
A tlantic VoicE IN THE BASKET OF THE WEEK Could we only draw the curtain YEAR XI LIMON, 13th July 1946 That surrounds each other lives JOS. THOMAS Editor: Post Box 199 See the naked heart and spirit Know what spur to action drives Don Hernán Paniagua a distinguished cise diligence; to be studious; Often we should find it better visitor to our city to be respectful to their teachIf we only understood: ers and to endeavour always Coming to our city in his Association with Miss Lucille to attain the highest standard official capacity: that of In Johnson as teacher.
Alpha of culture.
spector of Private Colleges Cottage with Mr. David He told the teachers that THE GREATLY FELT SCARCITY and Schools throughout the son as Director. The Progre they are assured always his OF LIVING ACCOMMODATIONS Republic of Costa Rica, we sivo in the Kingdon Hall, Mr. sincere cooperation as well as had with us last week Thurs Jos. Thomas, Director; assistance; such that will harday to Saturday morning, Don the Salvation Army School monize with his office and any From our Desk By the Editor: Hernan Paniagua of San Jose. with Major Thos. Lynch, solicitude that might require Accompanied by the writer, Director. the Primary School presentation to higher authorIt is generally known that in order for President of the Private with Mrs. Evelyn Carnegie the ities will also be attentively the manual labourer and the clerical worker School Teachers Association Dircetress; the Sacred Heart submitted.
to render efficient services and as an indis which is ofiliated with the of Mary under the tuitorship National Educators Associa of Mrs. Catherine Bernard. The teachers in turn exprespensible help to the maintainance of good tion, Don Paniagua visited the At each school the Inspector sed their gratitude to their health, it is necessary for them to live in legalized schools in private expressed his pleasure in hav immediate superior officer and airy, spacious and well ventilated rooms. capacities.
ing effected the visits; he in who, without doubt has left These requirements are also of paramount The first call was affected structed the scholars to exer them an erasable impression.
necessity in homes blessed with children, it at the Triumphant School we desire them to grown robust and healthy of the Seventh Day Adventist New Harlem Cantina under the directorship of Mr.
and also if we want them to abide the time ly in every phase. In addition development of sertain knowledge that are Garbutt. The presentation AND RESTAURANT not concerned to their childhood days. of the scholars was of marked A. Lower Floor) FIFTH AVENUE There are times when blame is heaped splendour obviously acceptabOFFERS: Garbutt in wrongly on the age in which we are living little Ernestina The Cradle of Comfort and first Class service to its patrons.
as being wholly responsible for the prema the oficial language commendable articulation in NO ADULTERATION THE PUREST IN FOREIGN recited ture attitude of some children but in our the poem. Madre de Costa AND NATIVE LIQUORS.
opinion invironment is the main cause and Rica.
Grand and Crawford foremost the insufficiency of living space. The Inspector continued his WHEAT STOCKS IN THE UNITED By a statistic which is being prepared inspections to the Methodist Mrs. Jessie Wright, STATES OF AMERICA by our very good citizen Don Alfonso Sole School; a few days ago we viewed that the average Directress; then to the celsior in the Hall of the UnWheat stocks in the United States United States wheat exports were listExsickness by dreaded visitations and death iversal Negro Improvement first carry over will be reduced to have been so depleted that the July ed acording to the following approxi.
rate in this city far exceeds the other provmate percentages. UNRRA, 38; French between 80 and 100 million bushels, Zone in Germany and French North inces of the Reublic.
An Appeal to all the smallest since 1937, the Agricul. Africa, 22: British Empire, principalWe dare not reasonably turn our backs Banana Farmers ture Department said Tuesday night. ly India and British Occupation Zones Monday, in another move to stretch 10; Occupation Zones, 8, and other against the truth that congested homes are The Agriculturists, mostly engaged domestic supplies and continue heavy countries, 22.
to a large extent responsible for the high in the production of banana in the exports of wheat and flour to famine rate per thousand inhabitants. It is not unCahuita region adopt this medium as threatened areas, the Department or. Production prospects in many coun common to see eight to twelve persons ocof communicating and apdered United States bakers to cut the tries were noted by the Department cupying living rooms with a floor space area pealing to size of bread loaves and rolls 10 by as better this year than last. In France of 120 square feet. The less unfortunates this Atlantic Zone, that after much weight on Junc first.
Italy, and Greece, cuarrent indications Continued drougfit conditions reduc. are for a combined wheat crop of are the possessors of the largest number of study and mutual agreement we have cd United States winter wheat pros abouth 500 million bushels, compar.
children; their own as well as those of the concluded and resolved as follows: That we are taking advantage pects 88 million bushels during April. ed with 355 million a year ago. Spain children whose parents are unable to obtain of the opportunity which is present. The Agriculture Department said, how 1946 wheat acreage is the largest in shelter for their young families.
ed for the first time in the history ever, if the winter crop turns 10 years. The prospects in North The sit on is serious; something of our Banana Industry to seek, at as now indicated at 743 million bu Africa are estimated about equal to should be done to remedy this heartfelt and best, our interest, since in the past shels, and if the average spring crop domestic needs. Wheat acreages of is obtained, the United States billion Canada and Australia are expected to aching circumstance. The construction of we had to sign Contracts which were houses is needful. The powers that be must arranged only in interest of the pur goal for this year would still be achiev be larger than last year. Favorable chasers.
conditions are reporled from Argengive sincere attention to the necessity. 2. That the high cost of living and Distribution in January April of tina.
view on the rapidly increasing population sible for us to produce and sell bais self convincing; a chek on the birth rate the rate of labour renders it imposwill disclose the density which confronts the nana at 60 cents United States Currency per bunch and in anddition to population.
deduction of approximately There was a time when materials for!
ten cents United States Currency for construction work was not easily obtained, haulage of each bunch.
PURCHASING PRICES: but at present native lumber is effectively supplying the construction requirements; outlined, be it resolyed that all farCACAO, per quintal (fermented to days. 44. 00 let us forget zinc roofing; let us get into the mers will take a united stand with forest and split shingles; the woods abound those of us who have advanced this WET CACAO, husked the day before sale 42. 00 Resolution in Asping the purchasing with cedar and other trees. Let us educate Companies to increase the buying our people to use our national materials; if Shipped to 28 Miles, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, only: price to 00 (U, per bunch we are financially embarrassed to buy ce at our platforms, respectively.
COCOANUT PITH, per quintal.
65. 00 ment, then learn the art of burning white That we have resolved to suslime; this will combine with earth or sand pend supplying the fruit until we COCOANUT, per hundred.
30. 00 shall have received a reply from those and become lasting material.
concerned: new settlement at Portette or some RAUL VELAZQUEZ Farmers and collaborators, let place along that region would be ideal. stand united in this just cause. remem General Manager: Housing problem deserves as important a ber that if divided we fall.
consideration as the construction of highTHE CAHUITA FARMERS.
a means our fellow farmerson out ed.
Cacao Cooperativa soffer a That in view of the above facts us Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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