
Sábado 11 de agosto de 1934.
PAGINA LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Our Radio Service a BO was le to Méndez war Venta permanente de LOTERIA NACIONAL charged lesson is a warming. We ask only 300, 000 transaction were Cigarrería Víctor a in Colombia new President installed THE CONFERENCE Counterfeited lottery tickets As was anticipated in our pre adjustment of the contract was discovered vious issue, the much looked for being made.
Santa Rosa, Calif. Mrs. Char implication in the daring Death Conference on the question of the The various submissions of the les London, widow of Jack Lon House break on July 22 by three Some amount of concern was tted a knowledge of the matter Banana Contract came off last planters were very carefully noted don author, was in a serious condi killers, admitted to warden experienced by the public of San but only to the extent of being the statement Sunday. It was held in the go and will, we have every reason to tion from injuries suffered when Waid in that he José on Wednesday last when the agent of the really quilty party, bernacion building and in addi believe, receive the approval of her hose stumbled and fell on her. smuggled three automatic pistols news went around that a large and told were he could be located.
tion to the members of the special both the Government an the Coruña, Spain. spectator into the prison for an unannounc number of the lottery tickets of On arriving at the building indiComision de Hacienda. Srs. Company.
was killed at a bull fightwhen a ed amount of money. Lee Simmons, the last drawing had been coun cated, the Detectives found a lar Arias, Castro Becche and Roma From all we have heard, the sword tossed by a maddened bull, general manager of the prison terfeited.
ge quantity of the counterfeited gosa. who arrived in the city general populace of our Province swihed through the air and pen system, said the statement From what we gather, subse tickets, inks and other parapherearlier in the day by special train are decidedly in agreement with etrated his heart.
obtained from the guard after quent to last Sunday drawing. nalia used in the alteration of the from San José. the Governor of the attitude adopted by the Com Daytona Beach, Fla. Alfred hours of questioning. The weapons several counterfeited tickets were tickets, but unfortunately did not the Province, the Comandante de mission and the views expressed Lastinger launched a projected were used by Raymond Hamilton, presented at the lottery office for come in contact with the culprit.
Plaza and other officials, there by them at this conference, and solo vayage to Spain in a ten foot Joe Palmer and Irvin (blackie) payment, but the treasurer suspec They however hope to get him were present a majority of the are satisfied that as soon as the sailboat here. The 23 year Thompson, inmates of death row, ted their genuiness and refused soon.
principal planters of the province operations provided for go into old Volusia country farmboy and to blast their way to freedom. cashing them. The matter was rePurchasers should be on the as well as a large number of pro effect, there will undoubtedly be former merchant marine seaman Monte Carlo. Joseph ported to the police department. alert when buying from street minent citizens.
further attempt a relief of the present depressed smiled broadly and waved to friends Schenck, Hollywood film produ. Detectives went on the trail and vendors as a conditions of the province. lined on the beach as a tugboat cer, revealed his engagement soon came across a man who, by might be made in connection with The members of the Commi Now that the conferences with towed him out to sea. Fifteen to the British actress, Merle being skilfully questioned admi the coming drawing.
ssion explained the reasons which the planters of this and the Paci thousand persons lined the shore, Oberon. Schenck, former husband had induced them to confer with fic regions have been concluded, giving the lone mariner a noisy of Norma Talmadge, star of the the planters and carefully refer the Commission will proceed send off with cheers and honking silent film days, said the date for rred to the many important terms with the preparation of their re automobile horns.
his wedding had not been definitely of the proposed contract more port for the consideration of Con Washington, step settled.
