
January CURRENT ITEMS Hihong the Lodges and Organizations of these he has timer NEW YEAR AT LITLE PARIS Our Students Abroad condition than himself. We therefore Few people will immagine that there congratulate him for his success.
An Active Officer Dedication are so many Students sent from Costa The Fraternidad No. 10 create in them a clean Heart and a righ Rica assisted by the government to fit Spiril vvithin them and brought the themselves in Professions. There are no Don Jose Hernandez Sanchez, has most enjoyable evening was spent The Fraternidad will install their of meeting to a close at 50 less at the present moment than 38 exhibited himself as a most zealous Goamong the members and friends of The ficers tonight when it is expected that Light of Limon Lodge British order Bro. Nelson and his officers JOHN FRANCIS, vernor in the interests of not only the Scholarships in Europe granted by this of Good Samaritans a week or so ago will again do the necessary.
Reporter Bananito Town of Limon but everything that government to smart deserving pupils been reccommended by the when their New Hall recently consconcerns the Province. He has given a The following officers will be insMadre de Dios Educational department. The majority tructed by Mr. Ben Sankey was dedi talled as worshipful Master Jose Chagood example to all householders of are studying as doctors, but the town by repairing and cleaning up cated.
ves; Deputy Master. Carlos Mendoza; The Perseverance Lodge No. 2794 the government will The Master of Ceremonies being Bro of The order of Ancient Shepherds held Scholarships for this profession as we not grant any more the Government buildings undoubtedly Miguel Borass; Arrieta: given Limon a Brown associated with him were, fine appearance Secty. Martinez; and Tresurer their Anniversary on 15th December.
Bro. Tappin Sister Blisby his Sanitary endeavours, indeed the Bro. Franco Jimenez They had a very pleasant time seveare glutted here now by doctors, while men are needed in higher education internal rectitude of a man mind is ter F; Lambert C; Jef This Lodge in the hands of our ral other Lodges Societies vvere inand technical knowledge.
portrayed by his outward demeanour.
ferson Cond. and Brandon Spanish Brethren has been going ahead vited but only representatives from the There 18 Scholars in Belgium, in In passing through the Park and Some appropriate speeches were by leaps and Bounds, and we vvish o. of E; and the Madre de Dios made by the Representatives from other them further successes for 1930 muDiv. No. 593 of the France, in Germany, in Italy, and glancing at the Government buildings attended. in Spain.
one is bound to admire the right thinkLodges in attendance responded to chas felicidades y quiero que los her They again celebrated their Watch by the officers.
Unfortunately we know of none from ing qualities of our Governor.
manos creerán que en cuerpo estoy services for the Birth of Christ on 24th.
He the province of Limon Is it that we do is The Juveniles recited and the Choir now trying to push to a finish ausente pero en Espíritu estoy presente. ultmo when the public vvas entertained.
reudered a few well chosen Songs, the works started by our Ex Governor not possess smart Scholars, or is it This body is to be congratulated for when the function was brought to a Bananito that our public men are not thinking don Juan Romagosa, on the Road to the example they have set here on Unity Moin Bridge by way of close.
of any thing but planting Bananas?
portette. This among all coloured organizations.
This chapter of the spent Siquirres work is under the direct supervision of a most enjoyable day at San Andres Negro Interest Neutrality Exhibited don Federico Golcher Secretary of the Saturday 10th will be a great day on 15th December which was the ocA Welcome la consequence of the approaching Improvement Board of Limon, another old Election of Deputies to Congress in among the Mechanics of this Town casion of opening up a new Branch of of Limon who is one of The Union District of Costa Rica will the organization at that place.
The Revd. Forde, Pastor of the Bap which his brother Mr. Francisco de those sincerely interested in its welfare.
hold their semiannual meeting here, The ceremony of confirming and tist Missions in this country who has Paula Gutierrez, is Candidate oun ge a When this Road is built it will be at which time they will have Election installing the officers in their respective been travelling abroad for the benefit nial Comandante don Rogelio Gutiethe first milestone in the building of of District Officers for the Ensuing places vvas ably carried out by Bro. of his health as vvell as in the interest rrez, has applied for leave of absence The Canal to Tortuguero, being a neterm. It is expected that the following IC Francis, the Executive Secretary of of church vvork returned a vveek ago. from his Post until after the election, cessity for the transporting of first maLodges will be represented. The ConThe Bananito Branch. Mr. Blair He vvas given a most enthusiastic reso that no sarcasm can be cast on his terials for this work Cordia, The Fraternidad No. 10 The chaplain opened the ceremony with ception on monday last by the members partiality during the Contest.
