
THE ATLANTIC May 6, 1950 Page ВА THE PEOPLE HOUSE Visit the New Lumber Deposit Britton and Holness, Limited Тbe lation ande Art tweed of ba the rego Stat pres ΑΙ the ast buy tati whic crea However, 日日 This JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón You will need a good article for your money 80 see us first Guaranteed First Class Black Heart for the best of everything Laurel, Well Assorted Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office please you. aod Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
UNITED NATIONS ACTION REPORT BRITTON, Manager Continued ILO: The Fall of a Christian Pillar BATTLE FOR UNION Dr. Miguel Dejuk is the At a little over the midnight port of his death had not re RIGHTS Attending Physician hour of Suoday the 9th ins ached the Reverend Wm. Forde, In a bold move to protect workers sick who visted the medical During the past week any tant, a Christian Pillar fell. It the Pastor on time to get the throughout the world in their right was represented by Mr. Robert outgoing passenger train. organize, the International Labor Or section of the United Medical flick Cyrus of Parismiga on Fact and Sanitary Department in this His marriage was producti ganization last month created the Old Line. The late fatihful ve of fourteen children; ten Association. The nineman commission Finding Commission of of Freedom city, must have been, without Christian soldier was born in the island of Grenada on Ju Among the girls is Mrs. Mi union rights, anywhere in the world but ght to see Dr. Miguel Dejuk alive, five boys and five girls will investigate infringements of trade doubt overwhelmed with deli ne 18, 1886 He arrived in Cos llicent Cyrus de Wilson of Pa only with permission of the government as the attending physician. One ta Rica in 1892 and contrac pama, sixty five grand children concerned if the ILO be cannot doubt the great sacrifice ted marriage on January 5, and twenty five great grand and permission is withheld, it is prepa scientific and technical practices, lieves a complaint should be investigated, effected by him to leave the 1893. He accepted the Baptist children. His wife preceded him faith and was baptized in 1896. to the grave about three years would include publicizine the charges the exalted professional and The good qualities in him were ago.
made, the of the government, other high associations and life readily discovered and by which The Atlantic expresses his its refusal to cooperate in getting enhancing climate of San Jose he was ordained Deacon of the Condolence to the deeply be. The commission will hear views of mingly moved by the fact that at the facts and conciliating the issue. to labour among us. He is see.
Denomination. Throughout reft survivors. May the soul of workers and employers organizations those years and up to a few the departed rest in Peace. and government, in its effort to adjust as a son of Limon and was months prior to his incapacidifficulties by agreement.
sent a the age of his manhood tation he had served in the ILO expects far reaching results from by his humble, but very ambi Goacimo Baptist Church and Jamaica to Erect Mo its recents Asian Regional Conference tious father to study medicine in Ceylon. Sixteen resolutions of the not only among his owo were nument to the Memo Conference are now before the ILO in the Tulane University of Me.
dicine in the United States of the true virtue of Christianity ry of Marcus Garvey Governine Board. They include pro demonstrated, but to hunani.
posals that the Asian Governments es.
es America; a study from which ty in general. His name was a By a Jamaica Press release tablish wage fixing machinery to protect he was raised with outstanding Password on all lips as he was learn that the Kingston workers, labor inspection, employment honours lovingly called Mr. Bod By and St. Andrew Corporation services and vocational and technical The surrender of those bright.
These are seen as first steps a coincidence we were at Gua has recently decided to give in plans to make full use of Asian ness to serve Limonenses in cimo when he was called by 375 towards a Statue in memanpower, in order to root out and official and private practices is the messenger of death; heaven wory of the late Honourable fight the ills of poverty, descasc, faminc true evidence of a charitable had decreed this, but great Marcus Garvey and thus allow and ignorance The words are those heart. This his really a gift to of David Morse, Director General Limon and his private patients was the consentrativeness in the public to take a more dievery walk of life rect interest to honour the of ILO, and he adds that this is the surest and really the only road to to have him in our city, although At the burial of his last rename of a famous Jamaicao by world peace.
they would go hundreds of miles even for one of his smiles and mains hundreds paid their last subscribiog the other half of the estimated cost of 750. 0 0 0 to o ororo more wonderful to obtain his respect to a man whose life ca reer had earned their a oprobaWe deem this a highly deser. THE ATLANTIC sional skill.
affectionate and efficient profestion. The service was conducted viog move and hope the local by Mr. Thompson of the leaders and members of the LIMON. COSTA RICA The Atlantic desires for him Germania Church, regrettingly, Caribbean will do something every harmony and respect in 0 tbe telegram bearing the re of a similar nature.
to this public post comments of and of free coti be The ted aski the ban be sup ded of POW mer med mer din be Pou ord extr or The forte abse Boa we Lic. GUILLERMO ORTIZ LABORATORIOS ZEPOL LAWYER Regent Lic. Luis Alejandro López Advises the publie of the Atlantic Zone that he is in a Bege to inform the publie that Ungüento Zepol is again position to attend to all matters of a legal nature being prepared by the author of the formula For sound Legal Advice visit bis office.
Lie. Lais Alejandro López Front of eastern Side of Congress upstairs Sastreria El Mundo We are in a position to say that all Zepol and Floradora products are again on the market. Askfackerima. Ponaka Nacional Miguel Obregon Liz Sister Sansosé. Tel. 1617 Box 48 el Ministerio de


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