
BN THE MORNING NEWS ENGLISH EDITION OF EL IMPARCIAL Page San José Costa Rica, Central America, December 6th. 1915 No. 35 How Long for Peace? Leading Figures in New York List of the Lottery First Suffrage Election.
Lottery Prizes at Yesterday Drawing. LISTA DE LA LOTERIA)
50 50 50 50 01981 01982 01984 01985 100 MRS ALICE Mes Mes 01987 01988 100 12706 100 13164.
02926 SO 200 怎毫迟参差差必层图层 图怎么篷 888 100 15099 80 Bit From Here And a Bit From There.
News Not Brought By The Cables.
04163 01153 041815 16152 16241 80 17261 80 17912 000 50010.
80 18167 90 Oy 06793.
200 07629 80 19967.
90 80 KA 540 sh 80 100 80 08159 Two papers speaking in the plate. But the condition of GerHouse of Lords the other day re many would be more terrible than marked bitterly on the condition that of any other country. Ento which Europe would be redu gland can never suffer so much as ced if the war continued indefini Germany must suffer. The Gertely. One, Lord Loreburn, decla mans believe that, fighting on the red that the allies were faced defensive, they can hold their ewith the prospect of a great Con nemies back; but the Allies are 00314.
80 10444 100 00623.
100 10699.
80 tinent being peopled mainly by convinced that they can break 00626.
100 10952 80 old men, women and children un through the German defences, at 00699.
200 10979.
200 less the commonsense of huma a price. The price will be fear00743.
200 11125.
200 nity asserted itself; the other, ful. But if Germany does not 00866.
80 SO 11261.
Lord Courtney, suggested that withdraw out of France, Belgium, SO 01020 SO First approximations.
England should make known on Serbia and Poland for the sake of 01096 01487. 000 what terms she would consider securing peace, the price will ha01668 200 11672 peace, and plainly stated that the ve to be paid and will be paid.
11673 evacuation by the Germans of the No doubt, after that, even GermaFirst approximations.
territory conquered by them ny could be invaded; but the pri11675.
50 should be a sufficient basis for ce of that invasion would be grea100 11676 100 the conclusion of hostilities. The ter still. For then the Germans, 01983 100 11677 10. 000 se speeches were commented upon recognising that all was lost save 100 in Germany, in a not unfriendly their soil, would fight for the inSecond approximations.
spirit; and there are signs and in tegrity of their native land, and 01986 25. 000 11678, dications that a considerable part that strugle would be the greatest 11679 of the German Press would be dis the world had ever seen. The vie Second approximations.
11680 posed to discuss the possibility of tory would not be worth the sacri STONE BLACKWELL 11681 RAYMOND BROWN an early peace if it were allowed fice. Germany dismembered toPANIC ROESSING. DE 100 11682 100 to do so by the German censor. day would be reunited to morrow 01989 100 12107 The Socialist Worwaerts, indeed, the soul of the nation and its soil Mrs. Alice Stone Blackwelt, inspector of watchers for the Women Suffrage Party: Mrs. Frank Roessing 01990 has been very outspoken on the would remain, and nothing could inspector of watchers for the Women Political Union; and Mrs. Raymond Brown, president of the New York 01991.
State League, opposed to Women Su ffrage.
subject of peace. It says plainly prevent its growth in strength that Germany should hold out and its growth in hate. We have 13811 02269 13903.
the olive branch, should offer never believed that the war will terms that would be acceptable to be anything like an inconclusive 02347 03007 15789 the reasonable men of every coun conclusion. For Gemany will ha03186.
200 15825 try. It asserts that the reason ve been defeated; only, as Germa100 10027 04114.
why the German Government will ny pretends that this is, on her 04114.
200 not do this is because it would be part, a war of defence, she should interpreted as a sign of weakness be glad enough to retain what she BOOTY FROM BOSNIA TIED IN pean war, according to a statem will remain abroad for a year. 01818.
100 and that the German Government had before. And, thus defeated, 19902 18286 IN SHIP FLAGS 05283 ent made by Captain They plan to leave San Rafael for holds that the party successful in Germany and her allies would 05537 209 18318 Brien, chief of detectives. New York next week. Miss An 05550 100 18337 200 a war is not the party which think long and seriously before MILAN. An officer of the Brien said hordes of Eu gellotti achieved fame as a writer 05916.
100 must first make peaceful overtu venturing to plunge the world in Italian steamer Bosnia, sunk by rope most expert and best edu several years ago, through her 06022 100 19102 100 10 res. But the Worwarts sees the to such another struggle. For the so 19464 8013101 100 situation much more ably than next generation the nations would a submarine, says a submarine of cated crooks are oither already in two books. Sir John Hawkwood 06249.