We are hoping that don Jose will Loyal Hope; The Mizpah all of Limon; the Hymn Shine on Eternal Light, of the church and his numerous friends, We congratulate don Rogelio, for his use his efforts in finishing that roadas The King Charles of Estrada, and the and took his lext from 15th chap of St.
vvhen a special Service of Songs vvas probity of actions, this has been very a belt pleasure drive back to Limon Progressive, Lodge of Siquirres. The John verse 13. The officers from Bana rendered as a Welcome to him during characteristic of the entire Gutierrez by way of the Cemetery.
higher Degrees will be conferred. nito vvho took part vvere Messrs.
vvhich an address and present yvere family.
Over Ten thousand colones have been Morris, President, J, Francis Secty: presented to him as a demonstration of The Loyal Eureka Freedom Secured spent on that road, by don Antonio Blair, Chaplain: Nain and appreciation.
Segura during his administration as GoSenior Ist. 2nd Vicepresidents, Mr.
An address and Souvenir vvas also The many friends of Mr. Fernando The Loyal Eureka Lodge vernor from the Pump to Moin junction; James acted as Choirmaster; vvith Mrs. presented to the Revd. Pitt for Asch of San Jose will be glad to know of this town will also be with proper supervision it wont take Mitchell as Lady President and Mrs.
his services rendered to the Missions that by the Intervention of his solicitor, 5000 connect that Road to aveconducting their Installation of Officers Gordon as Vice Lady President, and under Mr. Forde care, during his ab the eminent lawyer don Luis Anderson nue one at the Cemetery especially as the on Saturday night 10th.
Miss Benjamín as Treasurer. sence; appropiate speeches and respon among his creditors; his affairs have Macadam can be easily supplied from The Concordia Lodge The following officers were installed ses vere delivered by the officers of been amicably settled, and the Judges Portette to make this Road passable in office of The San Andres Branch the Church and both gentlemen after of the Civil court have raised the order and a great boon to the Public and This Lodge had its Installation of Mr. Levvis President: Mr.
which most pleasant and happy reu in Bankruptcy against him. He is thereAutomobile owners who are paying Liofficers carried out on Saturday night Thorpe, Secretary; Barton, Parker, nion meeting vvas brought to an end. fore free to start up his business again censes and have no where to drive their 28th Dec. by Bro. Nelson Reynolds, 1st, 2ud 3rd Vicepre The Limon Searchlight also begs to in the Commercial World. Mr. Asch Cars This belt would immortalize the and his officers of The Union District sidents; Mrs. Barton, Lady Pres. Mrs. tender its vvarmest sentiments of vvelco has been a great figure in the business name of don Jose; it is therefore to his of Costa Rica Williams, Mrs. Ingram and Mrs. me and continued good wishes to our sections of San Jose and Limon, he is nterest to see this done in his Regime, The following Officers were duly Wright 1st, 2nd 3rd. Lady Vice old friend.
well known for his charitable disposi io We may Christen it the Hernandez installed, Bro Goulbourne wor Pres. Anderson, Tresurer, Phillips Belt.
tion towards those in less fortunate Master Bro Paine Dep. Master Bro.
Cairo Asst. Secrty; and Grant Chaplain.
Babb Bro. Smith Bro. Appropriate addresses on the worΣ εαΣΧΥΣ 7Μ Edwards Secty. Bro. W. Spence On Sunday 12th there will be Instakings of the organization were delive llation of officers of this Branch of the Tresurer. Bro. Caleb Walker Tyler. red by Mr. Morris, and one by Mrs it vvill be performed by our It is expected that the members will Barton but the address of evening vvas receut delegate to Conventien Mr.
rally to service under this regime, which that by Mr. Green of San Clemente. Stevvart President of the Siquirres Diis determined to bring in all its old Several vvell rendered Songs helped to vision, several representatives from other Christmas is here and you have proven that the only Store members and show much progress at make the function a very interesting and Divisions vvill take part in the ceremoin Limon in which the needs of your kiddies as well as yourself the end of the year. In Bro. Goulbo: enjoyable one. The Presiding officer ny, and the members of this Branch urne hands much zeal we know will congratulated the members of San Antfor the season can be satisfied is at.
are determined to make this a Bumper be exhibited. We wish them all a dres Branch and asked them to pray year in their activities in spite of the Prosperous Happy New Year. as David did, that the Lord vvould THE LITLE PARIS OF Mrs. JACK DE PASS crisis through which we are passing.
