
Page THE MORNING NEWS SOME EARLY SUBMARINES The Governor Elect of Massachusetts. In German Uniform.
Individuals and Society.
INS Looking on Both Sides.
Dr. Jordan Asks Wilson to Aid Peace Discipline is only maintained The uniform in which a German officer lives, and is also not by preceedings which in other Facts About a Typical Submarine infrequently burried, is made to countries would speedily lega condone offences of all kinds to mutiny.
and Progress in Building Same It was stated in the Reichs.
save the cardinal sin of disThe first successful submari supposed. but principally to obedience or disrespect to the tag several years ago. Mr. Har.
butt Dawson says, that dur.
ne vessel, was invented by Da the perfection of the accumulaomnipotent State.
wid Bushnell in America in tor cell as a means of storing eThe behavior of the officers, ing a period of five years 1775. During the Revolutiona. nergy for propulsion without and still more of the noncom 100, 000 court martialled so. ry War the boat was submerged the expenditure of air or other missioned officers, to the men diers had been sentenced to an beneath the British warship Ea weight contained in the boat, under their command is no less aggregate of 2, 300 years of gle, but the attack failed. Ro. and to the introduction of the brutal than that toward the penal servitude and 16, 000 bert Fulton also studied the optical tube. This latter instrucivil population.
years of imprisonment.
problem of submarine navigat ment is a telescope with the opion. He constructed two subma tical axis twice bent through rine boats in France and one in a right angle by totally reflectAmerica. In the American Ci. ing prisms or mirrors; and unvil War, the Confederates built der diverse form and various The individual by himself is existence in general and de a number of iron cigar shaped names, such as periscope, clepright as against society, nor preciates the average health and boats each armed with a torpe. toscope, hyphydroscope, omnisdoes ultimate wisdom reside sanity of the social state, do carried at the end of a sparcope, etc. it affords the only with the minority as against the Reflecting on his personal These boats were known as Da practical means by which obmajority woes, the individual naturally vids because of their diminuti jects on the surface of the water can be seen at a ve size.
distance The individual by himself os becomes a pessimist; or, if we from the interior of a submera weak and feeble thing, and may put is in another way, selsite the enumeration of his par.
Facts about a typical submarine ged vessel. The problem of proticular grievances distorts the fishness, a narrow, absorbing Holland submarine of the Ad viding means for seeing at a dis der clas.
tance through the water still aproper perspective of human egotism, is the root of all evil.
waits solution, and when solved For propulsion in the sub if it ever should be, will enor. GOV ELECT MCCALL AND FALIMY.
merged condition an electric mo mously add to the Power of subSamuel McCall has been elected Governor for the State of Massachusetts. Him and his tor is used, working at 800 re marine boats as weapons of family appear in this cut volutions, and giving a speed of war.
The progress of humanity, tinuous series of fresh and knots, a single left handed pro (Samuel McCall ha sido electo Gobernador del Estado de Massachusetts. En este gra depends on two movements lively efforts to strike out new peller being employed. The cu Progress of submarine building bado aparecen él y su familia. which must go on side by side. paths.
rrent for the motor is provided in Germany One is the impulse toward But in order that a social by storage batteries capable of change; the other is the steady state may exist at all, the newer supplying 70 for fuor Germany did not build subimpulses must be harmonized NEW MIKADO HONORS CHRISTIANS.
hours; and these batteries are marines until 1906, when 1 To prevent a given social with the older structure.
AN AMERICAN FIRM TO BUILD state from petrification there charged by the main engine. was launched at the Germania Order is as necessary for the The requisite air supply is ob Works, Kiel. She is 139 ft. THREE EDUCATED IN THE UNITFIVE LARGE SUBMARINES must be constant revolts, a con world as progress.
tained when the vessel is at the long, 11 ft. in. beam, ft. ED STATES RECEIVED DECORFOR GREAT BRITAIN.
surface, and is stored under a in draught and 240 tons on the ATIONS.