Establecido hace más de 30 años particularly to those which they gress. It is, however, the belief in the Federal Governments London. Germany will never thought directly affected all pre that the report will suggest se on post repeal bootlegging was re fight again except in self defense, sent and future contractors of the veral fundamental amendments to vealed today with the Cambio de Moneda Company. general discussion the project which may necessitatement by secretary of the treasury saying in an exclusive interview announce Chancellor Hitler was quoted as then ensued when many of the a reference back to the Company. Morgenthau of a planters took advantage of sweeping reor printed by the Daily Mail.
the It is nevertheless intended that opportunity afforded them ganization of the federal forces. If it rests with germany, war will to the matter should be concluded in Canton, Ohio. pair of 15 not come again to us. Hitler said.
bring to attention many matters time to be dealt with at an early no 1918 which they thought should recei period of the extraordinary se year old boys, members of respect War offe ve consideration when the final ssions of Congress.
ed families with a calculated murder of their that our present frontiers be main.
employer, Ernest Swartz 33, oftained. We will never fight again week a very important commercial sugar on hand from the last crop, We learn that during the past do Bros. the entire stock of their Pittsburgh, gold buyer and except in self defense.
transaction took place in San Jose some 20, 000 quintals.
plumber. The two boys who con Constantinople. Hundreds LIMON which involved a sum said to be fessed readily after their arrest were injured riots bet.
in the vicinity of 300, 000. It is thought that this large Depósito de las mejores marcas de Cigarrillos, Puros y abacos were quoted as saying they had ween jews and arabs during which Revistas, Chiclets, Confites The report states that the firm purchase may possible have some Repuestos para Victrolas planned to cover their crime by jewish stores were sacked and set of Messrs. Manuel Solera and Co. effect on the present price of the Depósito de la Industrial Soap Co.
tossing Swartz body into an aflame. Authorities asked the Al had purchased from Messrs. Lin commodity.
Tabones Palmera, San Luis y Lavandera abandoned clay mine near the gerian government to rush a regi.
AGENCIAS COMISIONES scene of the killing and take his ment of Sengalese troops and 100 money and automobile and to go gendarmes as reinforcements.
Félix del Barco to Arizona. They were identified On the 7th, instant Dr. Alfonso bers of the National Congress, a by authorities as William Lloyd NEW YORK. former Gruber and Willard Tschan.
Panamanian Athletes to invade Costa Rica Vienna.
chauffeur for colonel Henry Hud Lopez, who recently visited Costa large number of the Republic Hundreds of com dleston Rogers was arrested ton Rica on his way home from the principal officials, many repre Information reaching the Presi, day Port Limon hasn an or munists were arrested one nazi wasight and confessed, police said, to United States, was installed assentatives of foreign countries dent of the Junta de Cultura Fisica ganized baseball team so far to killed and several persons were a Blackmail extortion plot against President of Colombia in succe and prominent citizens.
of this city, indicates that a batch speak, and if at all there is one, wounded outburst of the Standard Oil Multi millonai ssion to Dr. Olaya Herrera.
The ceremony of inauguration We undesstand that this is the of Panamanian Athletes, which this team, cannot represent the shooting terrified Vinnea af. re.
was performed by the Leader of first time within the last fifty comprises, cricketers, baseballers city, against such formidable ter the Austrian Government the Conservative Party and took years that the Liberal Party has and footballers, chiefly from Co aggregation as the Mayor Wal turned thumbs down Franz HAMILTON Bermuda.
lon, anticipates conming to Limon ker great ball team of Colon. Von Papen mission as Chancellor Dr. William Beese, New York place before the assembled mem assumed office.
in the month of October of this We need a Mena, Alvarez, Jona Hicles special minister to Austria. Zoological Society, sent his BatChile Paraguay in Serious Conflict year and plans to engage our lo than, a Garro, a real Marcelo and The new outbreak followed with hysphere deep in diving bell cal agregations during their stay so on. What Limon sport leader in a few hours the statement of a down empty in a test, reaching a conflict of a somewhat serious rritory.
here These folk are expecting to will do to these coming government spokesman that Von Depth of 320 feet. The prelimary nature is reported to exist between Chile has emphatically denied take in the Fiestas Civicas which invaders is a problem to be solved. Papen would not be acceptable as trial was to test out the apparatus Chile and Paraguay. According to these charges and declared she has are to be organized and it is time in regards to cricket, this seems a german minister extraordinary, prior to a dive under the auspices the information received here, Pa maintained an absolute neutrality that Limon sportsmen beg dead, perhaps, because Uncle Ben, and that prompt action was expected of the National Geographic Socieraguay charges Chile with having with both countries.
in to shake up, preparatory to this a Mr. Sankey was familiarly by the great powers in the austro ty, Washington, permitted her nationals to be con forth coming invasion.