Now you ll think of The New Year. Get your New Years The Shepherds dress and Hat to Match.
Editor LIMON SEARCHIOHT To be Fashionable you must wear the Latest Lace dresses, The National Life Assurance Dear Sir.
beautiful silk laces of every colour and width just received at THE LITLE PARIS with Flowers to Match. See our new Hat Straws.
Permit me space in your valuable journal to say a vvord of compliment If you shop at LITLE PARIS you can be certain of being to the order of Shepherds.
in the latest Style.
As usual the Officers members of the Loyal Primrose Lodge 2855 ΑΣ ΟΣΟ operating in this town, celebrated their Watchnight on xmas Eve Dec.
24th. As the hour drevv nigh Bro Chas Morgan Struck the gavel and called the meeting to order by asking the Choir to chant the famous ymas hymn.
TEN CENTS DAY While Shepherds watched their flocks No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La vida sin distracciones es pesada triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporby night, After the Scripture lesson ciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos will bring a thousand colones to your Family vvas read the delivered an ad nuevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espiritu para las nuevas dress covering the life and works of the luchas dela vida at your death.
Great Chief Shepherd in an eloquent Vuélyase modernista gaste la infima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará and masterful manner did he exhort admirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia.
How many dimes do we throw away his hearers to be faithful to their Lodge each day thoughtlessly? Only one of Order be exemplary in their daily walks of life, so that the surroundings these dimes invested in a life insurance may be willing to follow in their footsteps. Quoting the words of the All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy poet.
CINE MODERNO Lives of great men all reminds ns We can make our lives sublime gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new And departing leave behind us lease on life every morning when you get awake. You never feel the licy will supply ready money to cover Footprints on the sands of time strain of work in your jobs. From the 4th to the 16th a wondorful serial.
The meeting came to a close as the the expenses which the death of the morning houns drew near and again father or husband may bring.
the strain of the hymn. Christians awake salute the happy DONT MISS NIGHT morn. filled the air with its melody.
MODERNITE and feel satisfied for tomorrow.
Life policies without medical examination, for Their Church parade however had to be one and two thousand colones.
cancelled from the failure of a musical Fill in the attached cupon, send It to us, and band. But we were informed that without any obligation on your part we will send they will parade on New Years Sunday We wish them a Happy Xmas you an application form and rate of premium. a Bright New Year.
Our policies carry the full guaranLeghorn Eggs (DETACH THIS CUPON)
Mr. Azevedo will sell you Bureau established for the greater convenience, understanding, Banco Nacional de Seguros fresh Leghorn eggs for hatching from satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking publie, in their legal Prize birds costing male 25. 00 and affairs and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of BusiDpto. de Vida.
female 15. 00. Price onc Colon each.
nessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
Also iarge Red Carneaux Pigeons Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lowe; a Collection San José de Costa Rica.
these are as large as a chicken first agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and My name in full is.
class in sickness.
efficiency. Both now operated under the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench the My address is.
Start your Poultry Pigeon brood various Circuit Courts. He presided as Judge and by practice before the from the right stock of birds it pays to Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimoMy occupation is.
breed from good birds nials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
MAIN OFFICE BRANCHOFICE AZEVEDO José 50 yards West of the Presidencia was born at.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ Boot store in 2nd Avenue near the AURELIO BERMUDEZ on the. day of. in the year.
Post Ofice.
at Law Notary Public Tavestigator. Soliciting Manager would like an Insurance for Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicarauga Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Mlinois and Pennsylvania, Think Over the future of Your Family Vaya al Cine Moderno de Limón VISIT CINE MODERNO policy will save your family the anguish of a pennyless bereavement. life po.
TARZAN THE GREAT LIMON SERVICE BUREAU tee and responsibility of the state. Businessmen Protective Agency Equipped and Organized Limon. Oposite Artasty Theatre Barrister Attorney Advertise!
Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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