pressure of 2000 lb. by a pump surface, being slightly larger driven by gearing off the main than the Russian boats built by WASHINGTON, 3rd. The engine or main motor. Air at a the same firm. She is fitted American missionaries results of the Austrian invespressure of 50 lbs. is used for with twin screws driven by petigation in reference to ex Con Conference of Neutral Nations to End the expulsion of torpedoes and troleum motors, of 450 have called attention to the sul Gorical, who was internedthe same agent, at various de giving a speed of 11 knots on fact that among the persons de ed at the Charleston Navy Yard War Will Be Held Before Coming Christmas, Sabi gree of pressure, works the trim the surface, and electric motors corated by the Emperor in hountil the end of the war, have Dr. David Starr Jordan asked violent reaction. All kinds of diming and ballast tanks and so of 200 giving a speed nor of his coronation are sevebeen received through Ambas. President Wilson for his attitu plomatic necessities must be met.
me parts of the machinery; whi of knots when submerged. ral Japanese Christians, includ sador Pennfield.
le the exhaust air from the lat Three 18 in. torpedoes are caring Soroku Ehara, a prominent de on plans for a neutral confe The nations of Europe would, ter subserves the purpose of ven ried, one bow tube only being educator; Tasuke Tarada, edi.
The Rive Iron Works are to rence to bring peace in Europe. in my judgment, welcome a way tilation. The vessel is fitted provided. In 1908 1909 three tor of the Christian World; Sabuild five submarines for Engl.
Dr. Jordan predicted that befo out, but they are not in a position and.
re Christmas a peace movement to say so until there is some one with power and hand steering, larger boats were built at Dantkunoshin Motoda, head master will be inaugurated among neu to say it to other than their enegear, and there are automatic zig, and in 1909 1910 three of tral powers. His advances to Pre mies.
haya devices for securing a constant 600 tons displacement at the of St. Paul College at Tokio, sident Wilson are interpreted as The proposed commission wodepth during submergence. Fi. Germania works. The boats all of whom were educated in being definite overtures toward uld serve as a clearing house for ve Whitehead torpedoes, 45 cm. were reported to have made ve the United States, and one wopeace by many of the neutral coun peace ideas, and would have to do (about 15 in. in diameter and ry long sea passages without es man, Kajiko Yajima, President tries, which in turn, may have the work quietly. Informally and of the Japanese Christian Wo11 ft. in. long, are provided, cort.
Mrs. Howard Huggins sued For one month. 00 been inspired by countries at war. unofficially we have been inforThree months. 90 and there is one expulsion tube Resolutions passed by the Inter med that mediation would be acmen Temperance Society. All her husband for divorce on the Six months. 50 placed forward about ft. be. The submarine as a weapon of were decorated with the Order ground that she desired to marry national Peace Congress, of which ceptable to all, but of course it is One Year.
low the light water line. offence Dr. Jordan is president, were left impossible to expect official word of the Sacred Treasure.
her first sweetheart.
ADVERTISING RATES with the President. The most no of this kind at this time.
Diplomatic envoys, foreign(Mrs. Howard Huggins sotable is one asking the co operaInventions that made the sub The submarine has taken ers and Japanese, witnessed a licitó divorcio alegando que detion of all the neutral nations in aid desired For local advertisements rates will marine practicable.
the place of the above water tor picturesque historical pageant pedo boat as a weapon of offen of old Japan begining with the seaba contraer matrimonio con su be gladly furnished upon application, the appointment of a commission Please state what you want and size which will give continuous conprimer novio. The early American boats of ce. The latest designed type are eighth century. At the outset of the war Preof advertisement. Rates are exceeding sideration in Europe to the con sident Wilson tendered the good the Holland type and the of 940 1, 200 tons displacement, Yoshihito, the Crown Prince ly moderate and far below any other ciliation of the belligerant Po offices of the Government to French boats built in the last have a radius of action of 000 and the other members of the USEFUL newspaper in the country.
bring about peace. The offer was decade of the 19th century, we miles or over, a surface speed imperial family worshiped befo Foreign advertisements 10 cents re the earliest really practical of 20 knots, mount two inch re the imperial sanctuary in the INFORMATION.
