
Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday 13th July 1946 PARA NOTICIAS COMPRO VENDO PROPIEDADES Vendo en Coronado, precioso Chalet mitad concreto y mitad madera, establos, garage, árboles frutales, frente carretera pavimentada. cinco millas de Limón, hermosa finca de 170 hectáreas, con cacao, potreros y bastante montaña virgen, tiene casa y muy buenas aguas, buena para lechería.
Finquita, buena para recreo, 18 hectáreas, cocales, pequeña casita, frente al mar y Río Moin.
ALBERTO BARRANTES CARRANZA Corredor Jurado y Comisionista.
Puerto Limón LACULDAD Escuche EL MUNDO MARCHA Por medio de la EMISORA LA VOZ DE LA VICTOR 625 Kc. 9615 Kc San José, Costa Rica UNITED FRUIT COMPANY on LA REFORMA DE LA ENSEÑANZA Una circular recientemen su solicitud pendiente de rete publicada por el Ministro solución; lo cual quiere dede Educación del Gobierno cir que la cifra total de maesBritànico nos da idea de la tros y profesores secundarios Quince minutos de noticias del dia compivastedad de la reforma que se que era a principios del año ladas por los servicios internacionales de la está llevando a cabo en la en curso 176 mil, habrá subiPrensa Asociada. Todas las noches desde Gran Bretaña en el campo do a 131 mil a fines de 1948, de la enseñanza. Recordemos cifra que aún no ha de subir Quince minutos de noticias del día compique mucho antes de acabada en mayor proporción en los ladas por los servicios internaconales de la la guerra ya había aprobado años siguientes, ya que se es Prensa Asociada de el Parlamento ignlés una ley pera que con los edificios que las 45 a p.
destinada a hacer obligatoria se proyectan el númkfro de la asistencia a clases hasta estudiantes del magisterio pue Servicio presentado al público por cortesia de la los 15 años de edad, a redu da aumentar de un modo excir el número de alumnos que ſtraordinario.
cada clase pueda tener y a articular la enseñanza secun Tengamos ahora en cuenta Look THE ANGEL OF DEATH SERVED a little child upon daria de modo que el mayor que estos miles de futuros número posible de personas maestros y maestras Pity my simplicity: son en ANOTHER SUMMON Suffer me to come to thee, lleguen a gozar de sus bene su mayoría ex combatientes, From the pulpit of the city Metho commendation of the affectionate and ficios; planes todos que no es decir, personas de mayor dist Church and proceeding from the tender medical attention extended to Fain would to Thee be brought, podían llevarse a cabo sin un experiencia y madurez espi mouth of the Reverend Holmes her by Dr. Gonzalez and the staff of Dearest God, forbid it not; número de maestros y profeso tual que la que solían tener the Minister of the Circuit in her word.
Give me dearest God, a place res muy superior al que en los antiguos maestros al coministerial eulogy the occasio The ale Mrs. Bucknor was born in In the kingdom of Thy grace.
tonces había y sin que se hi mienzo de su carrera y perof the funeral Service of Mrs. Fran the parish of Westmoreland; district cieran nuevos edificios, los u sonas todas de cierta cultucis Bucknor on Wednesday, June 19 of Water Works in the island of Having been associated with the nos destinados a escuelas y ra, ya que los candidatos son textually were the following: Jamaica. Her husband preceeded her fraternities of Court Mizpah Lodge los otros a residencias de fu elegidos en virtud de los es Sister Francis Bucnor ir dead to the grave many years ago.
c! the Ancient Order of Foresters turos maestros, ya que se ſtudios que hayan hecho antes, we rejoice in her death; no doubt With Christian fortitude and her and the Bethfield Lodge No. of the aspira a que todos vivan en todo lo cual ha de redundar meditation on the celestial home she Modern Order of Bethany her final régimen de internado.
this expression may sound a bi en beneficio de los alumnos, strange, but it is used in the sense had borne her mortal agony and with remains were impressively laid to La circular publicada reve han de ser formados cono that her spirit is gone to God, the full realization that such is the path rest in the No. Cecmntery of Li.