known, is dead. There doesnot german conflict.
tracted for work in Bolivian mines It is said that the matter may WASHINGTON. The treaFour years ago, Limon could seeg to be any one with real ener Bismark, former and allowing the passage of arms, lead to an interruption of diplodestined for Bolivia, over her tematic relations.
ming these visitors and could feel on. Well, what a truth to be con designated republican nominee for ned fear of earthquakes as its very much satisfied of the possi fronted with, because a leader is governor of orth Dakota. Mrs.
reason for moving 000. 000. 00 ble chances of our local combina dead, the cause dies too with him. William Langer, wife of the of gold from the San Francisco tions to attack them during ther Oh Limon. Nevertheless, we man mint to the Denver mint.
who was deposed as chief stay.
feel sure that some one will get executive two weeks ago was naSERVICIO DE VAPORES on his leg and begin to shake med by the party state central This refers to the time when we things up along with Mr Ramirez committee to make the gubernatoBASE BALL SCORES had our baseball league, with such of the Junta, so as to make prepa rial race in November only a few American League Salidas semanales de LIMON para NUEVA YORK teams as the Limon Reds, Braves rations to meet the expected in minutes after her husband had con escala en CRISTOBAL y HABANA.
and Ticos.
who could cer vaders from the Gold Coast. We resigned the nomination.
VAPORES SALIDAS tainly give any invading agru have a stadium. We still have Cleveland Chicago New Orleans. Governor Allen St. Louis Detroit 12.
pation, a rough argument, with plenty of young men, then, why yesterday ordered the Louisiana QUIRIGUA 12 de Agosto good chances of winning. To not the teams too. Let go New York Washington national guard to investigate alle Boston Philadelphia PETEN 19 de Agosto ged vice and Gambling in the city of New Orleans and to find out National League VERAGUA 26 de Agosto whether any city officials It is officially announced from lars are however being kept confi collecting graft from gamblers or Brooklyn New York FELIPE ALVARADO Cía. Sucs.
Havana that there Americans dential.
recently arrested there for revoChicago Pittsburgh Agentes para PUNTARENAS y LIMON Huntsville, Texas. Guard Philadelphia Boston lutionary activities against the Meantime all troops are being James Patterson, charged with St. Louis Cincinnati Para otros informes, dirijase a las oficinas de la United established government are to be held in their barracks for any Fruit Company en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica deported to the United States.
emergency which may arise, and It is also stated that from do particularly as a result of commuUnited States suffer heat wave TELEFONO 3156 cumentary and other information nistic threats for an uprising on The terrible heat wave which is obtained by the authorities, there the anniversary of the Machado now being experienced in a large are likely to be many other arrests massacre of August 12th. last section of the central parts of the on serious charges. The particu year.
THE LATEST VICTROLA United States, is stated to have Records at lowest price at the than 1, 000 persons.
already caused the deaths of more Recent events in the political which was passed to enable Hitler life of Germany are leading many to assume the Presidency in ad RADIO CLINIC to think that it is just possible a dition to the Chancellorship does From Tegucigalpa comes the Hospitals in various cities are Government troops are being Fotografia Wimmer, Limón report of a revolutionary out hurried to the locality with insovercrowded and have to be work return to a monarchial form of not fix any period for the holding DISCOS NUEVOS ing day and night for government may occur in the near of such combined offices. And in break having occurred, in one of tructions, from the President of para Victrolas vende a precio of patients.
future with Hitler on the throne che plebiscite which is to be taken the populous districts, under the the Republic, to maintain activimás bajo la clothed with Napoleonic powers. soon, the people are merely asked combined leadership of the liberal ties until the rebels are entirely Thousands of agriculturists are RADIO CLINIC, Limón to state if they agree that Hitle Generals Felix Vasquez and Ra annihilated.
FOTOGRAFIA WIMMER on the verge of ruin from the loss This belief is somewhat strengt assume power as successor to vo fael Ramirez hened by the fact that the law Hindenburg.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
as a new meet United Fruit Company r Trouble Again Brews in Cuba were Y ti Monarchy for Germany?
Revolutionary movement in Honduras treatment lof their crops.


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