19497 AO 100 101 07042.
does the German Government. It be busy trying to heal their ficer and four sailors boerded the Chicago or on their way here. and Burgundian.
points out that none of the Allies wounds.
vessel and helped themselves to Many, he said, according to reMORE SECRECY SOUGHT FOR 07711.
food and wine. They also rifled ports from New York officials, so 20147 admit for a moment that the Al But the German Government is the cabins and seized valuables only stop in the East long enough 80 WAR IMPLEMENTS 07789.
lies or any one of them have been stiff necked: in defiance of facts and money, he says.
8000 07845 to get a stake, and then head for 801006 defeated. It knows that they have it believes it can weary ont the 21298 not been defeated, for they are nations to which it is oposed. The the ship flags, they placed two Having wrapped the booty in the Middle West.
WASHINGTON. Congress 08956.
21650 quite able to continue the strug hope is vain, France, Russia, En. dynamite bombs in the engine of suspicious profession. said the scope of the national defense 09003 The influx of Europan gentry probably will be asked to broaden 08145.
gle and to throw new resources gland did not want war. No man into the field. So that if Germa who has read the story of the fa room. Then they returned to the Brien, has been especially no act of 1911 so as to safeguard 09253 submarine, hoisted the Austrian ticeable since the threat of draf more adequately military secrets 09270.
ny is ready to continue the fight teful twelve days preceding Ger flag and fired sixteen more shots ting army recruits in England. with reference to torpedoes, guns 08702.
her enemies are still more ready many declaration of war can at the Bosnia.
or order navy devices designed 10079.
to do so; and if all parties doubt that. But now that war is 23895 26, 000, 000 RUSSIAN RIFLE ORDER by the Navy Department and remain in their present attitude a reality it is impossible that the MAN REMANDED IN LONDON Además, 249 premios de 50 cada 24092 IN turned over to private contractors uno a todos los números terminados of mind the war must go on allied nations should allow GerPASSPORT CASE for the use in connection with en 86, a excepción del que ha obtenido All those numbers ending in 86 exfor a very much longer time, and many and her friend to reap any vast amounts of treasure must be benefit from their feats of arms; CLEVELAND. contract Government vessels they have un el premio mayor, y 2250 premios de cepting the one which drew the grand LONDON. Edward Hodgson, for the manufacture of der construction.
e 10 cada uno a todos los números ter prize, has a prize of 50 each.
wasted, and a sacrifice made of for, success thus attained, Germa an American, and Lucy Wunsche, 26, 000, 000 worth of rifles for the 2250 prizes of 10 for all those nunmillions of lives, until Germany ny would strike again as soon as declared to be a German, both Russian army has been practical. Egerton, of the Department, han obtenido premio de 50 por las which drew the grand prize and those In his annual report, Solicitor minados en 6, a excepción del que ha obtenido el premio mayor y de los que bers ending in excepting the one is beaten.
she was able. Thus, in spite of having American passports, were ly closed by Cleveland capitalists calls attention to litigation with dos ultimas cifras.
ending In 86: For its plain speaking Vorw the war weariness which afflicts remanded in Bow street court to and New York munitions brokers. its contracts for manufacturing arts was suppressed: yet it can all Europe, the struggle continues day.
Charles Otis, who has just torpedoes under Government not be doubted that it spoke for and there is no driht in the black Company has subscribed There were patients aboard millions of Germans And Lord war clouds that hang low over a ing to register as an alien, giving ked for bids from a number of The latter is charged with fail. returned from New York, has as designs. 1, 000, 000 ward Canada unable to help themcelves, some has been haunting the minds of my will come, a defeat at any rate possession of a false passport. making of rifle parts, and a new Lorburn expressed a thought that continent. The defeat of the ene false information and being in Cleveland manufacturers for the 100, 000, 000 RAISED IN 3RD HUN. 50, 000, 000 domestie war loan, it men without legs, feet or arms, he was announced here to day.
GARIAN LOAN great numbers of Englishmen. sufficient to induce him to listen Hodgson is accused of aiding her company is also to be formed.
Ford officials at the same time He sank with the ship and was We have passed out of the excite to terms of peace. But that day Hodgson, described as a mining BERLIN. via Tuckerton. nadian newspapers had refused issued denials of reports that Ca unconscious when rescued.
ment stage of the war. There is is not yet, it is not in sight: all engineer, has a passport issued in RIOT AT CLEVELAND WAR ORDER It is announced that subscriptions to accept for advertising because SPAIN ASKS PROTECTION FOR no continued thrill over the ex that can hope is that it will Washington on March 17, 1915, PLANT to the third Hungarian war loan of Henry Ford opposition to the ploits of brave armies. We are dawn in another year, that the Lucy Wunsche passport was isCARDINAL HARTMANN reached 2, 000, 000, 000 crowns Anglo French loan in the United proud of those armies, proud of coming winter campaign may be sued in Berlin on July 10. Both CLEVELAND. Rioting. 100, 000, 000. States. Mr. Ford himself refused the fleet; we know quite well that the last in this war. The world were vised in Amsterdam on Oc which was suppressed by police ROME. It is stated the Spawith the fleet the invasion of En desires peace, but This is 900, 000, 000 crowns more to comment on the reported boy nish Government has requested we tober 28, the woman being en reserves, took place at the war or than the second war loan. cott.
gland and her colonies is out of cannot be made at any price, dorsed accompanying husband der autobody plant of Theodor safe conduct for Cardinal Hartthe question. But the war is seen honour forbids, future safety for to England.