not accepted. It is obvious this Currency, per inch in a single co Miss Addams started plan time that it would be easier upon submarine boats. They owe guns, are fitted for wireless te Giyuden Hall, one of the tempo lumn, per insertion.
the other neutrals for assitance in their placticability not to any legraphy, and have ample liv. rary structures erected on the ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF For the English Edition nothing but Dr. Jordan expressed the per such a movement than for the Uni discovery of the method of con ing accommodation for officers grounds of the ancient palace TRAINS English worded advertisements will be sonal opinion that such a commis ted States to take the lead.
trolling the movements of a and men. the submarine has of Kioto for the accession cere.
sion will sit at The Hague, in BerThe train for Puntarenas leav Even if the United States did ne, or at Copenhagen.
boat, beneath the surface of the taken her place among the of monies. brilliant assemblage es San Jose at 50 a. and ar Mis Jane Adams originat fied that a permanent conciliatonot join in the matter, am satiswater, as has been sometimes fensive forces of sea power.
of aristocrats and officials fil rives at that port at 10 LIMITATIONS OF HYPNOed the idea of the creation of ry body will be created, but it will led the hall.
The train from Puntarenas lea TISM such a commission without diplo be weaker than it should be if the Throughout the ceremony the ves that port at a. and arrimatic powers, but appointed by United States does not go into it.
ves in San Jose at 50 The train for Alajuela leaves New boarder. What is the the heads of neutral nations, said Dr. Jordan. believe such a body will be In order to improve our En crease and improve this section a Shinto composition handed San Jose at p. and arrives row upstairs?
Landlady It is that professor ble yet suggested, and some va opportune time for such action.
down from the dim ages. Tra in that city at 20 This plan is the most plausi time, as that seems to be the most called together about Christmas glish Section we beg to solicit the for the benefit of our readers.
cooperation of our readers, not We request our readers to over dition has it that the Kagura The train from Alajuela leaves of hypnotism trying to get his riation of it, at least, must be aonly as far as subscriptions and look any defficiency found in the music was played first while her that city at p. and arrives in wife permission to go out this dopted if success is to be attained ted that President Wilson has taAt the White House it was staadvertisements are concerned but spelling or composing which attendant deities danced before San Jose at 20 evening in a war like this, political lea ken the resolution left with him also in regard to contributions. might occur at the start but this the Sun Goddess, the Emperor The train for Limon leaves San ders must save their faces or face under careful consideration.
We will gladly accept and pub will be due to our staff, which is ultimate ancesstor, to appease Jose at 40 and arrives at that In New York now they dislish any articles sent us, as long not quite conversant with the En her wrath. The airs now blen port at 40 as such are not of a personal or glish language. This will be avoid ded in the Kagura music were that port at 40 and arrives in by calling one high neck and The train from Limon leaves tinguish hymns from opera airs political character and providing ed in the near future.
To Our Subscribers such reading matter is of general We respectfully solicit selected from among ancient San Jose at 55 the other low neck.
your We are pleased to inform our subscribers that we are making or local interest to a given com correspondence which will always songs by Emperor Ichijo, and arrangements to obtain a more ample and up to date cable service, munity. Articles dealing with receive our earliest and best at number thirty eight. The prin which will put EL IMPARCIAL on equal footing with the best in commercial industrial and agri tention. Any questions you wish cipal instruments used formed newspapers of America. These arrangements will be for the cultural matters will always be to ask or anything yow wish harps and flutes. In playing the benefit of the public and we expect soon to inaugurate this news most welcome as well as general to know, just drop a line addressservice.
news items from any town or com ed to the Editor of the English kagura the musicians take their munity in the country. Section, El Imparcial. San Jo seats in two groups, one facing THE EDITORS.
We propose to constantly in sé.
the other.
Subscription Rates 11. 00 wers.
TO OUR READERS. Kagumu lomubie somme.
are Advertise in this English Edition.
It will pay you.
Rates upon application Hace un placer de la digestión si se toma después de las comidas Cerveza TRAUBE Da vigor a los viejos, fuerza a os jóvenes y belleza a las mujeres LA BEBIDA IDEAL a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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