la todo lo que ya se ha he ciudadanos del mañana por Giver for she was a Christian; not to Glory. Her parting words as given mon. Mr. Barrett performed the cho en este terreno, lo que los mismos hombres que com that she said so, but her exemplifi by those at her bedside at the time rites for the Foresters and Mr. Chas.
todavía queda por hacer y las batieron en defensa de los ed life has confirmed her devotion of he: fleeting breath: Walker did that pertaining to the medidas que se están toman derechos que han de gozar. Si to God and His service.
do para que pronto sea reali a esto se agrega que la refor Gentle Jesus, meck and mild Continuing the Min ster said, She dad lo aprobado por el Par ma de la educación ha sido true in all her ways: sh lamento. Entrando ahora en considearda por los ingleess laboured unceasingly; loving in el análisis de sus detalles y como un tributo que la sociekind and such Christian devotior THE JAMAICA TOWN SETTLEMENT para que pueda el lector dar dad paga a las clases menos is rurely not in vain.
se cuenta de la magnitud del afortunadas por el estoicisIS NOW NAMED BARRIO ROOSEVELT las esfuerzo que se está hacien mo con que soportaron Before listening to these words of Iruth from the Reverend Holmes there do diremos sólo que el núme penalidades de la guerra, com were testimonies voluntarily expres Keeping in line with previous an cretary, Don Victor Casco, Chief of ro de estudiantes que en los partidas por todos sin queja sed to our hearing by persons of nouncement regarding the change of Municipal Works and Don Hernan Esúltimos meses han sido acep alguna, es difícil escapar a la the district of Zent where the late the name of the Jamaica Town Set quivel a member of the Municipal tados por la sescuelas encar conclusión de que Inglaterra Mrs. Bucknor had resided for more tlement to Barrio Roosevelt. the of. Council also Don Alfonso Sole, the gadas de producir los nuevos es el país que sabe recoger than 35 years and that there was no ficial act was performed on Thurs Chief of the office of our Social maestros es de 17. 800 y que el lado bueno de todas las gain saying as to the Christian And day, July 4th, the 170 Independence Protection. The Honourable Jesse Or.
se calcula en otro tanto el nú cosas.
pious life career of the one whose Anniversary of the United States of me, Vice Consul of the United States mero de los que aún tienen Martín Antolínez life was clxinct. She could be clas. America.
of America accepted the splendid tri.
sified not only as a Leadress, but as At the entrance to the settlement bute in the name of his late Presi.
a mother who careth for her chil. directly facing the track of the North dent, Franklin Roosevelt. The dis.
dren; that she had lived for her God ern Railway Company stands the continguished guests were Monseñor Juan and woshipped Him at home, in the crete pedestal in which is cemented Odendahl, the Lord Bishop of our (The former Atlantic Bar)
Church and everywhere; that she was the bronzed Insigna Barrio Roos Roman Catholic iDocese; Colonel Ful tireless in seeing that others give evelt.
gencio Campos, the visionary mind HERE WE OFFER: their devotion to our Blessed Saviour. that had proposed the tribute. the that the Girls League of Zentwa. In attendance was the Military The Best of Liquors The Nicest Short Honourable Raul Alvarez, the Consul Orders her own child by birth and admoni. Band, directed by Colonel Quesada, of the Republic of aPnama. Mr. RoReal Good Services. Comtion in the service of God; that Don Abel Aobles, His Excellency the bert Richard, auditor of the Costa fortable and Cozy Private Rooms!
death hath not taken her by surprise Governor of the Province unveiled the Rica Banana oCmpany and Mr. Riley.
THERE IS ALWAYS WELCOME for it has been ever monument; then the band struck up Chief Clerk of the same Company FOR ALL!
heart and a gem in her soul of her Costa lica Anthem followed with that as well as many other zealous citi.
preparedness to change this mortal of the great North American RepubPRICES TO MEET EVERY POCKET frame and to enjoy the glories of life lic. The address of the afternoon was All should bear in mind that the in the world to come.
read by don Carlos Mora. Among the former name Jamaica Town is now CLARENCE PATTERSON (Chicklets) Proprietor. She was a patienet in the local other government officials were Don a name of the past.
hospital, we learn with the highest Enrique Arrazola, the Governor SeWAS CAS BLANCA a song in her zens.
Document es propiedad de la Biblioteca cional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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