Kundtz, where a string of autos mann, Archbishop of Cologne, so FIVE MORE BLAZES AT BETHto be what it is an awful butche, bids. There are some who even be loaded with strokebreakers rushed he may attend the consistory LEHEM PLANT DRINK ENGLISH PUNCH ry, the partial ruin of Europe, lieve that the war will last ten 25 SAVED FROM SHIP BLOWN UP through the strikers picket line December The question arisea the setting back of civilization years, but we know that hat is out BY MINE into the factory. Eight foreigners ANGLIA CAPTAIN TELLS VIVID as to why safe conduct is necessaSOUTH BETHLEHEM, Pa.
and progress; and were it to con of the question. For if the war were arrested.
STORY OF SINKING ry in the case of a German sub Five small fires have been distinue indefinitely the state of Eu lasted ten years there would be no LONDON. Stories of terrible Further conferences are to be covered within the past few days ject when Germany and Italy are rope would be terrible to contem men left to fight.
suffering from exposure and ex. held by Mayor Baker in his inves. in one of the projectile repart, the mined hospital ship Anglia, derstood the Italian Government DOVER, Captain Manning, of not formally at war. But it is unhaustion were told to day by tigation of the bribe charges made ments of the Bethlehem Steel members of the crew of the Nor against Albert Henye, Kundtz Works, it was stated to day.
gave a vivid description at the in will act in accordance with its wegian steamship San Miduel, strike chairman and Hungarian All were extinguished in time quest to day of the disaster. policy of putting no avoidable who were seventeen hours in their leader, by Louis Loebl, prominent to prevent any material damage.
He said he went to the wireless difficulties in the way of the room to send signals. He Vatican and will give the guar.
There is one test of a civilized tain a large proportion of Ro small boats after their vessel had Hungarian, who is City ImmigraMONITORS BOMBARD GERMANS met the operator coming out, with antees soon.
country which is now univer man Catholics and Jews; in the been blown up by a North Sea tion Commissioner.
his face bleeding. He found the sally recognized. Relligious Crimea and in the middle VolIN BELGIUM An English trawler picked CALIFORNIA AUTHORESS GOING instruments broken to fragments.
freedom is held to be essential ga are Tartar Mohammedans; them up and landed them at DRINK ENGLISH PUNCH to national greatness. de in the Caucasus is a perfect ba Grimsby. There were twenty five TO WAR ZONE BERLIN. via Sayville. The War Office reports that allied Let us see briefly what this bel of languages and consequen of the castaways.
SAN RAFAEL. Cal. monitors shelled German posimeans in all the Russias. The tly of ereeds.
Marion Polk Angellotti, daugh tions on the Belgian coast. The EUROPEAN CRIMINALS FLOCKING governing class, drawn from in Religious tolerance, initiated TO AMERICA ter of Chief Justice of the Su report says they were driven off ner Russia, belongs, of course, by the reforming Tsar, Alexanpreme Vourt Franck Angel by the Germans coast batteries.
We beg to call the attention of our readers to the fact that each to the striet ortodox Greek der II. is one of the tenets of lotti, is going to Europe shortly and every eablegram published in this English Section, is genuine and CHICAGO. Hundreds of conChurch.
government, and is nominally fidence men, de luxe sa fe crack Miss Angellotti plans to secure is published simultaneously in our Spanish Section, truthfully and to study the war at close range. CANADIAN FORD CO. AIDS ALLIES WAR LOAN carefully translated. We never clip news from foreign newspapers The Baltie provinces are Lu in force all over the empire.
ers, penmen and crooks of other the material for a new book.
or alter the dates as other newspapers are in the habit of doing.
theran, Finland is Protestant, classifications have been driven to The California author will be DETROIT, Mich. The CanaWe would request our readers to be on the lookout and compare.
the southwestern provinces con DRINK ENGLISH PUNCIL the United States by the Euro accompanied by her mother and dian branch of the Ford Motor sa 20603 20965 100 100 21774 80 100. 22479 SO 22926 80 23075 100 23216 80 23418 200 200 80 80 80 100 80 100 80 80 000 80 03309 said.
Tolerance in Russia Important Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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