday.
they win all the other games This pust the champions in they have to play. This is the bad running shape, and if they wish and desire of well wishes OBSERVATION to be in readiness to lend the are to conquer the covetted trol of the team. Fan.
It has been observed that a Jamaica has been quite recentutmost support to the worthy cause.
new Government Decree has ly increased from four shillings citizens will let no other attracWe repeat that good been issued in conjunction with and six pence to six shillings; detract their sacred duty the securing of Certificate of approximately eight colones. to aid the efforts destined for (Corner 5th Avenue and 5th Street. LIMON Birth at the General Register The cultivators of the Island, the erection of the new Limon Office in San José; that is; in in a great majority are mem Cathedral.
It is the high quality of our liquors and other drinks why our friends of BATAAN THIS CITY case where no original registra bers of the Jamaica Banana tion was made of the child Growers COASTALAND OTHER LINE TOWNS have chosen Association and by our establishment as their meeting center: born of alien parentage in the the organized effort are protec THE HOUSE WIVES PREFER TO BUY AT OUR territories of Costa Rica, itting their Industry.
COMERCIANTE will be necessary for the apCROCERY COUNTER: DETALLISTA Experience taught them that our foodstuffs are plicant to furnish four acreditable persons to effect a decla We veiw with great pleasure THE BEST ration in support of the birth that posters in connection with Licores. Abarrotes. CristaleCorbetts. of the child in the Republic. the approaching two day fesría. Materiales de Ferretería y This testimony will be requir tival in the city Park are postEléctricos. Todo se encuentra ed before the Civil Judge. Howed a tevery visible part of the en este Establecimiento Salvation Army the special guest speaker. An wever, we gather that baptis city; thus enabling the entire ticipatingly, the Hall will be mal or christening Certificate citizenry to be reminded and JOSE ACHIONGNG It is our information that at crowed by the Army congre from the Clergy will be recogthe Salvation Army service gation as well as other Chris nized as sufficient evidence.
Sunday the 2nd, the Reverend tian believers. Al will be wel.
This is evidence that WAR IS OVER listed for tomorrow night comed. declared the Major.
Because there is Mrs. Cordelia Barnes will be The price of a count bunSALT SALMON chof banana in the Island of. and The Welcome Visit SALT MACKEREL of a Press Now available to make that long wished for 50 varas al Oeste de la Panadería de los Representative Change of Menu.
señores Musmanni On Tuesday of the week in This is a wonderful combination with fresh FISH.
course with mellowed delight Get your shop keeper to order Salt Salmon and LE OFRECE TODO LO QUE USTED we contacted Mr. Campbell, Mackerel from.
the Atlantic Side RepresentaACUÑA MIRABELLI tive of the esteemed Panama WHOLESALERS SAN JOSE TODO MUY BARATO Tribune.
The very distinguished son of the Republic of Panama reThe Sisters of passing along the news.
From The Mail Box and has served as Foreigh Min sides in Colon. His fame in his Any person not yet familiar ister in the Shidehara govern journalistic career had preceed Bethany are Ready: with the classic and tasteful ed him to this Republic; havThe Japanese Imperial Com ment.
mand has appointed Shigeru ing been moved by many of Mr. Editor, tell every per manner in which the Sisters of spread good Yoshida as Primier of Japan.
his writings. Although his son of the Siquirres township Bethany After receiving endorsement It has been released that the presence with us was somewhat and victory that we are ready things, please take a tip from marvellous.
of General Douglas McArthur, Mechanical Division of the Pa brief, yet we were privileged to entertain them on the night us that they are it is said the Emperor Hirohito nama Canal has quite recently to gain ripen fruit from his in of Tuesday the 11th of the Having had previous knowlmonth in course. is the in edge on their capabilities issued the decree during an affected drastic lay. offs and tellectual garden.
We sensed a feeling of restructions we received from can mention with a high dethat ordinance in the imperial pal it has been also hinte ace. The new Primier is said to further reduction in forces is gret that Mr. Campbell itin the Sisters of Bethany as obegree of assurance that the Hisbe a man of 76 years of age possible.
erary did not afford the necesdient public servants we are torical Concert will be 1.
sary stay in our city; such time which would have effected it convenient for Limonenses to show in their characteristic tangible manner a cherAND RESTAURANT ishable greeting to the visitor; A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE RECIBIO ORGANDIE DE PUNTOS more so to one in such well OFFERS: known capacities.
LINDO SURTIDO The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
We close this chapter with Frente a la Unidad Sanitaria NO ADULTERATION THE PUREST IN FOREIGN gratefulness to Mr. Jos.
our very popular Rogelio Tasies townsman for having directed розмел рие риелю Mr. Campbell to our office.
La Casa de Los Muebles can we New Harlem Cantina LA FAMA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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